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I fantasize about answering this question, but I was born in 1987 so I have no real answer.

How's it going "zepp169?" I guess that I am going to have to rephrase the question and write a new thread entitled "WHAT WAS THE CRAZIEST THING THAT YOU EVER DID AT A CONCERT?" For everyone that enjoyed reading my Rock n' Roll concert stories, I guess that I am going to have to write and tell more of my TRUE John and Donna & Tod and Stacy concert stories soon after I go back to my normal 8 hour days. In the mean time, ROCK ON!

Edited by ZeppFanForever
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All in all, despite all of the BS that happened, Tod, Stacy, Donna and I still had each other through thick and thin and that is what true friendship is all about. R.I.P. Donna, 1961-2001. ROCK ON!

ZFF, I love your real fan stories. I have read many books about Zeppelin but I have yet to read one by a true fan like yourself, to me you are the true celebrity....really, Zeppelin rules the hearts of the fans/people, like yourself....and to me that is what the culture/music of the 70's is all about....Your friendships are truly "fragranced" with community spirit, and comaradarie so rare, if it exists at all these days....keep it coming, any shape or form, Book would be great....Movie, Mag...whatever,

Love it....

:) :)

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ZFF, I love your real fan stories. I have read many books about Zeppelin but I have yet to read one by a true fan like yourself, to me you are the true celebrity....really, Zeppelin rules the hearts of the fans/people, like yourself....and to me that is what the culture/music of the 70's is all about....Your friendships are truly "fragranced" with community spirit, and comaradarie so rare, if it exists at all these days....keep it coming, any shape or form, Book would be great....Movie, Mag...whatever,

Love it....

:) :)

How's it going "PlanetPage?" Thank you very much for your kind words. It makes me feel great inside that many of you enjoy reading my true stories. I promise that I will continue to tell many more crazy stories involving John and Donna & Tod and Stacy in the near future. I still have many many more true stories to tell. In the mean time, ROCK ON!

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You guys are so lucky for being born when you were....I wish i had a chance to see Zeppelin. ROck on you guys with stories

how's it going "Hats off to LZ?" In a way, I do feel very fortunate to have been born around the time of THE BEATLES, THE ROLLING STONES, LED ZEPPELIN, PINK FLOYD, FLEETWOOD MAC and THE WHO'S incredible reign. This coming Wednesday (7 April 2009), I will be 48 years old but I still feel and act like I'm 18 years old. Oh well, I have no regrets as far as Rock n' Roll and concerts go. ROCK ON!

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how's it going "Hats off to LZ?" In a way, I do feel very fortunate to have been born around the time of THE BEATLES, THE ROLLING STONES, LED ZEPPELIN, PINK FLOYD, FLEETWOOD MAC and THE WHO'S incredible reign. This coming Wednesday (7 April 2009), I will be 48 years old but I still feel and act like I'm 18 years old. Oh well, I have no regrets as far as Rock n' Roll and concerts go. ROCK ON!

Have a great Birthday ZeppFanForever! From one Aries to another. :D

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Have a great Birthday ZeppFanForever! From one Aries to another. :D

How's it going "PennyLane?" Long time no hear! I hope all is well with you. Thank you very much for your kind words. When is your "B" day this year or did you already have a "B" Day? My sister's "B" Day was 31 March 2009, she's also an Aries. I still feel drunk from all of the drinking that she did on the 31st in Yuba City, California. I know that I'm going to be doing some serious celebrating next week. ROCK ON!

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How's it going "PennyLane?" Long time no hear! I hope all is well with you. Thank you very much for your kind words. When is your "B" day this year or did you already have a "B" Day? My sister's "B" Day was 31 March 2009, she's also an Aries. I still feel drunk from all of the drinking that she did on the 31st in Yuba City, California. I know that I'm going to be doing some serious celebrating next week. ROCK ON!

