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why is robert not interested in a tour

c mac

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Raising Sand is one of my very favorite albums of the 00s without question.

im happy you like it but i would rather listen to robert with zeppelin as his accompaniment than allison krauss.. i know she is a good musician but i think robert is getting a little rediculous with this whole allison ordeal.. but i know people say it keeps him young and i guess he loves what he does..so hats off to him.. i love him greatest vocalist and frontman ever even now.. but tell me what the best song on that album is and ill listen to it.. in your opinion jahfin?

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im happy you like it but i would rather listen to robert with zeppelin as his accompaniment than allison krauss.. i know she is a good musician but i think robert is getting a little rediculous with this whole allison ordeal.. but i know people say it keeps him young and i guess he loves what he does..so hats off to him.. i love him greatest vocalist and frontman ever even now.. but tell me what the best song on that album is and ill listen to it.. in your opinion jahfin?

Why is it ridiculous he's working with Alison Krauss? They were obviously thrilled with the success of the first album and tour and felt it right to carry on for another record. There are many great songs on the album - Nothin', Fortune Teller, Rich Woman, Polly Come Home, Your Long Journey, Trampled Rose etc. Have you heard any of it? I'd give it a fair shot before dismissing it.

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im happy you like it but i would rather listen to robert with zeppelin as his accompaniment than allison krauss.. i know she is a good musician but i think robert is getting a little rediculous with this whole allison ordeal.. but i know people say it keeps him young and i guess he loves what he does..so hats off to him.. i love him greatest vocalist and frontman ever even now.. but tell me what the best song on that album is and ill listen to it.. in your opinion jahfin?

Please explain how you think their collaboration is ridiculous? They just enjoy working together and making beautiful music at that. Anyways, I love Raising Sand also and cannot wait until the next album comes out! :D

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I wanna see Allison become the most decorated grammy artist of all time with the help of Robert!

Raising Sand is a great album and so were Mighy Rearranger and Fate of Nations.

Robert is so underrated as a solo artist


Mighty Rearranger and Fate of Nations along with Dreamland are my favorite solo albums.

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im happy you like it but i would rather listen to robert with zeppelin as his accompaniment than allison krauss.. i know she is a good musician but i think robert is getting a little rediculous with this whole allison ordeal.. but i know people say it keeps him young and i guess he loves what he does..so hats off to him.. i love him greatest vocalist and frontman ever even now.. but tell me what the best song on that album is and ill listen to it.. in your opinion jahfin?

I have no idea what the "best" song on Raising Sand or any album is but I do have favorites. I have many from Raising Sand, this week it's probably Killing the Blues. I also love the versions done by John Prine (the first place I ever heard it) and Chris Smither. I've noticed some come into this record expecting to hate it right away. If you already have those preconceived notions I very seriously doubt you'll like it as it doesn't sound remotely like anything either he or Alison have ever done before.

As for the ongoing and pointless argument of what Plant should be doing. I think he's doing exactly what he wants which is all that's important to me. It also appears Page has no interest in doing a tour or recording new material. The likelihood of that living up to fans' and critics' expectations even if Plant were involved is also very slim so it's probably best to leave well enough alone.

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Sadly that's probably true, in that recordings of the O2 were only out for a day or two before people started picking on what was wrong with the show, where one or other of them screwed up, etc. etc. (overlooking the fact that no band has ever played a totally perfect show, including Zeppelin, that it would actually be very boring if they did, and that the O2 was a fabulous show nevertheless).

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Sadly that's probably true, in that recordings of the O2 were only out for a day or two before people started picking on what was wrong with the show, where one or other of them screwed up, etc. etc. (overlooking the fact that no band has ever played a totally perfect show, including Zeppelin, that it would actually be very boring if they did, and that the O2 was a fabulous show nevertheless).

Absolutely! I noticed this on the forum shortly after the phenomenal O2 show. Such as a thread like this:


Edited by SuperDave
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I have no idea what the "best" song on Raising Sand or any album is but I do have favorites. I have many from Raising Sand, this week it's probably Killing the Blues. I also love the versions done by John Prine (the first place I ever heard it) and Chris Smither. I've noticed some come into this record expecting to hate it right away. If you already have those preconceived notions I very seriously doubt you'll like it as it doesn't sound remotely like anything either he or Alison have ever done before.

As for the ongoing and pointless argument of what Plant should be doing. I think he's doing exactly what he wants which is all that's important to me. It also appears Page has no interest in doing a tour or recording new material. The likelihood of that living up to fans' and critics' expectations even if Plant were involved is also very slim so it's probably best to leave well enough alone.

I haven't heard John Prine's version - must check that out. You're right - no one will live up to fans' expectations and it's exhausting to hear the endless "he's selfish" or he "should" be with Zep etc.

