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Everything posted by planted

  1. I'm interested in the facts of this case, and whether a judge has the stones to apply the law. Period.
  2. Some jail time? I'm unacquainted with such a sentence. How about the fullest extent the law allows? Bad taste? Seriously. This guy raped a child, and fled the country to avoid "some" jail time. He ended her life as she knew it. Innocence, stolen from her. 13. Think about it.
  3. It was nothing like what happened to the Swedish girls, Jenny and Linda, who were on their way to a party on a recent New Year's Eve when they were assaulted, raped and beaten very badly by four Somali immigrants. gee, was that what Whoopi meant by "rape-rape"?
  4. maybe he should be Manson's new roomy, then?
  5. Maybe it's me....why aren't we hearing more testimony from Angelica Houston? Why did she knock on the door? She must've heard something. Why did it take Polanski 10 minutes to get in his car after Ms Geimer??Hmmmmm? Maybe he has some 'splainin' to do. Disgusting. She (Houston) knows more than she's telling. And what's with all these bitches signing some lame petition? Woody freakin Allen? yeah, there you go. Debra Winger? Oh, yeah, interrupting filming on her latest blockbuster, I'm sure. Please. Either throw him in jail, or, if it were my daughter, let the male members of her family "take care of business".
  6. Just a thought....do we have any fellow members here who either live or travel to these areas??
  7. Yeah, it was all over the radio. I think I was in 8th or 9th grade, everyone was talking about it. Rest in Peace.
  8. Here's a sampling of mine... Visit Iceland Jump from an airplane Learn to ski Next??
  9. I know, I know. It's lame. So what? I'm not a big TV person, but, a friend dared me to watch the premiere. Pathetic, really. Too desperate housewifey for me.
  10. planted

    Roberts Jeans

    like telling a fish they don't have to swim. thanks for the photos...
  11. planted

    Roberts Jeans

    It's very frustrating being FORCED to look at something you can't have! ahaa
  12. ACORN needs to disappear, now. Obama needs to utterly and complete disassociate with them, both publicly and privately, now. Um, yeah, the prob'em is..they got something like 4 B-B-B-illion dollars from the 'stimulus' package. Remember that? Jesus Christ, man. ACORN AIN'T going nowhere. Who's going to cut them off? He keeps disassociating with people, who's going to be left?
  13. Just had lunch with a friend who is trying to recruit me to her company. Nice feeling, but is way too much to think about right now....
  14. Are his jeans undone? God, I hope so...
  15. I just read your HI! post. I know a holistic vet from Brookline...you don't see that job description every day!!

  16. Hey, Sharon...Enjoy the show on Oct 11th. I would definitely be there if I could! Peace, Kris

  17. Hi Amanda. Welcome. This is a really fun and informative place to unwind and learn about LZ. Enjoy!
  18. planted

    Where Are You?

    Worcester County, Massachusetts. Just above the Rhode Island border. The leaves are beginning to turn. Nobody does Autumn better than New England.
  19. I saw the bass player a few years ago when he played with the Trans Siberian Orchestra. Enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r-O4hbJYNRI
  20. ...so just hours after I posted about how short life is on the Patrick Swayze thread, I find out that a co-worker passed away suddenly Sunday evening. Blech! We worked together for 3 years, and were becoming really good friends. She was just one of those ppl who never passed judgment, ya know? Had this understanding. We all spent the day consoling each other, and trying to figure out how to tell her clients. That's the hard part, telling people. oh hell, I've gone on too long. Be at peace, my friend. :'(
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZ5SVDYBNrY
  22. I really miss Brad Delp. What a beautiful sound... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IcsVPis1iNs&feature=fvw
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