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Fox News Sucks

Pb Derigable

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I haven't watched Fox News since they hired Rachel Marsden. This gal is a total nutbar and was charged with stalking a Vancouver university prof who she originally accused of rape and, criminal harrasment of a Vancouver radio host. I can read through politics left and right but I can't tolerate anyone who is willing to spread absolute lies about their country ( in this case Canada ) just because

she was found to be a fraud and a freak. Fox News stooped to a new low with the political agenda retoric when they hired her and made a mockery of their conservative viewers in doing so. I for one believe there has to be a place for political commentary in any democracy. If people don't like the conservative or liberal side of the equation then it's not necessary to tune in but, it would be nice to think that which ever side of the debate you chose to listen too, there would be someone credible doing the spouting

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Gotta love Jon Stewart's clip last night of Fox News' continuous coverage of Bush leaving, ie exiting the Capital, boarding Marine 1, Marine flying away, Marine 1 landing at Andrews AFB, Bush waving as he walks from Marine 1 to his jet, his jet taking off, his jet landing in Texas, Bush exiting the jet, Bush greeting fellow Texans for a hoedown

As Stewart put it, "Let it go." :slapface:

I caught that. Then again, The Daily Show is where I catch most of my news.

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You get you news from a comedy show?

The Daily Show is "comedy"? Who woulda thunk it, especially since it's a lot more accurate than anything you're likely to see on any of the networks (Fox included). Then again, most of what I've seen on Fox could pass as comedy as well, particularly their coverage of Bush's departure. When they're on SNL's Weekend Update can be pretty enlightening as well, especially Tina Fey's guest spots this past season.

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Am i the only one that does not find John Stewart or the Colbert report funny? What am i missing that others seem to like. The same with Tina Fey. Other than her Sarah Palin impersonation. She is not funny.

And when did stand up comediens like John Stewart, Bill Maher, Dennis Miller become the go to guys for talking about politics. Were there stand up comedy acts not selling out anymore. Everywhere you turn they are on their talking like they are experts.

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These guys are funny and they have interesting guests, e.g, Colbert had Carole King on one evening. I am a fan of Bill Mahr and he has some very good debates with his guests, which are senators, comedians and congress to name a few. I think he is airing his new season this month.

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These guys are funny and they have interesting guests, e.g, Colbert had Carole King on one evening. I am a fan of Bill Mahr and he has some very good debates with his guests, which are senators, comedians and congress to name a few. I think he is airing his new season this month.

But it seems all they do is talk negative and make fun of things. That seems to be it. They don't seem to have anything positive to say. They have already come out and said how tough it's going to be for them because it's hard to make fun of Obama. How about some comedy that does not involve bashing or making fun.

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But it seems all they do is talk negative and make fun of things. That seems to be it. They don't seem to have anything positive to say. They have already come out and said how tough it's going to be for them because it's hard to make fun of Obama. How about some comedy that does not involve bashing or making fun.

It wouldn't be comedy. This is how these guys make their living. What is the difference between these guys and news media, Rush Limbaugh?

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Fox News does suck. Could be worse though. Just imagine nightly programming with Bill O'Reilly and Hannity, followed by the most irritating Nancy Grace. ACK!

Nancy Grace has to be the worse tv personality of them all. She always looks likes she is going to cry. She is too overdramatic. She is always showing her babies. And of course CNN keeps her on the air.

But i haven't liked CNN nearly as much since they became the Anderson Cooper Network.

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In politics? No you can't. Not for an extended period of time anyways

Well i hope that Obama does a great job so they don't have much to say. Although i think they will do their best to find something to bite his ankles with.

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You want them to have nothing to say? So for political news, we'd all be forced to watch the boring networks like CNN or Fox? Those are great channels...but not for too long. It bores me. Colbert and Stewart keep it fresh. They're what we watch for entertainment, so I don't see why you'd wish them to have nothing to talk about, unless you want them out of a job

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What Stewart, Maher, Miller, Colbert, etc. do is called political satire. I enjoyed the recent appearances of R.E.M. and Rush on The Colbert Report mainly because both groups have the mistaken public perception of being so serious. Those appearances were a reminder of just how humorous they both are and can be. I'm not sure if his show still comes on but another political humorist I used to enjoy is Mark Russell who had a program on PBS for the longest time. I am also going to miss the Great Moments In Presidential Speeches segment from Letterman's show immensely.

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You want them to have nothing to say? So for political news, we'd all be forced to watch the boring networks like CNN or Fox? Those are great channels...but not for too long. It bores me. Colbert and Stewart keep it fresh. They're what we watch for entertainment, so I don't see why you'd wish them to have nothing to talk about, unless you want them out of a job

I don't agree. It's all making fun of and negative. I don't find that fresh. We just have different ideas of what's funny. I have not laughed once at those guys. I would like them to be out of that job. They can always go back to stand up.

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I think it's funny spats was complaining about people talking about things they don't know anything about, and then he proceeds to rattle off a shitload of posts in a row where he talks about things he doesn't know about.

It's not that i am saying they are clueless. It's the higher than mighty attitude they have , the condescending attitude they have as if they could do a better job then people they are making fun of.

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I don't agree. It's all making fun of and negative. I don't find that fresh. We just have different ideas of what's funny. I have not laughed once at those guys. I would like them to be out of that job. They can always go back to stand up.

It's supposed to be negative and making fun of people. That's the whole point. That's why we watch it. It's dark humor. It's funny. Don't like it, don't watch it

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I WANT Obama to get made fun of. I don't want the media thinking that any one President is off-limits from satire. If he says something stupid, lampoon it. If he can't open a door (like Dubya), roundly mock him.

This way the right-wing-off-the-cliffers don't cry that the media is biased.

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