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Everything posted by planted

  1. If you haven't you NEED to watch this... Hope you are well, Steve... http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/episode/witness-disaster-in-japan-6666/Overview
  2. Hey...while I'm on a roll. LOL She e-mailed this to me today.
  3. Got it. So, then you know the story with Mr Severin. Damn shame is what that is. Some nice weather on the way this weekend. Enjoy!
  4. Politics is never dead. Welcome back.
  5. I am developing an appreciation for jazz lately, having been a subscriber to Alex Skolnick's blog. This is definitely not a genre I have ever paid much attention to, so I feel a little late to the party! Check this out:
  6. Hi MINI_ZoSo! I'm not one of the frequent flyers 'round here, but I try to welcome ppl as often as I can. I enjoy this board very much. As compared to another I belong to, I prefer this one. Folks are much more friendly and civil to one another. And, you simply cannot beat the range of knowledge that is exchanged here. Have fun, and we'll 'see' ya soon!
  7. Hey, don't you be rollin those eyes at me..! Seriously, it's the way my Daddy raised me. 'How are you going to know what you believe in if you never hear the other side'?
  8. How long do you wants the lights on? I'm only half kidding.
  9. A good friend of mine is a photography buff, and needed some practice. It was freezing outside!! Hope all my friends here are well! (And you know who you are! Ummm, you can reply to me email anytime now...)
  10. planted

    Charlie Sheen

    Does the audience think they are going to a "Two and a Half Men" stand up routine? Who's the idiot? I heard someone says the demand their money back...HUH? You don't deserve your money back. You got exactly what you paid for, lady! What, did the lights go out? Did the toilets not flush? Gimme a break. Anybody who bought a ticket to this show and complained needs a dope slap.
  11. Reluctantly, I vote for nukes. Truth is, we are crack addicts, boys and girls. We need the dealers to keep our lights on, and our cars on the road.
  12. Radio. (Emily Rooney, Jay Severin, Michele McPhee, Michael Graham, Jim Braude and Margery Egan, to name a few)
  13. Winter's Bone. Not that I needed a reminder, but, say just say NO to drugs. Holy shit.
  14. Will prob see "The Lincoln Lawyer" this weekend. Then, I hope to see "I Am" next week in Cambridge.
  15. Thanks so much! I will paying my friend, Mick, a visit at his "home away from home" in Upton, MA. I try to stop in as often as I can, as I am building my vinyl collection once again. Still looking for the other "Wilbury's" LP... Rock on.
  16. Confucius Lives Next Door, What living in the East teaches us about Living in the West, T.R. Reid. Fascinating.
  17. Confucius Lives Next Door, What living in the East teaches us about living in the West by T.R. Reid Fascinating.
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