It is also a shame people have already decided they won't buy Robert and Alison's follow up album because they're mad at him :rolleyes: Shame to determine how you feel about something before you've heard it. I'm sure it will sound quite different from Raising Sand.

Sadly that's probably true, in that recordings of the O2 were only out for a day or two before people started picking on what was wrong with the show, where one or other of them screwed up, etc. etc. (overlooking the fact that no band has ever played a totally perfect show, including Zeppelin, that it would actually be very boring if they did, and that the O2 was a fabulous show nevertheless).

I wasn't there but have been lucky to get some unofficial recordings and it sounded fantastic. No one is perfect and if they are, they're lip synching to track. I don't understand some people's need to start picking apart every note or mistake etc. Personally I'm still celebrating the fact they gave us that show after all that time. Not just a few songs but a full on concert. And played their asses off.

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I haven't heard John Prine's version - must check that out. You're right - no one will live up to fans' expectations and it's exhausting to hear the endless "he's selfish" or he "should" be with Zep etc.

It is also a shame people have already decided they won't buy Robert and Alison's follow up album because they're mad at him :rolleyes: Shame to determine how you feel about something before you've heard it. I'm sure it will sound quite different from Raising Sand.

My ears are ringing with all of this rhetoric regarding Robert Plant on this site, just because he won't do a Led Zeppelin tour. I am looking extremely forward to his and Alison's follow up project! It's amazing how narrowminded some people can be. They haven't heard a note off of "Raising Sand" and they say it sucks. How pathetic!


Edited by SuperDave
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My ears are ringing with all of this rhetoric regarding Robert Plant on this site, just because he won't do a Led Zeppelin tour. I am looking extremely forward to his and Alison's follow up project! It's amazing how narrowminded some people can be. They haven't heard a note off of "Raising Sand" and they say it sucks. How pathetic!


Agreed :D

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What's even more humorous about the criticisms about Raising Sand are those that refer to it (and/or Allison's music) as being "hillbilly". Number one, it's quite obvious right off the bat that they haven't even heard the fucking record. Secondly, is that while they may think they're hurling some sort of insult by using the word "hillbilly" is that hillbilly music (as it was referred to back then) is that is where rock n' roll itself has it's roots. What's perhaps even more humorous is that Zeppelin themselves are huge fans of that music and it oftentimes shone through in their music. To put an even finer point on it, John Paul Jones himself has been appearing at numerous festivals over the past few years jamming with the likes of the Duhks, Gillian Welch and others who's music bares much more of a resemblance to "bluegrass" than anything you'll hear on Raising Sand. He also recently produced a record by the bluegrass outfit Uncle Earl. I think Plant has just become an easy scapegoat for that portion of the fanbase that seem to be unable to actually listen to the record before forming their own opinion or just seem to be completely out of touch with the history of Led Zeppelin and what "bluegrass" music actually is.

Edited by Jahfin
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My ears are ringing with all of this rhetoric regarding Robert Plant on this site, just because he won't do a Led Zeppelin tour. I am looking extremely forward to his and Alison's follow up project! It's amazing how narrowminded some people can be. They haven't heard a note off of "Raising Sand" and they say it sucks. How pathetic!


I agree! Some of the stuff I have heard some people on this board say boggles my mind. Do they actually think constantly criticizing this project with Alison is gonna MAKE Robert change his mind and reunite with Jimmy, Jonesy and Jason? I mean come on, get real!! It's fine for some to try listening to Raising Sand and saying, "not my thing, but I wish him well" as compared to "ewww I hate country and bluegrass, get back with Zeppelin now"! I mean, that is just silly! Also in response to Aquamarine's post earlier about some nitpicking and criticizing how they sounded on some of the songs at the O2 concert, yeah I agree, that is sad too and what is even worse, someone started a thread about it, yikes!!!! Just seems some folks will NEVER be satisfied no matter what. :rolleyes:

Edited by Melanie_72
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I agree! Some of the stuff I have heard some people on this board say boggles my mind. Do they actually think constantly criticizing this project with Alison is gonna MAKE Robert change his mind and reunite with Jimmy, Jonesy and Jason? I mean come on, get real!! It's fine for some to try listening to Raising Sand and saying, "not my thing, but I wish him well" as compared to "ewww I hate country and bluegrass, get back with Zeppelin now"! I mean, that is just silly! Also in response to Aquamarine's post earlier about some nitpicking and criticizing how they sounded on some of the songs at the O2 concert, yeah I agree, that is sad too and what is even worse, someone started a thread about it, yikes!!!! Just seems some folks will NEVER be satisfied no matter what. :rolleyes:

No they won't ever be satisfied. You know Zep could reform and people would still complain they didn't play the right songs, right cities this version wasn't good etc. It's exhausting and pointless. I'm with you - I've no issue if someone listens to anything and says, not my thing but to have anger or ill will because they aren't doing what you want is selfish and childish - ironically exactly what they accuse Robert of.

