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Michael Phelps Bongs On


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I honestly can't believe anyone cares. I don't smoke pot and frankly, don't ever care to, but what's the big deal here? It's not like they caught him smoking crack or shooting up heroin in a dark alley. It's weed, for God's sake.

Athletes are NOT role models. They're rich people paid to play a sport or perform an activity at an elite level. Most of them don't even have college degrees. If you think kids should look up to people like this for life lessons, you're sorely mistaken.

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I honestly can't believe anyone cares. I don't smoke pot and frankly, don't ever care to, but what's the big deal here? It's not like they caught him smoking crack or shooting up heroin in a dark alley. It's weed, for God's sake.

Athletes are NOT role models. They're rich people paid to play a sport or perform an activity at an elite level. Most of them don't even have college degrees. If you think kids should look up to people like this for life lessons, you're sorely mistaken.

On this issue,I couldn't agree with you more.

Well put and well said.

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I honestly can't believe anyone cares. I don't smoke pot and frankly, don't ever care to, but what's the big deal here? It's not like they caught him smoking crack or shooting up heroin in a dark alley. It's weed, for God's sake.

Athletes are NOT role models. They're rich people paid to play a sport or perform an activity at an elite level. Most of them don't even have college degrees. If you think kids should look up to people like this for life lessons, you're sorely mistaken.

Hey, he should also be allowed to smoke crack and shoot heroin. Let's not discriminate.

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Look if he wants to smoke pot, fine. But don't let yourself get photographed doing so. If my employer had photo's of me taking bong hits, I'm almost sure I'd be fired.

No, I agree. It was dumb of him to be photographed doing it. But the almost pathetic moral outrage over Michael Phelps smoking pot at all is what makes me laugh.

It's almost like people can't believe a rich, 20-something athlete who just won 8 gold medals in one Olympic games would EVER do something that might not be that intelligent.

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Hey, he should also be allowed to smoke crack and shoot heroin. Let's not discriminate.

In theory, you're correct. If he wants to smoke crack or shoot up heroin, it's his body, let him do with it what he pleases.

My point was that getting caught smoking pot is not nearly as "ZOMG WON'T SOMEBODY THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!11!!1" as say.....if he was photographed tying his arm off and sticking a needle in it. There's degrees of stupidity here. I think the outrage would have been more justifiable if it was crack or heroin, though. Those are hardcore street drugs.

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As part of the manufacturing process, doesn't all pot get dipped in heroin?

What if Phelps was a school bus driver, driving our adorable little ones to school each day. WHAT THEN?

Affective cannabis certainly needs no additives.

Only what I've read.

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For God's sake, of course if he was hitting a bong while driving a school bus full of children, that would be a major fucking issue.

But he wasn't. And there's no actual indication that he ever will. So what's your point? The ingestion of any kind of intoxicant while operating a motor vehicle is a big problem, be it weed or alcohol. No one should be driving while under the influence. Period. But again, he wasn't driving or even anywhere near schoolkids.

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How did he get home from the party he attended? Hmmmm. I'd like to see him stripped of his swim trunks. We all know that the pot today is MEGA stronger than the pot from 30 years ago. And some of it does get dipped in various substances, PCP, heroin and Red Bull to name a few.

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How did he get home from the party he attended? Hmmmm. I'd like to see him stripped of his swim trunks. We all know that the pot today is MEGA stronger than the pot from 30 years ago. And some of it does get dipped in various substances, PCP, heroin and Red Bull to name a few.

Red Bull?

Most of the time grass is simply grass, it hasn't gotten significantly stronger than it was in the 80's, and he probably didn't drive home from a "party." He probably was just toking with a couple buddies and crashed there. Poor guy, his only mistake was having a picture of it. I give Phelps credit for being a bigger man than I could be; I would have said it was a water pipe (tobacco).

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As part of the manufacturing process, doesn't all pot get dipped in heroin?

What if Phelps was a school bus driver, driving our adorable little ones to school each day. WHAT THEN?

Yeah, ok strawman :rolleyes:

Here's a question on par with the shit you just pulled:

What if the Marines in Iraq were shooting at our adorable little ones while they went to school each day?

So you don't support the troops now asshole? Then move to Canada

Edited by wanna be drummer
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Awwwww, Michael should have singed up to be on the Wheaties Box instead of Kelloggs....

After all, if you look down the list of atheletes that have appeared on Wheaties Boxes,


You'll find a nice selection of:


Adulteres / Womanizers / Whoremongers

Steroid Users

Illegal Gamblers

Now that's the kind of company Michael needs to be with, now that he's not "pure" enough to be a Kelloggs Man... :D

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