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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. He didn't choose Hillary Clinton because he could not win with her on the ticket. That's why he didn't consider her. The GOP has too much shit on her, it would have sunk them. Furthermore, Joe Biden has a shit-ton more foreign policy experience than Hillary Clinton so no, she is not more qualified than Joe Biden to be his VP. She is too polarizing. He needed someone who pull in far-left and more center-leaning Democrats. What steps forward has Sarah Palin made? She's certainly not the first woman to be put on a national ticket.
  2. No, it's not. But who is chosen President DOES affect people outside the United States. They don't get to choose, but the choice affects them.
  3. You realize this is a Led Zeppelin message board, right? FTR no I haven't and don't plan on it, but I would say about 60% or more of this board has.
  4. How is this a step forward for women, when she's not even the most qualified woman who was chosen? If he had chosen a QUALIFIED woman, people's reactions to the ticket would be markedly different. Feminism, as I believe it to be, isn't just throwing women into positions that were male-dominated just to say there's a woman there. It's about putting the best woman there to prove that women belong there. That they can achieve that position if they work hard enough. Slapping a pretty face and a pair of tits on the ticket is not "feminism". Why should I cheer her on? She's sociopolitically ignorant, she's a Young Earth creationist, she thinks shooting animals from a helicopter is fun, she's a Fundamentalist, she's anti-choice......I don't want someone like that in a position of power, regardless of their gender.
  5. Good. Let's all move on and quit bitching about this now. Better to make a statement and piss one group of people off than say nothing and piss everyone off.
  6. The debate is going to be nothing more than talking points, as the GOP removed any chance it would turn into an actual debate because poor widdle Sarah is inexperienced at it, and they only want her making a complete ass of herself on the CBS Evening News. Biden is going to be bleeding profusely from having to bite his tongue all night, but he can do it. I think even HE understands the importance of leaving her to her own devices. Even if Palin does well, it's not going to do any significant damage to Obama/Biden's lead in the polls right now. They have too large of a lead and while anything can happen between now and November 4th, it would take something more than catastrophic to completely flip the race. The best the GOP can hope for is that Sarah Palin comes off smarter than George Bush. Which right now......she's not.
  7. I love that Billy Madison quote. +10 internets for referencing it.
  8. Have you seen the footage on YouTube of Couric asking Sarah Palin about Supreme Court cases? Yeesh.
  9. You'll find this thread (and many others) so much more bearable now.
  10. Not hardly. Listen honey, I'm a lot of things, but a bigot isn't one of them. I have no bigotry in my life......I was raised better than that. Now you go back to thinking rap lyrics are funny and I'll go back to listening to KC and the Sunshine Band.
  11. Dear, if there's anything I'm NOT, it's discriminatory. But thanks anyway.
  12. Oh yeah, there's nothing more humorous in this world than rap lyrics. I'll give you Baby Got Back as being funny.....anything Vanilla Ice ever did as being funny......but that's about all I'll give you.
  13. Dubya was elected President because idiots think the best criteria for determining a President is "can I have a beer with this guy?". Oh yeah, he has to be a puppet for the Christian Right. Maybe we need to go back to having haughty, elitist intellectuals in the White House. If Thomas Jefferson ran for President today, he'd never win. All that intelligence would scare off American voters. That and the fact he wasn't too keen on religion. They want a President that they can "relate" to, not someone who is necessarily right for the job. There are people in this country.......right now.....who are not voting for Barack Obama because they think he's Muslim. That's weapons-grade stupid. They're not stupid for not voting for him, they're stupid for using that as their reasoning. There's a video on YouTube of some of our rural-American friends opining as to why they're not voting for him and would you believe the n-word came up? I know, I was shocked too. Watch that and weep.
  14. The Civil War was inevitable. The only way slavery would end was with war. There was no way the South would just give up the basis of their economy without a fight. Racism won out in the end though, and the amendments that were supposed to give these people voting rights and due process rights and citizenship rights were not exactly enforced for another 100 years. That war was a necessary evil.
  15. I love KC and the Sunshine Band and had forgotten about this song until you posted that link. Thanks......straight to the iPod it goes!
  16. Both sides are going to say stupid shit. Both sides' supporters will say their candidate won. I'm watching because it looks to be entertaining, no matter what side you're on.
  17. *sigh* the majority of the country =/= the majority of voters or the majority of Congress I had to explain this? I think we all know that the number of registered voters in this country, regardless of party affiliation, does not in anyway equal what would be considered a majority of this country's population. The stupid......it burns.
  18. I love it when people completely misread my posts and then try to act like they have a "gotcha". So much fun. Haha, you thought I was talking about registered voters. Haha.
  19. She's like a broken See n' Say. I think this shows that she's cramming rote memorization into her schedule along with everything else, and anyone observant can pick it up.
  20. Joe Biden. He says dumb shit from time to time, but no one will ever dispute his intelligence or political chops. If some asshole killed Barack Obama, I would be completely comfortable with Joe Biden in the Oval Office. Sarah Palin is just.......I don't even know anymore. Just when I thought she couldn't look worse, a new clip or transcript comes out that manages to make it happen. For someone running for high national office, she's absurdly ignorant of the things we should expect someone running for high national office to know. I don't care if your average American can't rattle off Supreme Court cases. I damn well expect someone in the White House to be able to. I don't care if your average American doesn't know what branch of the federal government the VP is in. I damn well expect someone in the White House to know. I don't care if your average American can't name what magazines and newspapers they read to get their news. I damn well expect someone in the White House to be able to. I'm tired of Americans saying they want their elected leaders to be just like them. The majority of this country is fucking stupid. I don't want our leaders reflecting that. I want someone educated and cultured and more politically in-tune than your average Joe or Jane in the White House. 8 years of average is enough.
  21. Disco. I love disco music. It's just fun, poppy music to dance to and have a good time.
  22. Being a Senator is working for the government. Being a Representative is working for the government. Being a Governor, Mayor, Alderman, City Coucil chair.....all working for the government. I guess those aren't "real" jobs.
  23. Yeah, that would be a good start. ANYONE seeking high political office should be able to answer that question tenfold. It wasn't a gaffe. Not even close. She was asked a question and couldn't answer it. A gaffe would be saying "Supreme Court? Wasn't Diana Ross the lead singer?" She was asked to name a case other than Roe v. Wade and she said nothing. I'm serious when I say, there are 13 year olds with a better grasp of this shit than she has. It's embarrassing that the GOP are trying to pass her off as qualified and competent when she's clearly not. Or were they only looking for tits and nothing else? As a woman, it's offensive. It's difficult enough for women to get into high political offices, especially because we're not taken as seriously as men are. When you have a woman like her out there, opening her mouth and saying either stupid shit or in this case, nothing which is worse, it makes it that much more difficult for a woman to be in her shoes again. I wasn't asking for YOU to defend it, I was asking for ANYONE here to defend it. If they can. If Joe Biden was asked this question and he couldn't answer it, have you any idea how embarrassing that would be for Democrats? Re: The second point, if Fred Thompson said something like that, no one would pay attention because no one cares about him. You could have picked a more relevant Republican, you know.
  24. I'm sorry, are we continuing to ignore the fact that Sarah Palin can't name a Supreme Court case aside from Roe v. Wade? You'd think a gun nut like her would at least know DC v. Heller. And again, I don't give a rat's ass what Bill Clinton has to say. I didn't even watch his speech at the DNC. And if you think he was talking about election/vote fraud, better turn that mirror around on the Republicans.
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