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Del Zeppnile

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Yeah, I saw that. Papa Bear knew he was going to tear into him. But Barney and Dodd have to go.

Once again, the G.O.P. cleans up the mess of the dems like they did for terrorism and taxes.

The roots of this mortgage crisis lead straight to Barney Frank, Dodd, Shummer, Waters and several other democrats in congress. They ignored the warnings about Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac for years, all in the name of 'affordable housing.'

Now we will have to see if the rest of us will able to afford our own homes because these politicians put people with bad credit into houses they could not afford, just for their votes and the political contributuions by the pirates at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

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The roots of this mortgage crisis lead straight to Barney Frank, Dodd, Shummer, Waters and several other democrats in congress. They ignored the warnings about Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac for years, all in the name of 'affordable housing.'

Republicans are equally culpable,this goes beyond partisan politics

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Republicans are equally culpable,this goes beyond partisan politics

"It's not whether you win or lose, it's how you place the blame." - Oscar Wilde


"Democracy is the process by which people choose which man will get the blame." - Bertrand Russell


"The man who can smile when things go wrong has thought of someone else he can blame it on." - Robert Bloch

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Sometimes O'Reilly just needs to shut up and let his guest speak. He screams and bitches and nothing ever gets across.

That being said, Barney Frank surely deserves some blame, but come on now. It is not entirely his fault or even remotely all his fault

I agree, I would like to hear the other guy make an ass of them self.

Shut the fk up so I can hear, even if it is BS I want to think for myself. :rolleyes:

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Best news video so far this year. Classic liberal congressman blaming everyone else but himself for the mortgage crises on Wall Street.


Barney Frank should be ashamed of himself and should be up on criminal charges for allowing under his watch, the taxpayer to be stolen from by organizations like Acorn and the like.

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Sometimes O'Reilly just needs to shut up and let his guest speak. He screams and bitches and nothing ever gets across.

I generally agree with you. I am no fan of Bill O'Reilly. But did you notice how in the beginning when O'Reilly did allow Frank to talk; all Frank did was start moving his mouth and began going into a whole bunch of 'weasle speak' aimed at diverting the conversation and taking up as much time as Frank could to avoid the facts and spin the conversation. Politicians do this all the time. Republicans as well as Democrats.

I was glad that O'Reilly thew it right back in Frank's face. Was O'Reilly way over the top like an attack dog -- yes! But when dealing with a weasle like Barney Frank it was appropriate.

That being said, Barney Frank surely deserves some blame, but come on now. It is not entirely his fault or even remotely all his fault

There is plenty of blame to go around. But it was Barney Frank who was chairman of the finace commitee that was supposed to oversee Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, and he didn't do his job. For Frank to now try and pass all the blame on Republicans is this issue, is exactly the problem that O'Reilly had with Frank. O'Reilly was willing to point out how there are plenty of Republicans who were wrong on this as well. But for Barney Frank to now attempt to divert all the blame away from himself is to suspend disbelief.

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I generally agree with you. I am no fan of Bill O'Reilly. But did you notice how in the beginning when O'Reilly did allow Frank to talk; all Frank did was start moving his mouth and began going into a whole bunch of 'weasle speak' aimed at diverting the conversation and taking up as much time as Frank could to avoid the facts and spin the conversation. Politicians do this all the time. Republicans as well as Democrats.

I was glad that O'Reilly thew it right back in Frank's face. Was O'Reilly way over the top like an attack dog -- yes! But when dealing with a weasle like Barney Frank it was appropriate.

Yes, he let him speak in the beginning. But he ignored everything he said. He simply went straight to the yelling and pointing out that Frank supposedly quasi-suggested people to invest in Freddie and Fannie. To be fair on both sides, Frank definitely fucked up. But he had some decent points that O'Reilly simply would not acknowledge.

There is plenty of blame to go around. But it was Barney Frank who was chairman of the finace commitee that was supposed to oversee Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, and he didn't do his job. For Frank to now try and pass all the blame on Republicans is this issue, is exactly the problem that O'Reilly had with Frank. O'Reilly was willing to point out how there are plenty of Republicans who were wrong on this as well. But for Barney Frank to now attempt to divert all the blame away from himself is to suspend disbelief.
Agreed. He needs to accept some responsibility for this fuck up of epic proportions.

