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Eagles new album


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Saw them open for the Allman Brothers in 73/74 at the old Boston Garden??? Did a nice jam on Witchey Woman.

Then Greg and lads blew me away!

I have seen them both and in their prime. I loved Dickey Betts. I will take Don Henley over Greg Allman any day though. I dont know if the Eagles will record another album? I like Joe Walsh on his own too. I love that song he does on Hell Freezes Over. Help Me Through the Night. I learned it on guitar. He has such a unique voice, kind of like Neil Young does. So differrent yet it works.

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Let me say this, I like the Eagles albums up to The Long Run, everything after that, no thanks. I saw them in concert in 94' for the first and last time. They are without a doubt the most BORING band live I have ever seen...and that includes the christian "rock" I was subjected to in the early 80's after I joined that born again cult out of sheer boredom. Anyway, the Eagles played note perfect live, EXACTLY note for note like the record and then in between songs we were all graced with the passion of Glenn Frey ambling up to the mic to say, "Hotel California" or "One of these Nights" in a monotone not unlike a stepford wife. ARGHH!!!! What a waste of money! No passion, just technical reproduction. I wish I would have stayed home, put on their records and saved $200. Never again!!! The reason I hate the Eagles live is exactly the reason I LOVE Zeppelin live. Zeppelin were creative and passionate, did it always work? No, but they always tried. The Eagles on the other hand NEVER took a chance, never strayed a single note. They are the anti-jam band. They are the soft-rock version of Kiss, all about the cash.

Oh, by the way, Joe Walsh rules and I second the motion for the James Gang to regroup and play some damn GOOD music!

Ps. If this rant offended anyone, I wish to acknowledge I was forced to write this by my recessive personality which I affectionately call "Homer." His views do not represent the views of the "other" me, that is the non-offensive me :D

Edited by Sagittarius Rising
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Yeah, I'd have kicked him out of the cab too! (By a bizarre conspiracy of circumstances, I was just listening to Derek & Clive's (Peter Cook & Dudley Moore) 'Come Again' in the car, haven't heard this in about 30 years, lmfao. 'GETOUTTHECAB!!!!!!!!'. )

Thank you for your comprehensive response, Strider. Taking a few of your points in turn:

-Quite how you can compare Lyin' Eyes and OOTN to the Bee Gees is beyond me. They contain a level of lyrical and musical sophistication that those tosseurs (see this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mdvfmGPDVkk)

could never have hoped to achieve. The former is a touching and non-judgemental take on infidelity and deception, wherein the older male protagonist accepts the situation for what it is, without the bellyaching and crockery-throwing that would occur if the roles were reversed. The latter is a classy, smouldering faux-disco ode to pure and unbridled lust, punctuated by some exquisite harmonised guitar fills, and a raw, savage but perfectly constructed solo, which is as good as any on PG.

-I'm generally with you on The Long Run, an album so wretched that not even Pat Bateman could love it. However, it did contain the band's last epic ballad, The Sad Cafe, and I have to say that Those Shoes holds a certain grimy resonance for me owing to my well-publicised foot fetish. But my main gripe with this part of your diatribe is your grossly unfair lambasting of 'coked out yuppies', and the implication that this album would have been popular with them. This is an outrageous slur; admittedly, I didn't become an albeit briefly coked-out yuppie until the mid-80s, but through it all I maintained my musical taste and dignity, and would never have chosen this particular bag of shit to accompany my Big Sessions. No way.

-ELO, Ted Nugent, Jackson Browne and The J Geils Band have always sucked, IMO.

-The acoustic version of Hotel California on Hell Freezes Over was an unexpected and delightful reinvention of that particular magnum opus, particularly the beautiful intro, and it's totally inappropriate to mention it in the same breath as that Layla atrocity, or anything else the old buffoon's tossed off over the past 40 years, IMO. It's a great chillax tune, and I recall vividly returning from some abject away footy game (soccer) with a carful of depressed buddies...I slipped that on, everyone was wondering what it was from the bamboozling intro, and when it developed into that timeless, familiar arpeggio, there were 'oohs' and 'aahs' from all concerned - which continued throughout the song. And I'm not talking coked-out yuppies here, either - these were full-on, e-popping Mental Ravers, who wouldn't normally give this type of music the time of day. And no, we weren't e'd up either.

Anyway, each to their own...and here's a version of HC you might like, if you haven't already heard it:



Funny post MM....I agree with your assessment of The Long Run - a bit of crap with some nuggets (the good kind ;) ) mixed in. I have always enjoyed Henley's ballads with some bite to them, such as Wasted Time.

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Major Major, I appreciate your comprehensive response to my post. And for the most part, I'm just going to leave it at that, because it's apples and oranges.

