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Obama freezes Guantanamo Bay for 120 days


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So in other words, we should still be holding EVERYONE there, regardless of whether they've actually done anything.

I'm sorry, that argument doesn't hold water with me. I want the guilty punished and I want the innocent released. I want this country to APOLOGIZE for what they've done to the innocent people chained up there like animals. I don't doubt there are guilty people being held at Gitmo. But I'd be willing to bet that a supermajority aren't guilty.

Who is innocent. Please tell me. Please. Since you are all knowing and believe most of them are innocent. You should be able to walk on there and point the terrorist out from the local cab driver.

Ideology is a disease of the mind. It may be too late for you

Im sorry, your nuts!

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I declare war on Ipods. Is there really a war? Just saying it isn't enough. You idiot, get real.

The whole Islamic World? Fuck, I'm right by Dearborn, are we going to bomb them soon? :blink:Who is/are Dearborn, talk English so I can understamd you please.

Come on dude, it's specific individuals and terrorists. FUndamentalists. Not the whole of Islam. We can't kill a billion people just because of religion. That's against everything we stand for. So unless you want to be unpatriotic, quit that nonsense.

Man you take everything as gospel, and didnt you lot kill a million Red Indians, Vietnamese, over 100,00 Iraqis or something near that number, come on mate the USA are one of the largest killers of civilians and innocent people in the modern era, fact.

Israel is not a terrorist state in any way, nonewhatsoever. Hamas launches rockets into Israel...how do you expect them to defend themselves...because that's exactly what they're doing.

Please, if you dont know the history keep stum because you'll only make a fool of yourself. Israel took Palestine over in 1947 from the British, they were a terrorist organisation so Israel is a terrorist state, fact. They took farms away from the Arabs and gave them to European Jews, untill the Jews treat the Palestians as human beings, and not as the Nazis treated them then the Arab/Muslim world will give them no peace.

And while Americia keeps supporting Isreal to the tune of $5.5 billion each year then you get all you deserve from any terrorist cell that can have a pop at you from anywhere in the world. I would also like to add this, I also believe that the USA is a terrorist state, you allowed and supported millions of your citizens in your great democratic country to collect hundreds of millions of dollars for the IRA in its terrorist fight with Britain, well thanks for being such a good friend to us, and didnt your support for the IRA terrorists get you a big bite on the bum in the guise of 9/11, think on friend, your ways are the ways of Evil, fact.

:rolleyes: You name me a single country that doesn't have skeletons in their closets. Finland.

No, America's history isn't great, but it's sure as hell better most.

You look at your country through rose tinted glasses. You really need to look at your own countries history more objectively, you rate along side USSR, China, Nazi Germany, Uganda, Rwanda and Cambodia as a Nation that has commited Genocide in the modern era, tut tut, naughty you, but then again whos gonna stop you? maybe the terrorists?

Wow, What a load of crap. I guess you don't really understand what's really going on do you?

I guess I do really understand the ways of the world a lot better than you and your little immature friend who keeps comming in with her silly little comments but does not leave any helpfull, interesting or intelligent comments to make this an interesting informative debate.

Oh, and when, pray tell, did the US kill thousands/millions of Middle Eastern civilians?

Iraq 2003-2009, I thought that was obvious, as well as Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, 1961-1970, Korea, 1953, The Indian Wars 1637-1918. And quite a few more.

And why would YOU do such a thing? An eye for an eye? So you'd slaughter civilians just to get back at a government. Maybe you should go join Al-Qaeda, for that is what they preach. Perhaps you should start a Neo-Nazi movement where you live, that is what they preach. Perhaps you should start a group of Extreme Stalinists and kill civilians in fear of your own life. Perhaps you and Che and Fidel would've been good buddies and murdered those in your way for power, as a government did that to your family.

It says in the Bible, Koran and Torah, "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth" you being an American and being a Nation under God I though would know that, no? I was saying those things hypotheticaly, just to show you my point, it seems I'm wasted on you, I need more intelegent and knowledgeable foes.

If you truly mean what you just saaid, than you deserve exactly what all men like that get, in this life and the next. I do and probably will, but I would not want to participate in any such wars against my so called friend "Americia", as I'm not a two faced person and back stabber as the American Government has proved to be in the past. I just cant understand why your Government would help the IRA with money and arms and then ask us in Great Britain to assist you in the war on terror, sounds two faced to me, how about you?

Entirely untrue. If England and France can settle their differences so can we. If Japan can change, so can the Middle East. If Germany and the Jews can forgive each other, so can we.

You truly dont understand the mindset of the Muslims, especialy those from the Middle East and Pakistan do you?

I'm as pessimist as they come, but I refuse to believe that the only thing that "save" this world is a nuclear Holocaust. I also use to be a pessimist, but now i dont give a shit.

Regards, Danny

Take a look.



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Oh, I'm nuts because I believe innocent people are being held illegally in an American gulag. I'm nuts because I want the torturing of detainees to stop. I'm nuts because I want the guilty people being held there punished to the fullest extent of the law.

Go fuck yourself, you're a traitor to every ideal this country was founded on. No American should be proud their country is behaving in such an obscene fashion.

