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Everything posted by Anjin-san

  1. Hi all, We have BINGO!!!! KB
  2. You rock! AGAIN! ;-)

    Best, Kev

  3. Try to read this without laughing out loud . . . What a wonderful coming together of two diverse groups! We need more gatherings where the idiot activists are given warm, moist, aromatic welcomes like this one. This is why PETA usually protests women wearing fur rather than bikers wearing leather. Sounds to me like the old saying, "you mess with the bull, and you get the horns". Gee, I guess these characters thought that Bikers where going to be politically correct like the rest of the wimpy world. HERE'S HOW POLICE FOUND ONE OF THEM. Johnstown, PA (GlossyNews) - Local and state police scoured the hills outside rural Johnstown, Pennsylvania, after reports of three animal rights activists going missing after attempting to protest the wearing of leather at a large motorcycle gang rally this weekend. Two others, previously reported missing, were discovered by fast food work! ers "duct taped inside fast food restaurant dumpsters," according to police officials. "Something just went wrong,"said a still visibly shaken organizer of the protest. "Something just went horribly, horribly, wrong."The organizer said a group of concerned animal rights activist groups, "growing tired of throwing fake blood and shouting profanities at older women wearing leather or fur coats," decided to protest the annual motorcycle club event "in a hope to show them our outrage at their wanton use of leather in their clothing and motor bike seats." "In fact," said the organizer, "motorcycle gangs are one of the biggest abusers of wearing leather, and we decided it was high time that we let them know that we disagree with them using it. ergo, they should stop." According to witnesses, protesters arrived at the event in a vintage 1960's era Volkswagen van and began to pelt the gang members with balloons filled with red colored water, simulating blood, and shouting "you're murderers" to passers by. This, evidently, is when the brouhaha began. "They peed on me!!!" charged one activist. "They grabbed me, said I looked like I was French, started calling me 'La Trene' and duct taped me to a tree so they could pee on me all day!" Still others claimed they were forced to eat hamburgers and hot dogs under duress. Those who resisted were allegedly held down while several bikers "farted on their heads." Police officials declined comments on any leads or arrests due to the ongoing nature of the investigation; however, organizers for the motorcycle club rally expressed "surprise" at the allegations. "That's preposterous,"said one high-ranking member of the biker organizing committee. "We were having a party, and these people showed up and were very rude to us. They threw things at us, called us names, and tried to ruin the entire event. So, what did we do? We invited them to the party! Wha! t could be more friendly than that? You know, just because we are all members of motorcycle clubs does not mean we do not care about inclusiveness. Personally, I think it shows a lack of character for them to be saying such nasty things about us after we bent over backwards to make them feel welcome." When confronted with the allegations of force-feeding the activist's meat, using them as ad hoc latrines, leaving them incapacitated in fast food restaurant dumpsters, and 'farting on their heads,' the organizer declined to comment in detail. "That's just our secret handshake,"assured the organizer.
  4. Hi all, Mum,it's fall,.............. KB
  5. The seven dwarfs go to the Vatican, and because they are the seven dwarfs, they are immediately ushered in to see the Pope. Grumpy leads the pack. 'Grumpy, my son,' says the Pope, 'What can I do for you?' Grumpy asks, 'Excuse me your Excellency, but are there any dwarf nuns in Rome?' The Pope wrinkles his brow at the odd question, thinks for a moment and answers, 'No, Grumpy, there are no dwarf nuns in Rome.' In the background, a few of the dwarfs start giggling. Grumpy turns around and glares, silencing them. Grumpy turns back, 'Your Worship, are there any dwarf nuns in all of Europe?' The Pope, puzzled now, again thinks for a moment and then answers, 'No, Grumpy, there are no dwarf nuns in Europe. 'This time, all of the other dwarfs burst into laughter. Once again, Grumpy turns around and silences them with an angry glare. Grumpy turns back and says, 'Mr Pope! Are there ANY dwarf nuns anywhere in the world?' The Pope, really confused by the questions says, 'I'm sorry, my son, there are no dwarf nuns anywhere in the world.' The other dwarfs collapse into a heap, rolling and laughing, pounding the floor, tears rolling down their cheeks, as they begin chanting..... . 'Grumpy sh*gged a penguin!' 'Grumpy sh*gged a penguin!'
