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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. Are you talking about Tina Fey parodying her on SNL? SNL has always been known for their political satire, in fact this is some of the funniest stuff they've done in close to 20 years.
  2. FTR, I don't think McCain thinks Obama is a terrorist nor do I think he's a racist. Sarah Palin is not getting "flustered". In order to get flustered, you have to know your shit first. I'm convinced that right now, she believes what she's told to believe. They have to milk this for all it's worth and the only way to do that is to make the people believe "hey, she thinks like me" whether she actually does or not.
  3. But that's what she is. That's all the McCain camp has right now to pull in voters. He sure as hell isn't. The same as Obama uses Joe Biden to go out there and pull in voters. He's on bereavement right now but I'm sure when he comes back, he'll be right back out there stumping and talking to people.
  4. I'm not necessarily saying that McCain has personally said or thinks that Obama is a terrorist. What I am saying however, is that his campaign in the last week or so has taken a markedly more negative turn, which is allowing this shit to fester in the minds of his constituency. Even if McCain DOES think he is a terrorist, if he even breathes it in public, he might as well drop out because he will not win. He's not stupid in that respect. But when your intellectually-challenged VP is going out there accusing your opponent of consorting with terrorists (which is a bald-faced lie) and you do nothing to distance your campaign from those lies, what does that say? Either Sarah Palin is a bigger moron than we thought, McCain is a complete puppet who is not in charge of his own campaign, or he's hoping this shit sticks and starts working away at Obama's poll numbers. Which one do you think it is?
  5. Yeah, he looked completely discomfited. That clip just pissed me off for some reason. Is that where McCain's campaign is really going, with 29 days to go? Really? We're calling a US Senator a terrorist? Desperation is a stinky cologne, John.
  6. I want everyone to watch this for a couple reasons. One, watch McCain's face when the audience shouts their response. I don't know if he was trying to hide a smile or becoming physically uncomfortable -- you be the judge. Two, in light of that response, McCain's next line after "Who is the real Barack Obama" is great: "But, my friends, you ask such questions, and all you get in response is another barrage of insults." Yeah, because calling your opponent a "terrorist" is nothing like an "insult," huh? Who the fuck are these people? If McCain had any integrity left, he would have shot that audience down for it and told them they were out of line. But nooooooooooooooo. Why......that would be something Christ would do.
  7. I don't know about other religions, but you can be excommunicated from the Catholic Church. I grew up a very devout Catholic, just like my sister and my parents. However as I grew older and was exposed to different ideologies and ways of thinking, I realized that what I felt was common sense was not in line with what the Church thought and I grew separate. I go with my family to Midnight Mass on Christmas, and Easter Mass, but other than that.....unless someone is marrying or being buried in the Church, I don't attend. I feel I'm more spiritual than religious now. I think most organized religions are useless. I think you can have faith and believe in a higher power without conforming to any one faith's tenets and canons.
  8. I'm more spiritual than religious. I don't subscribe to any faith anymore, really. I've all but been excommunicated from the Church for my views and that's cool. If they don't want me, I don't want them. It's mutual.
  9. Watch Ken Burns' The Civil War. I hadn't watched it in about 6 years, so I thought I'd crack open the DVDs and give them a spin. Glad I did.
  10. Oh yes. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Don't know what's hotter; him or his voice.
  11. Seeing as one trial was in LA 13 years ago and the other in Las Vegas......and the fact that Lance Ito fell off the radar after that trial 13 years ago, I think it's safe to say......no, he didn't get the same judge twice.
  12. The word is pronounced new-clee-er. There is no way around that. New-clee-er. Not new-cue-ler.
  13. Well, I certainly don't think she suffers from profound mental retardation.
  14. Sarah Palin has an interesting theory about freedom of the press: http://www.dailykos.com/storyonly/2008/10/.../964/231/621158 Is she seriously trying to say that media is abusing the "privilege" of free speech? First of all, freedom of speech is not a "privilege". It's a right. Same could be said for freedom of the press. I swear this is more continued butthurt from her over that Katie Couric interview. Perhaps if she didn't want all of America thinking she was an idiot, she shouldn't have come off like one.
  15. Cross between religious and ridiculous.
  16. It's fine. I'm well past the point of giving even a scintilla of a shit about him. If he wants to think he "pwned" me or "burned" me or whatever the new hip lingo is, let him.
  17. See? Now if not for this post, I might have done it wrong.
  18. Oooh wow, I'm like so insulted and like, so intimidated. You done posted my picture in this here thread. And then you like, used the phrase "rear its ugly head" and then posted my picture to like, say I'm ugly. Christ take me away, for I am surely unable to live with this horrendous indignity. I think I'll grab a razor blade and end my life for now that this douchebag said I'm ugly, I must die. I can never face myself now. OH THE HUMANITY. *yawns* Again, I'm like.........so insulted. *files nails* Yup.....just so hurt. Inflamed. Disgusted. Pained. *yawns again*
  19. Both McCain and Obama held rallies in Anchorage, Alaska. Hardly anyone showed up to McCain's event. Why? They were all at the Obama rally. In Alaska. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
  20. OJ's ass is going to look like the porthole of a ship.
  21. Oh my God, he typed more than 4 words. Where are those champagne bottles.........?
  22. "It's not whether you win or lose, it's how you place the blame." - Oscar Wilde or "Democracy is the process by which people choose which man will get the blame." - Bertrand Russell or "The man who can smile when things go wrong has thought of someone else he can blame it on." - Robert Bloch
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