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Has Zep ruined other music for you


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If I thought Led Zeppelin were head and shoulders above every other band/artist out there, I wouldn't even bother buying other music.

Led Zeppelin have been one of my favourite bands for 25+ years, but I enjoy listening to countless other bands just as much, many of whom had little or no mainstream success.

The problem for me is there are so many great bands out there that I'll never get to hear them all!

There are many great bands indeed! I need to win the lottery to buy all the cds I want to check out :lol:

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There are many great bands indeed! I need to win the lottery to buy all the cds I want to check out :lol:

Perfectly said, Ninelives.

as for myself I have about 1100 vinyl albums and I never counted cd's (several hundreds), still there are so many good records that I have never listened, so many things to be discovered.......it would take me a thousand of lifetimes to listen to all beautiful music ever made!

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:D :D :D

Funny that you have KREATOR in your logo Jarlaxle.

They are kind of youth sentiment to me from a mighty long time ago when I was very metalminded. Just to relive some of that vibe I went to see them in Amsterdam last month, which was indeed as energizing as drinking 10 cans of black coffee at once.

Here is a vid of part of the performance, seems they really never mellowed down too much...

Awesome, I'm considering going to see them if they're playing their stuff from the 80s. (Kreator is coming here in April, but it would be hard for me to go )

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  • 2 weeks later...
Oh, yeah, I was the same way with Led Zeppelin for sure. I had it bad. Real bad. :lol: But then you move on... doesn't mean you love them less... such is life!

I haven't got to that point yet... :D

Sure, I listen to other stuff too, but I still sometimes feel guilty.

I'm on the verge of getting into the mucic that actually inspired Zep-I'm listening to more old bluesy soul stuff. I also started listening to Jeff Beck because of Zeppelin...

But at the end of the day, they're still the only guys for me :wub:

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I haven't got to that point yet... :D

Sure, I listen to other stuff too, but I still sometimes feel guilty.

I'm on the verge of getting into the mucic that actually inspired Zep-I'm listening to more old bluesy soul stuff. I also started listening to Jeff Beck because of Zeppelin...

But at the end of the day, they're still the only guys for me :wub:

No reason to feel guilty. The amount you listen to a group doesn't determine your loyalty :) They're still my favorite group but I don't listen to them all the time anymore.

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Agreed Otto ! I think it's safe to say that in order to get to and like Led Zeppelin in the first place, a persons ears had to be open to new directions and sounds.

I'm sticking with my statement here but I will add, from a live perspective...yes, seeing Zeppelin in concert certainly tainted my opinion of other bands. Very few acts have been able to get to my soul the way they did.

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I'm sticking with my statement here but I will add, from a live perspective...yes, seeing Zeppelin in concert certainly tainted my opinion of other bands. Very few acts have been able to get to my soul the way they did.

Couldn't have said it better myself B)

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Led Zeppelin opened the door to all kinds of good music for me... now I listen to jazz, R&B, blues, that I wouldn't have been led to if it wasn't ultimately for discovering Led Zeppelin and their influences, and their influences' influences, etc...

They didn't 'ruin' other music for me, they made it better and now I appreciate them even more!

I know I'm late in replying, but had to. Very good post!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Have a look as some of the pre-dark side of the moon floyd, it's a different flavour to LZ. Or get a copy of 1977 PF album, Animals. Its dark, sharp and fantastically constructed.....

Wot about Wolfmother if u want something made this century, big sound, lots of modulation effects, classic Gibson bridge humbucker sounds. Prolly doesn't have same emotive feel as earlier Brit invasion stuff.....

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  • 4 weeks later...
With the exception of James Brown. Zep has ruined other music for me. I just don't get a kick out of the other bands as much as Zep. Not Van Halen/The Stones/The Who/PFloyd.

I can't understand why four white boys from England have ruined my musical tastes. I am a black man, I can't even stand most rap, just because of Zep. For the past 20 yrs, Zeppelin and James Brown are the only music that I can hear everyday and find something new. I can't relate To BIG/PDiddy/Tupac.

I keep questioning the connection I have to Zep. I wonder if I was friends with them in a past life. Based on my ethnic background I should not be into them. My parents did not play rock in the house. My parents are more into Jazz and Reggae.


zep was a jazz band in concert at times.. watch the no quarter performance in seattle in 77'.. and dyer maker is reggaeish...so versatile the mighty zep.. dont feel weird for loving the best band

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