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Oh, I'm nuts because I believe innocent people are being held illegally in an American gulag. I'm nuts because I want the torturing of detainees to stop. I'm nuts because I want the guilty people being held there punished to the fullest extent of the law.

Go fuck yourself. you're a traitor to every ideal this country was founded on. No American should be proud their country is behaving in such an obscene fashion.


I ask again. who are the ones are innocent.

There are still Black men being held in Cook Country Jail since 1998 who never had a trail. What about them.

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Got no comeback. Can't handle facts. SO you ahve to tell me to shut the fuck up.



Comeback? Facts? Up?

When did I ever disagree with anything you posted in that article? If anything, I was morbidly agreeing with you. What's a maaaadddder? Is your psuedo-wannabe-Republican shell cracking? :rolleyes:


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I don't support anyone being held illegally without trial or counsel. Why do you assume that I DO support it, in cases that are not Gitmo? Have I at anytime led anyone here to believe that I DO support such behavior. Oh that's right, I haven't. You're trying to move the goal posts and create fake arguments.

Again, go fuck yourself.

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Haha oops typo!

Derigable is not correct

Dirigible is

Somebody already took that name but never posted.

Where are you from Chicago.

Anyways. None of this matter, because Pres. Obama has yet to come up with a solution.

I repeat.



Edited by Pb Derigable
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If Gitmo could be closed in such a short period of time, as you somehow think......why didn't Bush ever close it down? Oh that's right, because it CAN'T be done in one day, and he wouldn't have done it anyway.

I think a year is a rather generous assessment of how long it'll take. I was thinking it would take much longer, but apparently Obama and his people have ideas in place for getting it done that quickly.

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Gates is still on because he's no push over and has good credentials. There's a reason why there haven't been several recent resigning top commanders in our Armed Forces..they like the guy. Rumsfeld had a top commander resign on him every other week because he was a douche...and some wrote a book about it and the prelude to Iraq. If you ever learn to read past the Fox News headlines, perhaps you should look into it. It's called Cobra II.

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You idiot, get real.

Why oh why must YOU always start insulting? Every time this happens.

Oh and you didn't answer the question.

Who is/are Dearborn, talk English so I can understamd you please.
Dearborn, Michigan. It's one of the most Muslim places in America. Sheesh, get with the program bud.

Man you take everything as gospel, and didnt you lot kill a million Red Indians, Vietnamese, over 100,00 Iraqis or something near that number, come on mate the USA are one of the largest killers of civilians and innocent people in the modern era, fact.
Finally, an actual argument. I know what we did to the Indians was incredibly immoral and I'm sorry that it happened. But, we did not murder millions of Vietnamese. We were fighting (at least, according to most people) for the South Vietnamese, so that they didn't get slguhtered by the North (which they did when we left). And as far as Iraqis go, how many did Saddam kill may I ask?

Please, if you dont know the history keep stum because you'll only make a fool of yourself. Israel took Palestine over in 1947 from the British, they were a terrorist organisation so Israel is a terrorist state, fact. They took farms away from the Arabs and gave them to European Jews, untill the Jews treat the Palestians as human beings, and not as the Nazis treated them then the Arab/Muslim world will give them no peace.
Stum isn't a word.

Anyways,Israel took nothing from the British. Israel was created, and is allowed to exist, only because the UN said so. Yeah some of the Jews there were fucked in the head, but they were not a terrorist nation. No more than the rest of the area anyways. They fought for themselves and a land of their own, which they got. They were sick of being shit on as an existence. I don't see the problem there.

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And while Americia keeps supporting Isreal to the tune of $5.5 billion each year then you get all you deserve from any terrorist cell that can have a pop at you from anywhere in the world. I would also like to add this, I also believe that the USA is a terrorist state, you allowed and supported millions of your citizens in your great democratic country to collect hundreds of millions of dollars for the IRA in its terrorist fight with Britain, well thanks for being such a good friend to us, and didnt your support for the IRA terrorists get you a big bite on the bum in the guise of 9/11, think on friend, your ways are the ways of Evil, fact.
Oh god, a conspiracy theorist :rolleyes:

We are not a terrorist state. We do not support the Irish Republican Army. We do not support the overthrow of the British government, nor the country of Northern Ireland. Those are not our problems. Oh, and if America deserves punishment from terrorists, what pray tell does England deserves? I mean they only fucked up, South Africa, India, Egypt, the Middle East, central and Eastern Africa, France (for a long while), Australia, Ireland, Scotland, shall we go on?


You look at your country through rose tinted glasses. You really need to look at your own countries history more objectively, you rate along side USSR, China, Nazi Germany, Uganda, Rwanda and Cambodia as a Nation that has commited Genocide in the modern era, tut tut, naughty you, but then again whos gonna stop you? maybe the terrorists?
You also seem to forget, my friend, how much we help other countries ;)

And no, we rate nowhere near a single one of those countries.

I guess I do really understand the ways of the world a lot better than you and your little immature friend who keeps comming in with her silly little comments but does not leave any helpfull, interesting or intelligent comments to make this an interesting informative debate.
Your'e welcome.

