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Everything posted by rm2551

  1. Just picked mine up. SO excited..... Great night coming up. Bronco's vs Cowboys in NRL (Both QLD teams, so even if Bronc's lose, I'll still be mildly happy) followed by a nice late night listening session. I will not so much as look at the track listing, just bang CD1 in, try to avoid even looking closely at the CD, and just listen and enjoy.
  2. The older I get, the more I have to look up all those damn abbreviations of Zep songs. I hate it.
  3. Ridiculously good weather here in BrisVegas. In fact, winter was barely a month overall this year. Was tshirt and shorts in the yard 1 weekend after winter solstice. Crazy.
  4. Led Zeppelin – 1979/07/24 @ Falconer Salen, Copenhagen, Denmark
  5. YES!!! It really is surprising there have not been more live releases. I still think there will be. I have asked before on here, whats in the vault, what is possible. At the end of the day, the idea of a live chronological release must be possible as it was Page himself that talked about this. So eventually, I still believe there will be a "this is it!" FINAL CHAPTER live release that is THE LAST official Zeppelin release that will be a killer package with bonus disk editions, extra's in deluxe sets, etc. And that will be IT.
  6. Ten Years Gone. The Rain Song. Down by the Seaside. Nothing new, all been listed, but they're definitely mine. All pure magic.
  7. Yes, that was the one line that stuck the most. While overall it was interesting enough to read the whole post, a hearty "well get stuffed then" was the concluding feeling I got from the snide undertone.
  8. Lack of video, but not so much as there is some stuff out there and the DVD's. Mostly though, the vids do not show enough of Bonham when he is rampaging through a particularly tasty fill or JPJ pretty much at all! Most annoying on that point - in WLL off TSRTS, there is a baseline run that speeds up and goes up a gear, and the fact no mofo thought to capture that moment in particular, especially since they wern't capturing a lot of him, so why not at least that! at around the 3:12 - but pretty much the bass through that section: "hey guys, hear that cracking good underlying bass? How about you get AT LEAST ONE SHOT of it?!?!?!?!" Someone should have said!
  9. "That was somethin' off the third album which we will play, as long as we're in existence....." Unsurprising Plantation after one of the best SIBLY of the tour (at least that I have heard). The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down - 1975-05-13 Ridiculously good quality too.
  10. Hope you are healing well. Not a Motorbike accident by chance???


    1. Jimmywalnutz


      Thank You. No. It was a long time ago. Mogadishu. I had a bad day and some real bad times to follow. I'll never be "better" just not worse. I do appreciate your well wishes. Thank you.

      I'm going through 1969 trying to gather definitive editions of some shows that are lacking . So precious few Soundboards from that year but I'm in April and that Fillmore/Winterland run is just incredible. 4/25 & 4/26 are giving me fits. Scouring the net for the best tapes of those two. 

      HMMT from 4/26 is 23:00 minutes long. It has a rare bow solo and an uncommon medley. If I could find that I would just add it to EV's offering. So far I found a decent one that runs 19 +. I'm having fun though. I stumbled across a source for 69-70 boots  from an obscure site. I will send you the link.

      If not for anything it has a great FLAC version of Divinity that is easily the best I've heard aside from the disc itself.

      I will have your package out soon. It's loaded with great tapes many of them where my "go to" until I got te actual boot. I just have so much , too much. It's become work managing my collection.

      BTW, are you a Stones , Bowie, Sabbath , Dio or Ozzy fan? That's the second largest portion of my boot collection and I have a bunch of extra's from those artists.

      I will send the link at some point today and thanks again for your concern.


    2. rm2551


      Hey bud, now worries, much love to a fellow Zep head for the pain/suffering. Power on mate, just power on - and I hope all is well as can be and you continue to own it - and not it owns you.

      Thanks for the gear. Amazing generosity, I really, really appreciate it. If you ever get to Brissie, Oz, I owe you a beer or 3!!!

      Not really into any other band anything like Zep. I'm a bit dissapointing probably in musical taste. Mainstream for the most part, brought up by "Classic Rock" radio and mums rather eclectic - and I think freakin awesome, record collection (Boz Scaggs, Wings, Lipps Inc (Funky Town), Michael Jackson, Neil Diamond (Hot August night - BEST live album EVER until I heard Zep - as a Kid of 8 I'd listen to it at full volume, loved it, fond memories), Little River Band, Johnny Cash, Leo Sayer, stuff "like that" (not sure what 'like that' is - lol.). Apart from that I actually like some of the one hit wonder 80's gear. Apart from the Chillies, not much today gets my interest. Just usual old Rock or Classic rock on the radio, but most is filler.

      Once I got into Zep as a stoned teenager, I was goooone. Hook line and sinker! Been obsessing ever since. Nothing comes close. Live, they just SPEAK - like a freakin language. I swear at times most of the time actually) Jimmy's sequences are like words. Like a proper complex language that conveys things clearer than english. I have always thought that and still to this day wonder at the amazement of that and how that affects me and the thought of that. The clarity with which he could "speak" emotion and its completely understandable what he is saying, like somehow I know a language that I never knew I knew. (And to think I rarely even smoke now! LOL)

      How he did that show after show, tour after tour is why he is THE BEST.

      Anyway, I ramble...

      Thanks again friend. Appreciate it.


  11. Between this specific release and tour - for sure, TOUR!! (although I am still excited and can't wait for this release) If it was a choice between more releases and a tour - releases of '75 and '77 concerts, maybe some real gems that no soundboards exist for or the most amazeballs shows of specific tours that JP has in the vault, I'd take Zep releases. I'd pay damn good money to see Page if/when he does tour, but if a choice, releases!!!!!
  12. Short of an appeal and more bullshit, Spirit, and Taurus will slide back to obscurity with maybe the very occasional footnote about how once there was a case with one of their seldom heard songs sounding something like the start to Stairway. Thing is, when you listen to them, they are just not the same. Generally, a million things are similar to bits of songs. Not much is the same.
  13. Relaxing @ home with family. Housework, and building a Ubuntu server with son to gear up for Raspberry-Pi MAME project.
  14. Jason Bonham. Surely first in line to the Zeppelin Throne. When all members shuffle off this mortal coil, me thinks he will be the keeper of the seasons.
  15. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-06-15/led-zeppelins-stairway-to-heaven-goes-on-trial/7511266
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