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Palin or Biden

Rock N' Rollin' Man

Who do you think is the better of the two?  

49 members have voted

  1. 1. Who would be the better Vice President candidate?

    • Sarah Palin
    • Joe Biden

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As well as watching it stream live, BBC's North American Editor Justin Webb is posting regular commentary, he's making good points. General concensus appears that they think Palin is struggling.

"Biden is waffling - but, oh dear, she is off again on energy, with no apology for failing even to nod at the question. She is off the reservation."

"No support for gay marriage from either candidate. She looks uncomfortable."

"Oh dear - we have John McCain to thank for too much of what Palin is saying, I suspect, for it to be entirely credible. She describes herself as a Main-Streeter. I wonder about that. You need to be connected to Main Street, but not necessarily from it to run for high office."

"He really has destroyed her on the war. She has slogans. He can talk about it."

Edited by longdistancewinner
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Dammit, I knew there wasn't a c in there. did that subconsciously because that's how I pronounce it :P

And I mixed up an a and an e.

But besides that, I knew how to spell it ;)

Christ, i've read his name enough to know it by now :lol:

You may be the first person to try to spell his name on this site.

When I did I put "President (insert last name here)"

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Liz, that's really an insignifcant thing to complain about is it not? This is the freaking VP Debate is it not? Issues matter more than how she talks...

It's annoying as hell. Shouldn't a grown adult know how to pronounce the word nuclear? I mean, just because Curious George can't doesn't mean it's okay for everyone else to fudge it up too.

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It's annoying as hell. Shouldn't a grown adult know how to pronounce the word nuclear? I mean, just because Curious George can't doesn't mean it's okay for everyone else to fudge it up too.

Either you're on the BBC site as well, or someone as has picked said the exact same thing regarding Palin's mispronounciation of Nuclear.

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I think she is holding her own. In fact, so far, Id say she has gotten the best of him. Fire away now you Obama supporters. Hit me with your best shot!!!

You're a racist.

Biden has thrown better punches against McCain than Palin to Obama, but Palin has got the better of Biden.

It most be noted, fact checker will be mostly Biden based comments.

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