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The Shallowest Generation


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Hi all,

Who let it happen? :blink: They didn't ask me,.......


Hi Kev,

Good point, they didnt ask me either, they just let you get on with it as best you can, but you dare say anything about it and you will get branded a racist and put in jail.

Where you can enjoy three cooked meals a day, free TV, Games consols, Cheap Drugs and Fags, no rain and over here you even get to wear your own clothes, the only down side is 23 hour a day lock down and you might not be able to stay analretentive, not such a bad deal after all ah?

Regards, Danny

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Our jails are much nicer. All the cells are decorated with marble baths including jacuzzis, mood lamps and aromatherapy. Meals are all gourmet, of course, and the beds are all of Westin Heavenly Bed quality or higher with sheets of 100% Egyptian cotton. At night before lights are out, the warden comes through and gently tucks all the inmates to bed and hums a soft lullaby so they will have sweet dreams.

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Our jails are much nicer. All the cells are decorated with marble baths including jacuzzis, mood lamps and aromatherapy. Meals are all gourmet, of course, and the beds are all of Westin Heavenly Bed quality or higher with sheets of 100% Egyptian cotton. At night before lights are out, the warden comes through and gently tucks all the inmates to bed and hums a soft lullaby so they will have sweet dreams.

'eternal light' i was being serious mate, our jail are like that, not from experiance i might add but i get to know these things.

Regards, Danny

PS, you nearly got me believing you, you know, but the lullabys gave you away.

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I know what i'm talking about, i've worked with the English Government, both national and local, and the Local Police, and only the Police will take any responsobility for the way its panned out, Government wont because they are always changing personel so they say it was the people before's fault not theres.

In the 60s the Government allowed pregnant unmarried girls to be given houses, and Government money in the form of Social Security, this led to an eppidemic of these kids having even more kids and more money without having to be responsoble for them. They had little or no family support and no moral guidance from the Government. So the blame starts with the Government, untill both you and my Government accept this we are going nowhere.

And as for implying that i'm a racist for stating fact, not opinion, i am very disapointed in you. We have at the last count 26 different nationalities in this borough, and we are far from the worst in London.

Many from wartorn countries like Somalia, Kosovo, Afghans, Sierra Leon, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Albianians, Iraqi, then theres the Chineese, Irish, West Indians, Indian, Pakistani, Black British, Black Asian, Sikhs, Gipsy Travellers and of course the English. This in a borough of 223,100 people. And all of the above have little or nothing to do with each other and all form there own ethnic gangs and are basically at war with each other, who do you blame for this? the parents? Well i blame the Governments from the 60s untill now.

Now did you really have it the same where you are? and if you do who do you blame?

I get most of my information now from the Police, my sons and from going out in my community and seeing for my self, the local Government would have you believe theres nothing wrong, everything is cool, bullshit, we have had three murders not a stone throw from my home in the last 12 months and i'm 20 miles from Central London.

I hope this clears up a lot of the facts for you and maybe you can see that i'm not entirely wrong, and if my neighborhood is fucked up i dont blame the locals or the immigrants, i blame the Government for allowing people from wartorn countries to settle alongside peaceful gentle people who only get on with there lives without all the trouble that people from wartorn countries bring.

Regards, Danny

I'm sorry that you live in such a horrendous place.I know nothing of life in England and I can't speak on it's behalf.I'll take your word for it until I hear differently.

Maybe you should move here!We only have Mexicans coming in from the south.As for our Northern neighbors,they are pretty content with where they are!No one else,really,nobody else. :rolleyes: ...Sorry,I'm being patronising again. :slapface: I'm not saying that it's all "peaches and cream" here but you get what you put into it.

We have quite the melting pot here as well and we also have the same problems.But we constantly see stories here about kids that have come from these terrible places and have made something of their lives and they ALWAYS thank their family for being strict and firm with them.I still think it starts in the home,Dan.

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Ouch,you sure know how to kick a guy when he's on the ground.....bleeding....broken ribs...broken nose... Have you got any salt you can toss on me? What a pal! :o


If the tables were turned,you'd say the same thing.....

...or worse. :whistling:

Edited by 59LesPaul
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'eternal light' i was being serious mate, our jail are like that, not from experiance i might add but i get to know these things.

Regards, Danny

PS, you nearly got me believing you, you know, but the lullabys gave you away.

I forgot to mention the architectural features like skylights, swimming pools, fountains and atriums. We've replaced all the barbed wire with ivy. We're really state of the art.

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'eternal light' i was being serious mate, our jail are like that, not from experiance i might add but i get to know these things.

Regards, Danny

PS, you nearly got me believing you, you know, but the lullabys gave you away.

Actually, there are a few jails that you can be sent to that are exactly as he said...save maybe lullabys

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I'm sorry that you live in such a horrendous place.I know nothing of life in England and I can't speak on it's behalf.I'll take your word for it until I hear differently.

Maybe you should move here!We only have Mexicans coming in from the south.As for our Northern neighbors,they are pretty content with where they are!No one else,really,nobody else. :rolleyes: ...Sorry,I'm being patronising again. :slapface: I'm not saying that it's all "peaches and cream" here but you get what you put into it.

We have quite the melting pot here as well and we also have the same problems.But we constantly see stories here about kids that have come from these terrible places and have made something of their lives and they ALWAYS thank their family for being strict and firm with them.I still think it starts in the home,Dan.

Thanks 'Rorer714'

What made you think i live in a horrendous place? :lol: Its home to me and i aint going anywhere, i'm a bit pigheaded in that way, but i have been taking the dog out for its walks at about 2am as the little shits all seem to be off the streets at that time.

Please dont get me wrong, but far from it being a racist thing, its an age thing with me. Its the young kids that go around causing most of the trouble, and in my immediate area we have Somali, Vietnamese, Black British and White gangs constantly ay war with each other, and i do mean war. The Somali boys are a real force to be recond with as they will go to places like Lewisham and Deptford to fight, then these gangs come to Woolwich to exact ther revenge, it can be a bloodbath as these gangs are always well armed.

But the older generations are OK with each other, there is just so little intergration with each other that ghetos are forming everywhere and that is no good for anyone.

You think it starts in the home, and strict families are the answer, well the Black and Asian parents are by far more stricter that the English ones, yet it is the Black and Asian kids that are more out of control and are by far the worst when it comes to gang violance, and i have the Police's ears on that one. Most of the Black and Asian families have no idea what their kids are getting up to away from the home and are very upset when they find out as they are almost perfect kids in the home.

My anger is from not having an answer to all these problems, still time to take the dog out i think. Its 04.00am.

Regards, Danny

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Actually, there are a few jails that you can be sent to that are exactly as he said...save maybe lullabys

And we wonder why theres so much reoffending, they used to say "Bettet out than in" but now its "Better in than out"

Regards, Danny

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Well to be fair, they're incredibly expensive to get placed into.

But yes, it doesn't teach non-violent criminals who go there anything

Maybe the Romans had the right idea, remember in Monty Python "The Life of Brian" where the old guy whose crucified upsidedown says, "Crucified em, thats what i say, nail some sense in to em" you never know, it might work.

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Damn !! And I thought those property taxes that I pay to educate your kids might actually allow me to have an opinion on the matter. My mistake ! :slapface:

The bong on the coffee table doesn't help you either. ;)

Some things need to stay in the closet until a later date. :)

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