That being said, millions of people did not go and invest in Freddie and Fannie because of a 15 second clip of Barney Frank talking on TV, as O'Reilly seems to have implied. Hell, I'll bet 75% of America doesn't even know who he is!

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Agreed. He needs to accept some responsibility for this fuck up of epic proportions.

That being said, millions of people did not go and invest in Freddie and Fannie because of a 15 second clip of Barney Frank talking on TV, as O'Reilly seems to have implied. Hell, I'll bet 75% of America doesn't even know who he is!

But the people who did, allowed Freddie and Fannie to be continue to be run like that. By Barney telling everything is okay, they did not ask for change, and without change, Freddie and Fannie went into the shits. By them going into shits, most of our mortgages went to the crapper.

let me rephrase that.

Lets just say Ford came out with a car that seemed to blowup when the A/C turns on. After noticing this, some people question ford if we should fix the problem. The CEO say there is no problem and people did not ask for change and continue to buy that car. When the temp hit 90deg one day, all the cars blew up killing everybody around that car.

If they fix the problem, cars would not blew up. but since they did not fix the problem, somebody who bought a Chevy died because he shared the same road as that ford.

Yes the G.O.P. was in charge for a long time, but it has been proven the dems where able to block a vote going to the floor. We can all agree that the housing bubble burst 18 months ago and that folks, the dems where in charge.

It's the same thing people blame Bush on 9/11, but we can clearly see the faults of the Clinton Adm. which lead to 9/11. Yes, Bush was on charge, but the demise of the Economy was far more clearly seen than Bin Laden wanted to attack on American soil. The Dems been screaming the economy is bad since 2006.

And the worst thing about this whole mess, the people who claiming to fix it, where the ones to cause it and they also had help from the poeple who ran those companies.

Still, they blame Bush Policy and the only Policy that I can see that Bush used to cause this mess was the policy of not sending all the dems to Guantanamo Bay.

There are a million apartments out there and the Dems policy of house first, questions later was clearly to blame.

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But the people who did, allowed Freddie and Fannie to be continue to be run like that. By Barney telling everything is okay, they did not ask for change, and without change, Freddie and Fannie went into the shits. By them going into shits, most of our mortgages went to the crapper.

At that point in time, January by the by, did anyone really predict a meltdown of this proportions. Come on, be reasonable. How in the hell was he supposed to forsee the complete bankruptcy of F&F within a year? I know it's his job, and again I believe he should be help accountable to an extent, but seriously now, surely one man didn't ruin the whole damn economy :rolleyes: It's wayyy more complex than just Barney Frank is it not? saying otherwise is simply absurd and irrational

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At that point in time, January by the by, did anyone really predict a meltdown of this proportions. Come on, be reasonable. How in the hell was he supposed to forsee the complete bankruptcy of F&F within a year? I know it's his job, and again I believe he should be help accountable to an extent, but seriously now, surely one man didn't ruin the whole damn economy :rolleyes: It's wayyy more complex than just Barney Frank is it not? saying otherwise is simply absurd and irrational

Oh I agree. This crisis is to big to be cause by one man.

I may not see the complete bankruptcy of my bank account, but if i continue to play world of Warcraft and skipping works. I will eventually run out of money. Now there are things I can do to combat that like A. Getting a Life or B. going to work. But if i tell my girlfriend that things will be okay and i chose not to do nothing, she will eventually married that lawyer her father keeps pimping to her.

Still, the problem is regulation. Some Regulation can be good, but to tell companies they can't redline some people or they get fine is very bad. and when those companies are forced to take on bad debt and pawn them off to other companies so there books won;t go to shit. It is a big domino effect.

Redlining refers to what cab companies and pizza deliver men want to do. They do not want to go into the ghetto for fear of robbery or death. Now when you make those companies go into those parts, bad things happen. Like Robbery or death. So they like to draw a big redline around those areas and say we don't service those ares. It is the same thing for the mortgage's industry. I heard a statistic that 60% of the minorities who have mortgages, would not have mortgagees if it wasn't for fair housing act. IM not blaming the nonwhite people in this world, because there is alot of white people who should not have homes, but since they are poor, they fall into that category.

Still, I considered this tax. I (as you do if you paid a dollar of fed tax )own almost every single home that is connected to this site. Some may be well able to afford, some might not. Still we are all in the same pot.

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