My b-day is next week - but I am going to skip mine this year. Biological age doesn't match real age. I am going to be 30 again. Must have been difficult having two Aries in the same household. My dad is an Aries. Have fun, try to stay out of trouble (not) and drink some good scotch for me. :D

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My b-day is next week - but I am going to skip mine this year. Biological age doesn't match real age. I am going to be 30 again. Must have been difficult having two Aries in the same household. My dad is an Aries. Have fun, try to stay out of trouble (not) and drink some good scotch for me. :D

How's it going "PennyLane?" Both of our "B" Day's will be in the same week, that is so cool! I know what you mean, I don't feel my age either. It was DEFINITELY hell having two HELLRAISING Aries in the family although I was a bad influence on my younger sister since she learned all of my bad habits. I love having Scotch on the rocks, its one of my happy lunch hour drinks. If your head gets a buz around noon time on Wednesday next week, its because I drank and toasted a lot of Scotch in your honor. You make sure that you live and enjoy life to the very fullest, I know that I sure as hell did. In the mean time, ROCK ON!

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Thanks for sharing that with all of us, I new that the tickets cost at least $10,000.00. ROCK ON!

Never went to a Zep concert when I was a kid but when I found out about the reunion concert ..I was determined that I was going to be there...Of course we did not win the lottery....If there was anything I wanted to do it was to see this concert...We dont go on alot of vacations but this was so important to me that I had to do it....Got the tickets and hotel to london...the setback of Jimmys finger wasn't going to stop me...Switched my dates on the tickets and hotel....cost me extra but I knew this was a once in a lifetime experience.....I was still determined to do it.....everyone said we were crazy that we would never get in....I was going to do it...........long story short........spent a day in front of 02 arena talking to everyone possible...saw people begging for tickets...saw a guy offering 10 thousand dollars to buy there ticket...no one would sell.....Second day I was thinking everyone was right this is impossible..I wanted it so bad...I was not going to stop....after a couple of hours met a guy with a chicago tshirt...that is where we are from...anyway he was a ticket broker from chicago and just caught him off the phone talking to a couple from Canada that said they could not make the concert ....What incredible Luck...and I mean LUCK....We had tickets in hand and still didnt believe we where getting in...I was froze for a while...next thing I knew we where sitting in are seats..we where up pretty high 4th teir...but who cares we where there and was the most incredible thing I have ever been to in my life..there are no words to describe what we saw ...I savored every second and consider myself the luckiest person on this planet.......Will never ever forget .....People walked out of that concert with there mouth hanging open including me..........

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Never went to a Zep concert when I was a kid but when I found out about the reunion concert ..I was determined that I was going to be there...Of course we did not win the lottery....If there was anything I wanted to do it was to see this concert...We dont go on alot of vacations but this was so important to me that I had to do it....Got the tickets and hotel to london...the setback of Jimmys finger wasn't going to stop me...Switched my dates on the tickets and hotel....cost me extra but I knew this was a once in a lifetime experience.....I was still determined to do it.....everyone said we were crazy that we would never get in....I was going to do it...........long story short........spent a day in front of 02 arena talking to everyone possible...saw people begging for tickets...saw a guy offering 10 thousand dollars to buy there ticket...no one would sell.....Second day I was thinking everyone was right this is impossible..I wanted it so bad...I was not going to stop....after a couple of hours met a guy with a chicago tshirt...that is where we are from...anyway he was a ticket broker from chicago and just caught him off the phone talking to a couple from Canada that said they could not make the concert ....What incredible Luck...and I mean LUCK....We had tickets in hand and still didnt believe we where getting in...I was froze for a while...next thing I knew we where sitting in are seats..we where up pretty high 4th teir...but who cares we where there and was the most incredible thing I have ever been to in my life..there are no words to describe what we saw ...I savored every second and consider myself the luckiest person on this planet.......Will never ever forget .....People walked out of that concert with there mouth hanging open including me..........

How's it going "joey123?" That is one great story, I am so happy for you that you got in. I didn't get to see the reunion concert live but I have the next best thing: I have the DVD, the original concert ticket stub and the souvenir program and all three are amazing. I envy you "joey123." ROCK ON!

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How's it going "joey123?" That is one great story, I am so happy for you that you got in. I didn't get to see the reunion concert live but I have the next best thing: I have the DVD, the original concert ticket stub and the souvenir program and all three are amazing. I envy you "joey123." ROCK ON!