Iraq 2003-2009, I thought that was obvious, as well as Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, 1961-1970, Korea, 1953, The Indian Wars 1637-1918. And quite a few more.

Iraq, Vietnam (for the most part), Cambodia, Laos, and Korea were all because of wars. The United States Government nor military ever adopted a doctrine of murdering civilians, nor did it advocate or encourage it. Some soldiers in Vietnam took the time to do it, but the US Military did not want that sort of thing. The Indians I've already said I agree with but you clearly didn't read any of what I wrote. I said Middle Eastern countries. The only one you named was Iraq, of which almost every civilian we've killed is accidental/collateral damage. It happens in war does it not?

It says in the Bible, Koran and Torah, "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth" you being an American and being a Nation under God I though would know that, no? I was saying those things hypotheticaly, just to show you my point, it seems I'm wasted on you, I need more intelegent and knowledgeable foes
You mean "intelligent" :rolleyes:

Jesus said to turn the other cheek. That's one of the foundations of modern Christianity. You would know that if you understood history.

I do and probably will, but I would not want to participate in any such wars against my so called friend "Americia", as I'm not a two faced person and back stabber as the American Government has proved to be in the past. I just cant understand why your Government would help the IRA with money and arms and then ask us in Great Britain to assist you in the war on terror, sounds two faced to me, how about you?
We didn't do fund the IRA. You're just delusional and looking for another way to make America look bad and save face for all the atrocities your country has committed. You make us seem like Pee Wee Herman.

You truly dont understand the mindset of the Muslims, especialy those from the Middle East and Pakistan do you?

I also use to be a pessimist, but now i dont give a shit.

I do not understand the mindsets of Muslims? I'm surrounded by them...

If what your saying is that Muslims/Middle Easterners will never allow peace, perhaps you should learn soem history. The Middle East used to be the most prosperous/peaceful part of the world at one point, rivalling China in technology and science of the time. Quit hate-mongering and look for solutions.

Edited by wanna be drummer
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Friday, January 23, 2009

Frank Beckmann: Commentary

Closing Guantanamo causes terror problems for America

Less than 48 hours after Beyonce's lyrics drifted off with the music, ushering out a joyous inaugural day, America became less safe.

President Barack Obama Thursday ordered the closure of the U.S. detention facility for terrorist suspects at Guantanamo Bay, a U.S. property in Cuba, where he had already ordered a cessation of hearings involving people suspected of doing or meaning harm to American troops and civilians.

The president's actions were meant to show America's humanity, our ambition to live by a higher standard than the terrorists who continue to plot acts of violence against us. But how will our country deal with the plotters once they are rooted out?

Even as he signed the executive order to close Guantanamo, Obama was not even aware of what was in a second executive order dealing with Guantanamo inmates.

"Is there a separate executive order, Greg, with respect to how we're going to dispose of the detainees?" Obama asked White House Counsel Greg Craig.

"We will be setting up a process," was the answer. In other words, the administration will figure it out later.

This is how we'll now fight the war on terror, flying by the seat of our pants? And what happens to future detainees on the battlefield of war?

Of course, using the word "war" with terror does not seem to be part of the new administration's lexicon. Obama chose to describe the battle against terrorism as a "struggle."

The president also outlawed the controversial technique of waterboarding, used as part of the Central Intelligence Agency's "enhanced interrogation techniques" to pry information from captured terrorist suspects.

Waterboarding worked. The final Sept. 11 Commission report detailed the evidence gathered this way from 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheik Mohammed, USS Cole attack planner Abd al Rahim al Nashiri and al-Qaida's training and travel coordinator Abu Zubaydah.

The argument for closing Guantanamo and ending tough interrogation methods has been that the world thinks less of us because of these issues.

But the attacks of 9/11 and earlier -- the bombings of the World Trade Center, African embassies and Marine barracks in Lebanon -- all occurred before Guantanamo became an adjective and when waterboarding became a U.S. practice. The terrorists attacked anyway because of their religious hatred of the West and its way of life.

Also Thursday, a leading al-Qaida figure posted a video on an Islamist Web site calling for attacks against the United States, Britain and other Western countries.

This time, the creation of the Israeli state was the stated reason. Next time, it will be another imagined slight.

These terrorists scoff at our freedoms. We need to protect those liberties.

But we also value our lives, and count on our government to protect us from harm. Sadly, the executive orders have made us more vulnerable, and the terrorists will notice.

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Dearborn, Michigan. He's talking about Dearborn, Michigan. It's a city....in the state where he lives.

One, it's called Google. Two, he WAS speaking English, unless you suddenly can't recognizing your own language anymore.

No wonder Americans the world over are hated, obnoxious, illinformed, tactless, tasteless, humourless, rude, and thats just you.

Regards, Danny

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Ah, so you are an America-hater. We can add that to the laundry list of other things. Furthermore, I'm even more glad that everyone here now knows how you stereotype people from certain countries. It tickles me that it's on full display.

By all means, do continue. What other lies and half-truths do you want to tell about Americans? I'm anxious to read them!

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