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Nitrates, Processed Foods Killing Everyone

Speed Racer

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I haven't had a hot dog since the 80s ... blech ... but I'll probably end up with aspartame overload instead from too much equal and diet coke.

Re: nitrites in wine, do they omit the nitrites in Italy in red wine? Normally I do get a reaction, and I didn't when I drank red wine there.

Egads girl. That stuff will kill you. That's one thing I don't go anywhere near. I've known several nutritionists who say this stuff is horrible (synthetic sugars).

Edited by Speed Racer
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I guess I have a "live and let live" attitude towards this type of stuff. I exercise regularly and I try to watch what I eat, but I'm not anal about it.

Of course it's always useful to have information out there, about foods that are potentially unhealthy or dangerous. But people are free to do with that information what they please.

Edited by Cletus
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I think everyone took my post a little too seriously. I'm not saying that McDonalds and lard 24/7 will be balanced out by exercising. But, at the same time, sopmeone who works out 4-5 times a week on a 3,000 or even 4,000 calorie diet will generally be healthier than a vegan on a 2,000 calorie diet with no exercise.

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I wish the organic stuff didn't cost so much :(

Me too Suz! One day the cost will come down and producers realize that the demand is so high. We buy as much organic as possible. I also stopped eating meat last year, I will have fish, eggs, and dairy though so hopefully I don't have to worry about nitrates. I've been a splenda freak for a while though and a friend of mine at work told me, if you knew what they did to that stuff....just have sugar!

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I think everyone took my post a little too seriously. I'm not saying that McDonalds and lard 24/7 will be balanced out by exercising. But, at the same time, sopmeone who works out 4-5 times a week on a 3,000 or even 4,000 calorie diet will generally be healthier than a vegan on a 2,000 calorie diet with no exercise.

You must now be shunned to the land of Nod to eat cold burgers and fries for eternity :chickeddance:

Seriously though, 20-45 minutes of good cardiovascular workout 5-7 will surely do you good wbd.

Edited by Speed Racer
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Wine contains sulfites. Interesting article i just found:


Thank you for the information; I did mix up nitrites and sulfites :blush:

Egads girl. That stuff will kill you. That's one thing I don't go anywhere near. I've known several nutritionists who say this stuff is horrible (synthetic sugars).

You're right, Speed Racer; it's bad for you in a variety of ways but unfortunately I still use it anyway. I do try for Splenda when available, as I am trying to avoid refined sugar.

Ideally, I try to shoot for a diet that's somewhere between South Beach phase 2/3 and Weight Watchers. Fruits and veggies, lean proteins, whole grains and as little white flour/refined sugar as possible. I would love to be able to follow the Weight Watchers Core plan, but with our crazy schedule it's hard to plan dinners that carefully. The regular WW allows for that better.

My gym routine has gotten a little off this summer. I was running 2 miles several times per week, plus doing weight machines, but had a minor injury and I took a couple of weeks off and switched to a fast walk. I will probably keep walking until sometime in early fall, and then work back up to running again.

If I don't get regular cardio exercise, I will definitely notice a difference in how I feel. If I have too much caffeine, I definitely notice a difference too (until about 2 years ago, there was no such thing as too much caffeine :( )

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You must now be shunned to the land of Nod to eat cold burgers and fries for eternity :chickeddance:

Seriously though, 20-45 minutes of good cardiovascular workout 5-7 will surely do you good wbd.

I agree. Its one of the reasons I'm pretty lanky.

That...and one hell of a metabolism B)

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I agree. Its one of the reasons I'm pretty lanky.

That...and one hell of a metabolism B)

Enjoy it now, I can tell you it won't last forever :angry: I used to have a great metabolism and could eat anything and everything...ah to be young again! :)

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Saw on the news just a few evenings ago how studies have come back they have proven people who eat hot dogs are 25% more likely to die of cancer. They attribute it to all the nitrates. I knew they werent good for you but 25%? I was told by a doctor many years ago that processed breads (especially white) was horrible to eat, gathered in your belly and fermented to cause problems and a higher cancer risk. So that went long ago.

Jeez II..

So the FDA can allow us to eat all this garbage and sell and approve drugs that kill everyone too?

Makes no sense, what is their job anyways?

I think we need a processed free nitrate free isle in all grocers any more?

Should these people have jobs if they aren't helping us?


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Shit, let's just be afraid of EVERYTHING and be done with it. :rolleyes:

I felt the same way when I was younger. I'm not actually "afraid" Rock. I just prefer feeling better and would like to have a longer life span.

Cancer is one hell of a thing to go through. I don't smoke either. However it's a free world, you can eat, smoke and drink anything you wish to.

I hope you will rethink your position though.

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I felt the same way when I was younger. I'm not actually "afraid" Rock. I just prefer feeling better and would like to have a longer life span.

Cancer is one hell of a thing to go through. I don't smoke either. However it's a free world, you can eat, smoke and drink anything you wish to.

I hope you will rethink your position though.

Damn straight! wish my ass could convince my head :rolleyes:

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Well, I don't smoke and never have. And I do watch what I eat to a great extent. But I just refuse to get TOO paranoid, you know? I'd like to enjoy the life I have. ;)

Like my dad said years ago, everything is okay in "moderation". Chronic bad habits will take a toll on most people eventually. I think if people were able to see the consequences, they would change their ways sooner rather than later. But not all would. I am glad i truly enjoy many "healthy" things in life. I try to limit the ones that are considered bad for you, except when it comes to men, lol...j/k

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