Thanks for replying ZeppFanForever...Sure is fun to tell my story to one who appreciates the thrill of being there...Thanks.....Wish I could of taken you along.........

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Thanks for replying ZeppFanForever...Sure is fun to tell my story to one who appreciates the thrill of being there...Thanks.....Wish I could of taken you along.....

As I backtracked some of the posts I read the you ZeppFanForever have been lucky enough to witness a zeppelin concert back in the day....HOW LUCKY ARE YOU!!!!!! I cannot even imagine what that was like..

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Thanks for replying ZeppFanForever...Sure is fun to tell my story to one who appreciates the thrill of being there...Thanks.....Wish I could of taken you along.........

How's it going "joey123" as well as our fellow die hard hard core ZEPPELIN fanatics? Thanks for the kind words. Seeing the reunion concert on DVD, it makes me wish that I was there. I did see ZEPPELIN live twice back in the day and what a time that was. I still have many more crazy stories with my friends to tell, I'll be telling a whole lot more of them in June after my 12 hour day's end. In the mean time, ROCK ON!

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was at all these shows FRONT ROW!!!

ok....1977 was a very different time than now...music and concerts were so different....I'm 49 now....and have seen more than 1000 shows in my lifetime...I still have most all of my ticket stubs....I really have seen almost everyone...most of 'em 5 to 100 times.with that said....

I waited 2 1/2 weeks in line...I was the very first person in line to buy tickets in the DC/MD area. Infact tickets were scheduled to go on sale at 10:00am Sat morning....and at 4:00am Sat...the police came and escorted the first 10 of us into the cap center and sold us our tickets...tickets were $9.50 with a .50 service charge...so the very first $10.00 concert tickets. We were allowed to buy 10 tics for each of the 3 nights....I bought 10 front row center seats 3 nights in a row.... holy shit!!!!!!!!!!! The police then escorted me and my nine other friends...who bought the whole first 7 rows center out!, out to our cars because they were afraid we would be mugged.......honest absolute true story.......then I simply traded when they added a fourth night for another front row seat...I still have 3 of my four stubs...........THE SHOWS...............first let me say...I was, am probably still am, one of the biggest Zep heads ever....they were everything to me since 1969 when ZepI came out....was never then same again.....waiting in line over night each year to buy the albums as they were released....back to the shows... Upon the first show I didn't want to be wasted or drunk because I wanted to remember everything....they were late coming out...when the house lights went out....you have NEVER heard such a roar from a crowd...this wasn't a Beatles hysterical roar...this was pure blissful love screaming to our favorite muscians on the planet, who were literally 3 feet from my face....front row and I never got down off my chair....we stood on our chairs all 4 hours....singing every lyric.....it was insane...from the first notes of TSRTS....it was a dream come true this 18 year old!!

Things were so different as I said...we didn't know what they were gonna play...there was no internet to look up setlists....in fact there was no MTV and we never even got a glimpse of our heros other than Circus Mag, Rolling Stone, Crawdaddy.....we were totally enamored by their presense...it was so exciting....all 20,000 of us KNEW this was history......

4 nights...yes 4 nights...by the 4th night we were dissappointed in our heros to be honest...they played the same songs each night...and Robert even said pretty much the same thing between songs.....or so it seemed as it was happening....listening to the boots now, we all know there were a couple differences...like Dancin Days..etc.....Jimmy was wasted...I mean wasted...on the 3rd night...after STH he held his double neck above his head and 2 roadies caught it just in time.....he needed to be carried off the stage.....

Another big event was some asshole shooting a bottle rocket on stage which caught Plant's shirt on fire, or at least smoldering.....and he ripped his shirt off, basically cursed the guy out...threatened to shut down and played shirtless for a while.......also you've never seen such a cloud of pot smoke....you could cut it with a knife......

All that said almost 30 years ago.....still the BEST SHOWS I HAVE EVER SEEN....no one has ever come close.....the Who with Kieth Moon was close....but they were NO LED ZEPPELIN....

hope you enjoyed reading...I enjoyed remembering.

