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A special thread for Mr. "President" Bush

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Why do people continue to give a rat's ass about Bill Clinton getting a blowjob? The joke was the United States Senate thinking an impeachment trial was a good use of our time and tax dollars. When he left office, his approval ratings were as high as they'd ever been. Our economy was great and we had a $200 billion dollar surplus. I'd kill for that right about now, and anyone who says otherwise is lying.

Bill Clinton may not ever be in the top 10 Presidents of all time, but he was damn good anyway. I think George Bush lying about a war and sending our troops to die trumps a god damn blowjob.

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I don't like the extremes of both parties. The far right wingers in the south are just as dangerous as the far left liberals. It's organizations on the left such as Moveon.org, that are borderline communist, with the ad they ran a few years ago comparing George Bush to Hitler wish his invasion of Iraq. He didn't single out a particular group of people and have them exterminated. Six million died because of Hitler. Uncalled for as is the other ad of General Petraeus, and calling him a traitor. Great for moral. We have enough problems over there. Than of course this is the NY Times who supports the left as does a lot of the media. Than there is billionaire George Soros from Hungary? who pumps millions of his money into left wing organizations to try to buy an election. Tried that in 2004. JMHO.

Edited by SuperDave
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I dont think its what happened itself that pisses people off. It's that he was proven to be a liar to our faces.

Okay then, why do people care that he lied about a blowjob? Isn't his getting some nookie on the side a private matter that should have been dealt with between him and his wife? I can't see any man in Clinton's position admitting he was fucking around. Of course he lied about it.....he didn't want people to know, he probably didn't want to embarrass his family. They were embarrassed anyway, because really.....when your dad is the President and there's an intern under his desk, you don't just laugh that off.

Now, if Clinton killed someone and lied about it on national TV and then it came out that he had indeed killed someone.....I can see people getting pissed off that he lied to them. A blowjob is not serious business. This whole overly puritanical country overreacted.

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He was so sincere, honest, and patriotic and such a much needed change from that lying and cheating Clinton who was an international joke after the Lewinsky affair.

If I remember correctly,the "international joke" was the fact that people in America were making such a huge fucking deal about a fuckin' blowjob.

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I'm not saying I care about the situaion, just pointing out what I think others feel.

I for one don't give a fuck

I didn't think you cared, you've never struck me as someone who got riled up over something like that. I was more responding to your point that there might have been something else people weren't happy with.

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I didn't think you cared, you've never struck me as someone who got riled up over something like that. I was more responding to your point that there might have been something else people weren't happy with.

I see.

The whole thing was just a ploy by Republicans to get Clinton out of office. Shame on them for that.

Shame on the American people for actually watching it so closely

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If I remember correctly,the "international joke" was the fact that people in America were making such a huge fucking deal about a fuckin' blowjob.

I was in Brussels, Belgium the day that the European Union met and accepted the Euro as it's currency. With all this going on there, all our tour bus driver could talk about was our president (Clinton) and what a laughing stock he was to the Europeans. He was like a cartoon to them.

I don't want to get into any political arguments with anyone as I respect everyone's opinions and right to express them. I just wanted to point out that not everyone hates George Bush.

So Peace to everyone and I hope that our next president will live up to everyone's expectations and inspire everyone to work together to solve the US and the world's many problems.

Edited by BUCK'EYE' DOC
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Good points all around, Dave.

Now, as far as the post with the pics depicting Bush creating 9/11...that's fucking ridiculous. That conspiracy theory shit doesn't fly, unless it's Zep's 3-14-75 bootleg. Anyone who buys into that is off their fucking rocker. <_<

That's a subjective observation. Cheney/Bush (and so-called neoconservative hawks) sat on their thumbs as 19 Arabs (some of whom are still alive, google it, or visit BBC) bypassed a $40Billion security apparatus (on the very day an elaborate military exercise was being executed) and capitalized upon the fears of a stunned nation to launch an offensive in Afghanistan (the right thing to do in response to the official reports pertaining to September 11, 2001) and then to use the same passions to divert resources into the Iraqi theater through the use of forged documents and a media campaign of mushroom clouds over large cities. Said hawkish mentality saw the deaths of 3,000 plus Americans as a so-called blessing in disguise and set out on a road that led to Baghdad. There were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq (not a nanoparticle) nor was there any credible evidence (in America or the UK) worthy enough to deceive the American Congress or British Parliament into launching an unprovoked war. As to conspiracy theories surrounding the criminal events in NY, DC, PA, I don't subscribe to such, as you may or may not lump all inquires into the same mold. Alex Jones, John Lear, and their ilk tend to sensationalize facts (for whatever reasons). However, a great many US military officers, professional pilots, noted physicists and engineers, not to mention fire fighters and other emergency first responders on duty that day take exception to the 9/11 Commission version of events. Something stinks, and nobody knows where the stench originates (and probably never will). Popular Mechanics and Penn & Teller debunking debunkers is laughable, but I suppose it's enough to ease any fears that something is rotten in Denmark, as some might say. 19 Arabs bypassing a $40Billion security apparatus? Nope. Not without inside information, serious funding, and divine intervention (for those who survived the fireballs and turned up alive for the BBC to report upon, after the fact). George W. Bush is a dry drunk opportunist, and Richard The Dick Cheney is a crony capitalist with pathological leanings (literally lacking a sense of empathy for other human beings). They didn't devise and execute the events of September 11, 2001 (they're not that clever, nor are they remotely disciplined enough to pull it off). They just milked it for all they could. Mission Accomplished (for Anglo-American oil cartels who just had their sweetheart deals brokered by the US Department of Defense). Such are the spoils or war.

