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Beautiful Men.


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LOL--I am also crazy about him, since 21 Jump Street. He is so humble in all of his interviews.The man is beautiful, the eyes, the bone structure....

Many things attract me to him, but you hit the nail when you talked about his persona and bone structure. My ancestors include Native Americans, of which I am especially proud, but his humility is something I am especially drawn to. Not often found. I read somewhere that he left a server a $4,000 tip. He has not forgotten where he came from.

'nuff for me.

oh, did I mention he is like 45 freakin years old???!!!

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Even though this man killed someone from another band and I think he burned a church, you have to admit, he was nice looking :mellow: My friend tells me about him all the time

Varg Vikernes

Its sad how people can get so crazy :(

Hey, he kinda is (nice looking, I mean). I've heard of him because another board I post on has a bunch of metalheads on it, but I'd never seen a picture of him before. Pity he's such an awful person...I just don't understand.

Well, switching gears here... HOT DANG! to the Hugh Laurie and Jimmy pics on bikes! Oh, Jimmy! You bad boy, you! ;) He really badassed it up for that shot, didn't he? Rrrow! B)

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Hey, he kinda is (nice looking, I mean). I've heard of him because another board I post on has a bunch of metalheads on it, but I'd never seen a picture of him before. Pity he's such an awful person...I just don't understand.

I know, he is good looking and had a career for him in music, but he turns out to be crazy :( ... I find it sad and defitenly not understandable too.

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