Damn I'll never forget it!

Oh man,

I get the sharpest pain inside me knowing I'll never seen them live, wow.

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What was the craziest thing that you ever did at a LED ZEPPELIN concert. As for me, there are many but I'll name two. The first one was at the Oakland show on 23 July 1977. I was trying to roll a joint for my then girlfriend and I accidently rolled her hair into the joint. The second one was also at the Oakland show. I was coming down the aisle stairs carrying two cups of beer (I had a fake ID) and I slipped and landed on my back while the beer landed right in my face and chest. How bout all of you? OH COME ON, I know that many of you have stories so cough them up. ROCK ON!

How's it going fellow die hard hard core ZEPPELIN fanatics? I hope that the week is treating all of you well. Its after 1:30 A.M., just a few hours away from going into work at 6:00 A.M. this morning. I am going through my hundreds and hundreds of ticket stubs trying to decide what stories I am going to tell all of you in June. Believe it or not, many ticket stubs that I own are like pages and tell stories of my life. Some are extremely funny and some are a real bitch. Looking through them, some of the many ones that come to mind are THE WHO, Saturday, 27 March 1976 at THE WINTERLAND in San Francisco, PINK FLOYD, 27 April 1975 at the L.A. MEMORIAL SPORTS ARENA, VAN HALEN, Friday, 11 May 1984 at the COW PALACE in San Francisco, Numerous AC/DC and PINK FLOYD concerts in the L.A., Oakland and San Francisco area, NUMEROUS ROLLING STONES concerts throughout the L.A., Oakland and San Francisco area and two of my most favorite concerts of all, THE BEACH BOYS, Tuesday, 27 December 1977 at The Forum in L.A. and the very first concert that Dennis (Denny) Wilson ever invited me to, THE BEACH BOYS, Friday, 17 July 1981 at THE GREEK THEATRE in L.A. (Just days after the Wonderland murders) to name a very few. Believe it or not, my sidekicks Donna, Tod & Stacy are all involved in about 100% of all of the concerts that we attended in the 1970's and into the early 1980's which is just a little fraction of what I have listed thus far. THERE ARE STILL MANY MANY MORE! WOW, thats a lot of memories, a lot of crazy and funny memories. Oh well, I better get some sleep, I have to be at work at 6:00 A.M. this morning. In the mean time, take care and ROCK ON!

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Sadly enough, I was too young to be at any Led Zeppelin concerts when they were in their day... craziest thing I ever did was not buy a freakin' passcode on eBay. Damn you Harvey!! :slapface:

How's it going "allthekingshorses" as well as our fellow die hard hard core ZEPPELIN fanatics? All we can hope for is that LED ZEPPELIN will do it again within the next 5 years. I do hope that all of the youth of today such as yourself will get a chance to experience LED ZEPPELIN live as I have done in my youth. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for all of today's youth as well as the youth of the future. ROCK ON!

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  • 3 months later...
What was the craziest thing that you ever did at a LED ZEPPELIN concert. As for me, there are many but I'll name two. The first one was at the Oakland show on 23 July 1977. I was trying to roll a joint for my then girlfriend and I accidently rolled her hair into the joint. The second one was also at the Oakland show. I was coming down the aisle stairs carrying two cups of beer (I had a fake ID) and I slipped and landed on my back while the beer landed right in my face and chest. How bout all of you? OH COME ON, I know that many of you have stories so cough them up. ROCK ON!

How's it going fellow die hard hard core ZEPPELIN fanatics? At the moment, I'm searching for my KNEBWORTH threads and I found this thread along the way. In case you haven't read this thread, please read it. I promise that you will be laughing. ROCK ON!

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  • 1 month later...

What was the craziest thing that you ever did at a LED ZEPPELIN concert. As for me, there are many but I'll name two. The first one was at the Oakland show on 23 July 1977. I was trying to roll a joint for my then girlfriend and I accidently rolled her hair into the joint. The second one was also at the Oakland show. I was coming down the aisle stairs carrying two cups of beer (I had a fake ID) and I slipped and landed on my back while the beer landed right in my face and chest. How bout all of you? OH COME ON, I know that many of you have stories so cough them up. ROCK ON!