Some people like the Eagles, some people don't. I am one of those who don't but I'm not going to begrudge the ones who do. I mean, I can agree that the Eagles, for all their flaws in my eyes, did have some good songs and some musical ability. They're not completely hopeless like Kiss.

Just a couple clarifications before I go...

1) The BeeGees reference was more about that annoying high keening chorus of "Lyin' Eyes"...it reminded me of the castrated birds vocals of the BeeGees.

2) I haven't listened to "The Long Run" since 1980, but I do recall "The Sad Cafe" as being one of the two or three songs that didn't bore me to tears. Someone else mentioned "I Can't Tell You Why"...so I may go and give it another listen. But as for coked-out yuppies...maybe things were different in Merry Olde, but in the USA, every yuppie I met was an Eagles fan...and Phil Collins, too.

You also have to understand, that unlike England radio, which acknowledged such a thing as the 80s and punk, new wave, and the latest developments in pop...in the US, rock radio pretty much buried its head in the sand and tried to carry on as if the 80s never happened and created the "classic rock" ghetto. The Eagles were played constantly and still are. So much it was inevitable you would get sick of hearing even their good tunes.

There's a bar and grill next to the American Cinematheque where I frequently attend the film programs. No matter what day or what hour, whenever I come out of the theatre, you hear an Eagles tune blasting next door...usually "Take it Easy" or "Hotel California". It's become a running joke among me and my friends.

Anyway, I've said my piece...more than my share, frankly. This thread is for Eagles fans, so I'll leave and shan't bother you again.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I actually liked the early Eagles, their first couple of albums were pretty good. When they abandoned the twang is when they lost me. For those who like them and enjoy their music, that's great that you do. Personally speaking they're nowhere to be found on my musical radar but hey, that's just me.

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Well, missytootsweet and I shall meet up at the Eagles concert May 4th...you know I will post photos...and an honest review of the concert from my perspective.

Yes indeed Deborah, I feel certain we are in for a fabulous show! :) I think the Eagles have shown a lot of versatility over their long career. I am looking forward to the early tunes as well as the later material. Not too many live Eagles clips are available on You/tube. I did find these two, a classic ballad and a rocker too.

The Ballad.....


And The Rocker.....


58 days to go!! .....Missy

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I think it's kind of strange that a band so outspoken about corporate greed has signed a deal with Wal-Mart for distribution of their new album.

As for the Eagles themselves, I like some of their stuff but over the last decade or so they have really started to rub me the wrong way (particularly Henley), especially in the area of ticket pricing. Before they mounted their Hell Freezes Over Tour no artists were charging the outrageous amount of money they were for tickets. Ever since then most every band under the sun has reunited and charged that much (and more) for tickets. It also has not gone unnoticed that this Eagles reunion tour was supposed to be a one shot deal, thus Henley justifying the high ticket costs. Well, last I checked the Hell Freezes Over Tour has lasted over 10 years. In all fairness they should now lower ticket costs, especially since it appears they are back together. Think that's really gonna happen? Not really but it just goes to show how greedy they actually are. In all honesty I'd much rather see Walsh solo or with the reformed version of The James Gang.

I'm posting this just for you:


Notice that in 2011 the Eagles played 24 shows but only sold out 3. That's only 1 in 8 shows sold out. This would be understandable if they played 4 shows in every state but a band of thier status playing so few shows and not being able to sell out speaks volumes to their greed. I really like the Eagles (though I'll never forgive them for taking the awesome Joe Walsh and making him an irrelevant background member when he could have been making solo music or starting his own band) but it's time for them to get a clue. You aren't that big. Lower prices or keep playing for empty seats.

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Disclaimer: If you click on the link in my last reponse you may kill yourself when reading that Glee Live! In Concert! sold out all 40 of their shows. By clicking you confirm that you understand the risk and do not hold the link sharer responisble for your actions resulting from information obtained therein.

Edited by DAS
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I must agree with what Jahfin said all those years ago... :) I was quite excited to see the Hell Freezes Over tour, until I saw the tickets prices and nearly had a heart attack. While I still enjoy the music, there's no way I'll ever consider seeing them live...unless I win tickets. Wouldn't even want to go if someone else is paying...

I saw them in 94 at Alpine valley 35$ dont know where you get these high ticket prices from.

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I saw them in 94 at Alpine valley 35$ dont know where you get these high ticket prices from.

Do a little research and you'll find out. By the way, WHERE EXACTLY were your seats that you got for $35? On the lawn?

For the current Eagles tour, a friend just bought tickets to see them: $470 plus $70 convenience charge and another $6 service charge. Over $1000 for two tickets...and this wasn't thru a scalper or a secondary ticket broker. It was thru Ticketmaster.