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What's even more humorous about the criticisms about Raising Sand are those that refer to it (and/or Allison's music) as being "hillbilly". Number one, it's quite obvious right off the bat that they haven't even heard the fucking record. Secondly, is that while they may think they're hurling some sort of insult by using the word "hillbilly" is that hillbilly music (as it was referred to back then) is that is where rock n' roll itself has it's roots. What's perhaps even more humorous is that Zeppelin themselves are huge fans of that music and it oftentimes shone through in their music. To put an even finer point on it, John Paul Jones himself has been appearing at numerous festivals over the past few years jamming with the likes of the Duhks, Gillian Welch and others who's music bares much more of resemblance to "bluegrass" than anything you'll hear on Raising Sand. He also recently produced a record by the bluegrass outfit Uncle Earl. I think Plant has just become an easy scapegoat for that portion of the fanbase that seem to be unable to actually listen to the record before forming their own opinion or just seem to be completely out of touch with the history of Led Zeppelin and what "bluegrass" music actually is.

I especially love it when people use the term Hillbilly as an insult and throw in the adjective "inbred" in front of the hillbilly. Having been raised in the Eastern Kentucky mountains (coal mining territory), I have heard all these insults before, (in a different context), so it wasn't all that shocking. What I have found to be shocking is the personal venom directed at Robert and Alison from those that call themselves fans of Led Zeppelin. I heard some comments at one of the RPAK shows that were quite frankly, shocking. I was actually wondering if I should alert Security. Why buy a ticket if you really have negative feelings about one or both of the performers? My hillbilly parents would call that a waste of money.

I would also like to clarify that I think a lot of this stuff is coming from a very small, vocal minority of LZ fans. I have met some pretty amazing LZ fans as a result of attending RPAK shows/events.

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I especially love it when people use the term Hillbilly as an insult and throw in the adjective "inbred" in front of the hillbilly. Having been raised in the Eastern Kentucky mountains (coal mining territory), I have heard all these insults before, (in a different context), so it wasn't all that shocking. What I have found to be shocking is the personal venom directed at Robert and Alison from those that call themselves fans of Led Zeppelin. I heard some comments at one of the RPAK shows that were quite frankly, shocking. I was actually wondering if I should alert Security. Why buy a ticket if you really have negative feelings about one or both of the performers? My hillbilly parents would call that a waste of money.

I would also like to clarify that I think a lot of this stuff is coming from a very small, vocal minority of LZ fans. I have met some pretty amazing LZ fans as a result of attending RPAK shows/events.

I can't see spending that kind of money on a concert to hurl insults either :( There's lots of music I don't care for but I don't go around insulting the performers or fans who do like it. Thank goodness there's tons of music out there for us to find things we like.

Stereotyping is ridiculous and a malinformed way of thinking about anything and I've no patience or tolerance for it. Someone's place of birth for example doesn't dictate they are of a certain way clearly.

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The disgruntled Krauss/Plant concertgoers remind me of being at a R.E.M. concert in Atlanta during the last election. When Stipe mentioned something about the band's political affiliations a resounding boo came up from one section of the audience along with cardboard signs they had made. I have no problem with someone voicing their own political opinion but it's not as though R.E.M. have ever made a secret of where their political affiliations lie.

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These threads amaze me. Have these so called Zep fans who don't like Raising Sand heard Zep III and the rest of the acoustic based music with roots in bluegrass, folk, blues and country? It's one thing to be disappointed Robert chose not to partake in a Zep project after the O2 show. But to head out to the forums and concert grounds and hurl insults that make it appear like they are oblvious to LZ's roots, and sound, and is more than a little ironic. Not to mention it makes them appear to be ignorant.

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These threads amaze me. Have these so called Zep fans who don't like Raising Sand heard Zep III and the rest of the acoustic based music with roots in bluegrass, folk, blues and country? It's one thing to be disappointed Robert chose not to partake in a Zep project after the O2 show. But to head out to the forums and concert grounds and hurl insults that make it appear like they are oblvious to LZ's roots, and sound, and is more than a little ironic. Not to mention it makes them appear to be ignorant.

Which led me to refer to one poster here that absolutely refuses to let it go as a "clueless fuck". I still stand by that assessment, by the way.

I couldn't agree with you more. You would think anyone that claims to have even the slightest knowledge about the history of the band to be somewhat informed of Zeppelin's very diverse array of musical influences.

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