How's it going fellow die hard hard core ZEPPELIN fanatics? Guess what? Do you remember my stories which involved the late Donna, Tod, Stacy and I (John)? There's a party going on here in Sacramento and I'm hanging out with Tod and his wife along with Stacy and her new husband. I am actually showing and reading the story here on the forum that happened with all of us back in the day. We are all actually laughing at the many stories being told on this thread. You have to admit, the stories contained in this thread are hilarious! Going down memory lane brings back so many memories. You have no idea how great I feel at the moment seeing Tod and Stacy for the first time in a long while. Oh well, its time for me to get back to the party. I'll still try to be here on the forum while partying at the same time. In the mean time, have a great evening and ROCK ON fellow ZEPPELIN fanatics!

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Im just simply so pissed off that i was born too late to have done anything stupid and crazy at a Led Zeppelin concert! Ahh the unfairness of it ... There'll never be a band like them for me to see =[

How's it going "ricoplug?" I hope all is well with you. WOW, you're a new member with 2 posts and yet joined on 29 November 2007. Welcome to the forum! I wish that there was something that I could say that would make you feel better. All I can tell you is continue reading my crazy stories, that will give you an idea. Believe me when I say, it was no fun going through the drama while in the actual moment. I can laugh about it now but it sure wasn't very funny back then. It makes me feel really good that many of our fellow ZEPPELIN fanatics can have a great laugh on me. Thank you for your comment and ROCK ON "ricoplug!"

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  • 4 weeks later...

I guess it is now time to tell another one of my adventures at a ZEPPELIN concert. The date: 23 June 1977, The place: The Forum in Los Angeles, California. When I think of The Forum show on 23 June 1977, not only will I remember some of ZEPPELIN'S blistering performance, I will also remember all of the D-R-A-M-A that was going on with me at The Forum.

I was fighting with my then girlfriend Donna and we decided that we were not going to The Forum show together. Our best friends, Tod and Stacy were fighting also and decided that they were not going to The Forum together either. Stupid me, I came up with a stupid idea and asked Donna's best friend Stacy to go with me and she accepted. Donna, on the other hand, decided to ask my best friend Tod to go with her to the Concert and he accepted. I can see that this outing was doomed from the start. Just imagine all of us driving from Sacramento, California to Los Angeles, it was like letting kids loose in a candy store. Stacy and I were driving in my 1971 Chevelle Malibu Chevrolet with four of my other friends which turned out to be pretty packed. Donna and Tod went in a separate car which is Donna's mom's brand new Lincoln Continental. One of my other best friends in my car, was carrying a pound of KGB skunk weed and wanted to sell a lot of it at The Forum. I swear, I was getting high breathing the fumes of the weed from the bong loads and it smoked up the whole car. Enough of that for now.