  6. Hi all, Technical German railway words,..... KB
  7. Hi all, English please! but you could teach me German! KB
  8. Hi all, sooo refreshing to know I have a place to come clear about all what bothers me. Let is all hang out girlfriend. [[my mother was more and more pressuring me into being a younger version of her. she decided what school I'd go to, she decided what languages I had to learn, I was never asked whether I'd like french class better than latin....that list is too long. Also, i was bullied in school from elementary school until I was in grade 11. When I was 12, I was thinkign about suicide for the very first time. Also I always had mood jumps and very easily started to rage. It got worse in my teen years, the smallest things would cause me to go really mad. You are not your mother,nor is she you.Your mother wants you to be what she was not.Can you see that? From your post,you have something to say and you say it very well.We need people like you. Additional to the pressure i got from my mum, things got like really shitty as she married again. Her husband is nothing but an asshole. He is choleric, insults both me and my brother, considers not fully diserving of the same amount of rights and dignity and always lets us know. He called me fat, not diserving of love, a miscarriage. In a fight he said "No, you diserve no dignity, look at youself, thick as you are, you don't even fit into your pants". As I told that my mother, she only whined about how she does not like to come home into such an environment and that she has to carry the burden of all these fights and she said I'd know he won't apologise. it was like "he insuted you and humilates you, get fucking over it" right in my face. Nothing to do with you.NOTHING.Ask yourself this question: Am I good person,despite the @holes? I vote yes.Just from your post here and baring of your thoughts,.. DO NOT surrender,you want to talk,do.Your a brave lass.Got that? KB After another fight I left home in a hurry and rode on my bike to a bridge nearbye. I stood there maybe for 30, 40 minutes, wondering whether or whether not to jump. The situation at home caused me to be anxious, develop sleeping problems and I began to cut myself. The house I was living in wasn't a home. I was missing of a place that would have been like a shelter for me, and within this house i was surrounded by people doing harm to me. I was so full of pain and pressure it seemed like cutting was the only way to let all that out. My mum found out, and all she hbad to say was "well, then stop it". Her own daughter was self-harming and going through depression and she acted like she gave a fuck. She was and still is only focused on her marriage. She is both sacrifying mine and my brother's well-being (in my case even emotional health) for this marriage. Things collapsed the evening prior to my last final exam. In Germany, you have in addition to the written finals also a oral exam in a subject of your choice. my brother told me how mum's husband was talking bad over me, claiming I'd be backstabbing my mother and trash-talk about both of them simply because I called my dad three times the past week. He always checks the telephone bill to see what numbers have been called and how long my brother and me were using the phone. That evening, I tried to confront him. we had several fights already because I will never just stand still when someone attacks me and denies to treat me with dignity like I as a human being diserve. He was raging, and said to my mum either I'd have to leave or he'd leave. "throw it out it, I don't what to call that like, it's not a human being" I YELLED at him, that if he thinks I would not be a human being and not diserving of dignity he'd rather move to a country where they let the own people stand in line just to get shot. He would HAVE to treat with me with dignity since we'd be living in Germany. (I was referring to the first sentence of our constituiton that says the human dignity is untouchable). He left to get drunk,. what he always does when there's a fight and I packed some books together and tried to focus on my exam. My mum approached me, and started her own rant. I'd be destroying her marriage, bla bla bla.......she would have given up so much of her for me and my brother".....then I finally got sick of it. I told her to stop acting like jesus dying on the cross because she had two children and is single-raising. She was always good at playing the victim and her bevaviour is disgraceful and a shame for a grown up woman and mother her age. As I