Meanwhile, I paid $45 to see Wilco and ONLY $17.50 for the upcoming of Montreal show!!! A band that uses way more staging and set design than the Eagles.

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I saw them in 94 at Alpine valley 35$ dont know where you get these high ticket prices from.

Tickets - at least seats where you feel like you're in the same zip code as the band - were +/- $100. When they were here in 2003, the tickets were $175. Ridiculous...

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I think the whole point is that none of them should be doing it.

Why shouldn't they? Supply and demand. If you were in a band wouldn't you want to get the highest ticket price you could that people were willing to pay? Nobody has a gun to the fans' heads forcing them to pay for high price tickets.

Edited by 2bitnogoodjive
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If some of these bands out can charge high prices than by all means the Eagles can. Great band. Bottom line. Super band.

Name another band that is charging $500-685 for tickets? Come on...tell me who else besides the Eagles is gouging their fans this way?

Not Bruce Springsteen...his tickets are less than $100. Same with Neil Young, Bob Dylan, Wilco, PJ Harvey, Radiohead and U2...I've always paid less than $100 for their tickets.

Recently, Van Halen, Megadeth, and Tom Petty have been charging over $100, but that's a far cry from $500.

The only people I could put in the same ballpark as the Eagles are Madonna and the Rolling Stones...they both charged around $200 for the best seats. But at least they put on a SHOW along with the concert. They have tons of staging effects and costumes and dancers and fireworks...you get a little bang for your buck.

The Eagles just stand there like robots and play. You're lucky to get a "hello" out of them.

Someone mentioned the Eagles haven't been selling out their gigs. Hell, at $600 a pop, you don't need to sell out. Just have 200 suckers buy those $600 tickets and you already have grossed well over $100,000 for the night.

The Eagles started this bullshit and they keep jacking it up. Lawdy, if the Eagles are going to charge $500 and up, I shudder to think what the avaricious Mick Jagger is gonna charge for the 50th anniversary tour.

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Why shouldn't they? Supply and demand. If you were in a band wouldn't you want to get the highest ticket price you could that people were willing to pay? Nobody has a gun to the fans' heads forcing them to pay for high price tickets.

You have no idea how poor I was growing up. I would never even think of charging the most I could. I hate it when rich people cater to other rich people. Most of us in the real world can't pay $500 to sit in the back row. If that's what they want to charge fine. It's there choice. But fans are going to continue to not go to their concerts (3 of 24 shows sold out in 2011) and think they are millionare douches. This is why they haven't produced anything but crap since the 70s. They are all about the money. They reunited for the money. Tour for the money. Make records for the money. What happened to the music? This is sad for me to say because they were one of favorite bands. Sammy Hagar is one of my all time favorite musicians not just because he makes awesome music but because look at what kind of a guy he is. His tickets are cheap. He doesn't even pay hiself for the shows. He has all the money he needs and just wants to make the music now. He still makes great music because he hasn't taken his eyes of what matters in music, THE MUSIC.

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This is a once in a lifetime chance for me (and my mom) to see a show together so I'm biting the bullet. But, I do concur with most of these comments that these ticket prices are ridiculously high. And I don't like that it appears(?) they manipulate both pricing and availability. It's been a long time since I bought tickets (pre computer age when you had to go to the Ticketmaster Gate). I do not remember these "magic seats" showing up after you got your tickets for what you thought was the best seating. That is a shoddy way to run things when you have a no exchange/refund policy, imo.

Regular seating (still available but in the rear of the venue) is 204.00 + misc charges. But here are the prices for "Platinum" seating as of today, March 10th which incredibly have dropped in price from a week ago.Tomorrow or next week they may have more "magic seats" available for a better deal too. I think now I should have waited longer to get my tickets :slapface:

PIT AAA 30 - 31 2 US $620.00

PIT AAA 7 - 8 2 US $620.00

PIT BBB 36 - 37 2 US $575.00

ORCH3 B 3 - 4 2 US $495.00

ORCH2 C 21 - 22 2 US $475.00

ORCH2 C 19 - 20 2 US $475.00

ORCH2 C 17 - 18 2 US $475.00

ORCH1 A 5 - 6 2 US $411.67 **

** plus 70.00 Convenience Charge + 6.00 Misc Tax per Ticket.


I'm still looking forward to the show but I hope I at least get to hear Witchy Woman for this! :) ......missy

Edit: They list seats in groups of two because that is what I put in, but those charges are for each seat, not both.

Edited by missytootsweet
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Well have fun Missy, I hope they play every single song you ever wanted to hear them play. Like DAS said though, there's not a band alive today that I'd pay that much to see.

I love the "convenience charge" by the way. Ticket Master is truly evil.

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