We made it to L.A. and arrived at the Forum in record time. My best friend who was playing drug dealer was selling weed left and right till he made a sale to an undercover cop. That son of bitch would chase all six of us the whole f*c*ing night. I was always wondering why that bastard was chasing us with no backup but I'll tell you at the end of the story. My drug dealer friend did not want to leave the bong in the car since he was worried that it might get stolen so we were going to try to sneak it in. Four of the guys said that they would go in first and to meet at a particular exit door. So here Stacy and I were, waiting at this exit door for the guys to open it and get the bong. But before that happened, the undercover prick caught Stacy and I outside the exit door and started running towards us. Stacy and I started running for our lives around The Forum and when we came around to the exit door, one of my friends was waiting at the door so I tossed the bong to him and Stacy and I kept running. Blame it on the weed, but Stacy and I had to stop running. When we did, we realized that the undercover cop was gone. After being in line for a while, Stacy and I got in and walked around the Forum for our seats. When Stacy and I came up to one particular mens bathroom, I knew that it was one of my best friends because smoke was coming out of the bathroom as the door opened like there was a fire. Stacy and I were the only ones out of the six of us, to find our seats and sit down with our beers. WOULDN'T YOU KNOW IT, my girlfriend Donna showed up with Stacy's boyfriend and my best friend Tod and sat down eleven rows from us. ITS A SMALL WORLD! It was a very awkward evening. The concert started and I was enjoying The Song Remains The Same, Sick Again and Nobody's Fault But Mine. It was around this time that Stacy mentioned to me that she had to pee. I told her to go ahead and be careful. After Stacy left, about one minute later, Donna would soon be following Stacy to the ladies room. I was enjoying the rest of the concert without realizing that Stacy had been gone for almost a half hour. Just as I got out of my seat and began to go out and look for her, Stacy approaches me crying with a bloody nose and a black eye. Then Donna walks past the both of us with a grin on her face. Stacy then told me that Donna opened the stall and hit her while she was hugging the porcelain. I was so mad that I wanted to choke Donna for what she did. I told Stacy to wait here because I was going to talk with Tod about this shit. I walked to Tod's and Donna's row and called Tod to tell him that I needed to speak with him. Tod and I started walking towards Stacy and Tod looked at Stacy and asked how she got that way. Tod then asked me if I hit her, I told him no. I told him that Donna did it. Tod then got pissed off at me and took it out on me by hitting me on the side of my head. I followed Tod to the mens room and he went into a stall to do something if you can imagine what it is. Rather than open his stall and hit Tod, I had five M-80's and I figured that the bang would scare the living shit out of him. So I did it, I wrapped three instead of five M-80's together and lit all three at the same time and threw them over the stall where Tod was at. You're probably asking yourself, how did I know which stall that Tod was in? Easy, Tod was the only one wearing shoes that said LED ZEPP on it. Anyway. after I lit the M-80's and threw them over the stall, I starting jetting out the bathroom door along with everyone else that was in the mens room and you would then hear this loud bang that sounded like gun shots. As I starting running the other way away from the mens bathroom, wouldn't you know it, that son of a bitch undercover cop was coming the opposite direction and starting running after me again. It took me about 15 minutes to get rid of that bastard. I know for fact that Tod got the shit scared out of him because he told me years later. Its a wonder that Tod survived that incident. Tod was making his way down the stairway aisle, messy and all, and when he got to where Donna was and told her what happened, she turned to me and pointed her finger at me in front of everyone and said: "YOU MOTHER F*C*ER!" At this point, everyone on our side of the whole section, stopped shouting and turned and looked right at me. I WAS SO EMBARRASSED! Stacy and I would FINALLY, see the rest of the concert. After it ended, people were looking at Stacy and I funny like "WHAT THE F*C* WERE YOU DOING?" Before Stacy and I along with the four of our other friends exited out the door, one had to go to the bathroom. Wouldn't you know it, AGAIN, that son of a bitch undercover cop was chasing after us. The bitch of it all was that he caught one of my friends that was in the mens room. So when the five of us saw the undercover cop and my best friend approaching us, we figured that we were doomed. I then told the cop: "PLEASE ARREST ME, I HAVE A BITCH FOR A GIRLFRIEND THAT IS ITCHING TO KICK MY ASS!" The undercover cop then said: "GUYS, I DO NOT WANT TO ARREST YOU, I JUST WANT TO BUY SOME MORE OF YOUR WEED!" ISN'T MY STORY A BITCH? The bitch of it all is that my then girlfriend Donna wrapped her mom's brand new Lincoln Continental around a telephone pole on the way back to Sacramento. To end the story on a good note, Donna and I along with Tod and Stacy made up and we even went together to the Oakland show a month later on 23 July 1977. Then again, we had to since we already bought the tickets and all four seats were together. I'm glad we made up. I would like to let you know that I had to shorten this story. Actually, a lot more happened but I'll save that for another day. MY BRAIN HURTS FROM REMEMBERING AND GOING DOWN MEMORY LANE! I hope you enjoyed it! ZeppFanForever out. ROCK ON!

That is one of the funniest stories I have ever heard. I'm laughing so hard I'm almost crying. Thanks for that.

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