said that, she told me to pack my things and leave the house. She threw me out the evening prior to my last final exam. I stayed at a friends place that night and gladfully managed the exam. I was able to stay at my granny's place untiln uni starts. However, it isn't that much better here either. After a short phase of recovering, since I no longer had to stay with that asshole and that women bareely diserving to be called a mother, I fell into depression again. My grandmother is strict and restricting my personal freedoms. She tells me what to wear, how to wear my hear, even though I am 18. Coming with the argument I'd be living in her house, she is telling me how to plan and spend my days and time. She gives me hell for going out on the weekends (at least I was able to do that at my mum's place) and even threatens me with physical violence. As I wanted to visit a friend on bike who live about 30 km away, she said I'd have to be beaten until one couldn't beat me any more for riding that long way on my bikr alone. I demanded her to apologise, but she refers to freedom of opinion. she treats me like a infant and patronizes me whereever she can. I feel like in a cage. Also, I began to cut again. Living with my grandmother made me lose much respect for her. She believes it's mainly my fault the situation with mum's husband got so bad. I should have reacted differently. I can barely describe how hurt I've felt as she said that to me. It is clearly not my fault that my mum's husband is such an asshole. How shall I react when someone treats me like this? Shut up and let that all eat me up because defending myself may upsets mum+husband? She lacks understanding of the situatuation and for her it is easy to judge. Gladully I will leave this friday, and move to berlin. I just want to leave this all behind and start a new, happier life. Everyone says the teen years would be the time of the life, but my teen years where anything but that. I began a therapy, but yet there is still a lot inside me I cant cope with alone. I hope that one day I can forget this past and that these experiences don't haunt me any longer. My mum always said I'd be too thick and said that was the reason I'd have no boyfriend "you have to be appealing to his eyes, too". My own mother gave me the feeling of being less diserving of love for my apperance. I still struggle to accept what I look like and I try really hard not to believe what my mother has told me. I am waiting for the day I can say I'm pretty" in front of a mirror ten times and mean it each time. I still cry a lot over what has happened. It just seems so unbelievable.....though I got over balming myself (what have I done that they treat me like this?) I will never stop wondering why someone could be as vicious, cruel and lacking of any compassion as my mother's husband. I have to fight not to become spiteful over all this. One day I'll hopefully can close this chapter of my life for good. A new life lies in front of me, in a new city and far far away from these people.
  9. Hi all, I was sent a book yesterday called "Schwanengesang" which translates to Swansong.It is a photo book of the last days of steam locomotives in Germany by Anthony Brown of Scotland. Anyway,in the special thanks to, he lists Led Zeppelin. Who knew? KB(loves trains!)
  10. Hi all, No set list in the 'Concert Files' about Iceland,......Robert does comment about writing the lyrics to "Immigrant Song' there,which fits of course. KB
  11. Hi all, No water in the basement! KB
  12. Hi all, Those look like McCoy's to me,.... KB
  13. Happy Birthday Keith! Miss you,....
  14. Hi all, Very funny: puppet humor KB
  15. Hi all, Oh dear! Have fun kid! KB
  16. Jani Lane, the former lead singer of the metal rock band Warrant, has died in Los Angeles. He was 47. Officer Sara Faden says Lane's body was found Thursday in a Woodland Hills hotel. She had no immediate information on the cause or circumstances of his death. With his long blond hair and tight leather outfits, Lane embodied the excess of 1980s "hair metal" rock bands. He joined Warrant in 1984 and wrote such hits as "Heaven," "Down Boys" and "Cherry Pie." He had an on-and-off relationship with the band, leaving it in 1992 before returning and quitting again several times.
  17. Hi all , What kind of spider??? Get your sorry ass to a Doctor!!! Now! KB
  19. Hi all, Bingo. I will not spend $45 to go see any film.I will wait to get them dirt cheap on-line,...that way I can pause them and go to the lu,... KB
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