Oh, and I don't buy the single Magic Bullet being fired by a hack from a window in Dallas murdering a sitting president in 1963. But of course, I’m off my rocker. C'est la Vie.


Edited by rafnagud9
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Major party politics are funded by a plutocracy that cares next to nothing about gun rights or gay marriage (that is, anything of importance along the Left—Right spectrum of concern for the political and working classes). Their primary focus is upon access to power, period. They pay plenty to ensure that the GOP and DNC are open to their counsel in an advisory role when regulatory legislation is being considered, drafted, or dismantled (depending upon the particular situation/s) and they equally pay the proverbial pretty penny to have governmental doors unlocked and open when in need (case in point, the recent, current, and future begging by corporate socialists on Wall Street, and beyond, who are literally having elected officials in the American Republic privatize profits while socializing risks and debt, literally, corporate socialism or socialism for the rich). No major political party can run a single horse in any race without funding. So-called Moms & Pops can cut checks here & there, but the real milk comes from the utters of the moneyed class, and it really is just that simple (and they do it cheaply, making US politicians some of the cheapest whores in global politics, e.g., an investment of a few hundred thousand, even a few million dollars has a return rate in the billions, tens and hundreds of, now that’s a sweet racket).

As for the Rockefeller /Brzezinski agenda, google Trilateral Commission (for starters) and one can quickly see that the Obama recipe for change is anything but. What is going down these days, and in those that are soon to follow, are not pretty. And it’s not a matter being left to random chance. Most pieces on the chess board are pawns, and they are not moved around (or sacrificed) without a purpose or plan by (a) player(s) above their station. The Obama & McCain crowds would be wise to review the ordeals and victories of President Andrew Jackson (a real American hero).

The aforementioned note may or may not be incorrect, as you state. It would be a cool notion to entertain that there is an element of freedom and freewill among the DNC and GOP. But for the ultrawealthy, it’s not in their respective interests to allow freedom and freewill to pose a conflict of interest for the upper echelons of the status quo (in fact, it would be irresponsible to allow such).


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You'd like Atlas. I'd debate this for as long as you'd like usually...but honestly I still have a headache like a mofo and I really don't feel like arguing stupid theories just yet. Wait til tomorrow

Agreed. So we can dispense with the Penn & Teller routine that ridicules anything suggesting that the 9/11 Commission Report is less than gospel. We can raise a horn and agree further that the crimes of some rather lucky killers were the grandest of anomalies in a day filled with one & only events (seriously, attacking on the same day, at the same moment as a massive drill is being conducted, that is simulating the very attack, hmm… maybe there is a god named allah, but I wouldn’t bank on it). The point is that multiple anomalies suggest inside information (on Wall Street or in four cockpits) and no magic bullet will keep cynics of any stripe from posing their own theories (anti-establishment or otherwise). Personally, I couldn’t give a flip. Suffering on this planet is beyond the comfort zone for the Western conscience (which is another way of saying that more people, mostly children, have died from the effects of dirty drinking water since I started responding to your position, which I tend to agree with, than actually perished during the criminal events of that September morning many moons ago). Let’s be clear. There was a conspiracy to commit murder on September 11, 2001. The FBI is on record stating as much. However, I made no assertion (in image or word) that Bush/Dick masterminded the murder of innocents. My position, supported by documented facts, is that an incompetent and unethical Dick/Bush milked the fears of a nation (legally and, more importantly, illegally) in order to be greeted as liberators (as they imagined) in Iraq. Lucky Arab Top Guns and Magic Bullets In Dallas, I don’t lose sleep over such. Pick a fight over (current) presidential pretensions and I may entertain your views if time allows (and while I suspect that our positions have more in common than they don’t, like you, I’ve been through this sort of exchange before and, depending on circumstances, may or may not play along). Before replying (in the future) know this: at no time did I invoke Bush=9/11. That I don’t buy the 9/11/Warren Commission Gospels, well, so what? I’m not out to proselytize among those devoted to officialdom. But on a page/thread that invites mockery of the current American President, I’ll express myself in a manner that is true to my personal convictions, namely, that W. Bush is a moron, and Dick Cheney is a thug (in a nutshell). If that ruffles any feathers, get over it (to whomever). Take care of you headache, and I will mine. Tis a busy day tomorrow and I’m in need of some rest. Later.


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Why do people continue to give a rat's ass about Bill Clinton getting a blowjob? The joke was the United States Senate thinking an impeachment trial was a good use of our time and tax dollars. When he left office, his approval ratings were as high as they'd ever been. Our economy was great and we had a $200 billion dollar surplus. I'd kill for that right about now, and anyone who says otherwise is lying.

Bill Clinton may not ever be in the top 10 Presidents of all time, but he was damn good anyway. I think George Bush lying about a war and sending our troops to die trumps a god damn blowjob.

perhaps if Bush had gotten a god damn blow job more often he'd have been too relaxed to have ordered a war :blink: I know i would :D

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If I remember correctly,the "international joke" was the fact that people in America were making such a huge fucking deal about a fuckin' blowjob.

It was for me and lots of others and secondly why he chose someone like Monica Lewinski, not exactly Miss America was she :blink::slapface:

But politicians here get a rougher deal over their sex lives than they do if they make bad policy decisions.

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