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The Shallowest Generation


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The Baby Boom Generation will never be mistaken for the Greatest Generation that survived the Great Depression and defeated evil in a World War that killed 72 million people. I hate to tell you Boomers, but putting a yellow ribbon on the back of your $50,000 SUV is not sacrifice. Our claim to fame is living way beyond our means for the last three decades, to the point where we have virtually bankrupted our capitalist system. Baby Boomers have been occupying the White House for the last sixteen years. The majority of Congress is Baby Boomers. The CEOs and top executives of Wall Street firms are Baby Boomers. The media is dominated by Baby Boom executives and on-air stars. We have no one to blame but ourselves for the current predicament. Blaming Franklin Roosevelt or Lyndon Johnson for our dire situation is a cop out. Baby Boomers had the time, power, and ability to change our course. We have chosen to leave the heavy lifting to future generations in order to live the good life today.

Of course, not all Baby Boomers are shallow, greedy, and corrupt. Mostly Boomers with power and wealth fall into this category. There were 76 million Baby Boomers born between 1946 and 1963. They now make up 28% of the U.S. population. Their impact on America is undeniable. The defining events of their generation have been the Kennedy assassination, Vietnam, Kent State, Woodstock, the 1st man on the moon, and now the collapse of our Ponzi scheme financial system. They rebelled against their parents, protested the Vietnam War, and settled down in 2,300 square foot cookie cutter McMansions with perfectly manicured lawns, in mall infested suburbia. They have raised overscheduled spoiled children, moved up the corporate ladder by pushing paper rather than making things, lived above their means in order to keep up with their neighbors, bought whatever they wanted using debt, and never worried about the future. Over optimism, unrealistic assumptions, selfishness and conspicuous consumption have been their defining characteristics.

Ultimately, it is up to the Baby Boom generation to change our country’s course. The oldest Boomer is 62 years old and the youngest 45 years old. It is time for Boomers to take a hard look in the mirror and rethink their priorities. It is time to cast aside the $88,000 Range Rovers, $1,200 Jimmy Choo boots, $5,000 Rolex watches and daily double lattes at Starbucks. It is time to live within your means, distinguish between needs and wants, reduce debt, save 10% of your income, make sure your kids get a good education, not try and keep up with the Jones’, show compassion for your fellow man, and possibly pay more taxes and get less benefits, for the good of the country. We must support true leaders like David Walker and get rid of the old time corrupted politicians who want to keep the status quo. Texas Congressman Ron Paul gives the blunt truth that a true leader is willing to give:

“Our government has lived beyond its means for decades. We now face a crucial juncture, at which we determine whether to continue down the path of debt, inflation, and government intervention or choose to return to the economics of the free market, which have been ignored for almost a century. Increased debt leads to higher taxes on future generations, while increased inflation diminishes the purchasing power of American families and destroys the dollar. No society has ever been achieved prosperity through indebtedness or inflation, and the United States is no exception. We cannot afford to continue our current policies of monetary expansion and unending bailouts. Unless we return to sound monetary policy, sharply reduce government expenditures, and realize that the government cannot act as a lender of last resort, we will drive our economy to ruin.”

The Shallowest Generation

Overlooking the fact that Ron Paul is quoted,what are your thoughts on this?I think there's a lot of truth here......

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Sad as it is, I have to agree.

With our "permissive" way of raising children these days and not teaching them the values we were taught, we've asked for the dilemma we're in.

Nobody's fault but OURS. :thumbdown:

You get my vote, but the "permissive way of raising children" is also the Governments and do-gooders fault as well, you cant expect people to know how to raise kids without giving them firm guidelines and if they are not adhered to then you have to be true to yourselves and punish those parents who transgress.

In England the Governments have been giving out the wrong messages since the sixties, they have constantly been rewarding the bad behavior amongst our kids and failing to take them to task when they do the wrong thing, blame the Government first before you start on the parents whos hands are now well and truly tied.

Regards, Danny

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We already pay too many taxes and don't get the value for the tax dollar that we pay to the government, and now they want us to give them more money to waste, claiming that we all own a great measure of wealth and never earned it. The truth is that they have squandered the taxes that we have paid as proven by the Caltrans scandal in California. It's just another overpaid speech writer doling out last minute below the belt poor excuse for politics that we have learned to expect on election day.

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Just know that there are some young ones out there that don't, in any way, want to be defined by the stereotypes of this generation. We're not rebels or anything, but we do have some sense.

So no, I won't waste my money for shallow, opulent needs because I know the importance of hard-earned money.

Edited by DeepBlackZeppelin
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Just know that there are some young ones out there that don't, in any way, want to be defined by the stereotypes of this generation. We're not rebels or anything, but we do have some sense.

So no, I won't waste my money for shallow, opulent needs because I know the importance of hard-earned money.

That's very encouraging. :)

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It's a misrepresentation that all baby boomers are rich and spoiled. Politicians make these kind of misrepresentations to sway the vote to mask their own dire shortcomings. They want to use baby boomers as a scapegoat the way Hitler used the Jews. It's just dirty politics and disgraces the official Led Zeppelin message board.

Edited by eternal light
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Just know that there are some young ones out there that don't, in any way, want to be defined by the stereotypes of this generation. We're not rebels or anything, but we do have some sense.

So no, I won't waste my money for shallow, opulent needs because I know the importance of hard-earned money.

No offense meant! :) I'm particularly talking about higher ed and the increased level of parent involvement now, vs. say 20 years ago. Higher ed is adapting by creating ways for parents to be more connected (councils, advisory boards etc). Not everyone is like this of course, but the tendency is much greater than it was when I was in school in the 80s.

Technology has also made it easier for parents/kids to stay in touch more regularly than before.

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You get my vote, but the "permissive way of raising children" is also the Governments and do-gooders fault as well, you cant expect people to know how to raise kids without giving them firm guidelines and if they are not adhered to then you have to be true to yourselves and punish those parents who transgress.

Parents taught their kids well for a couple thousand years. It's only recently that they've not been so hot.

Blame parents first, Government NEVER. It's not their place to teach kids.

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Parents taught their kids well for a couple thousand years. It's only recently that they've not been so hot.

Blame parents first, Government NEVER. It's not their place to teach kids.

AMEN. Spot-on.

Parents need to either take the responsibility themselves 100%, or not have kids. Period.

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AMEN. Spot-on.

Parents need to either take the responsibility themselves 100%, or not have kids. Period.

But tv and movies should be better roles models. Because kids will imitate what they see and if they don't imitate it they will become too jaded to it.

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But tv and movies should be better roles models. Because kids will imitate what they see and if they don't imitate it they will become too jaded to it.

NO....PARENTS should control what they watch. Can't blame TV. Again, it's the parents not paying enough attention.

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But tv and movies should be better roles models. Because kids will imitate what they see and if they don't imitate it they will become too jaded to it.

So what? Adults can't have their own entertainment too?

There's always a huge backlash whenever a Grand Theft Auto game comes out because it might psychologically hrt kids or something. News flash, those games aren't for little kids, durr

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Then maybe they shouldn't have kids if they're not going to be properly supervised. Ever heard of a babysitter, or day care?

You staying a bachelor forever might be a good idea.

But just to do the right thing, TV and movies should be more careful about what they put out there.

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