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eternal light

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Everything posted by eternal light

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mdr60U1AbIE
  2. I suppose, but they will charge a person with assault against a police officer sometimes in those scenarios. Juries usually frown on those who assault police officers. If you are compliant with them, you can sue for damages if they have violated your rights while you were in a state of duress. You could try to defend yourself, but the officers are usually armed. It's one of those situations where you're kind of damned if you do and damned if you don't.
  3. It just reminded me of those two videos. I guess it's the "freedom from pain" element that correlates them, and being thankful for that. :-) Woman Praying
  4. :-) youtube.com/watch?v=_1CjbcqhGyU
  5. Do not assault an armed police officer. Smile at him and let him draw blood. Politely inform him of any health problems and ask to see a doctor, registered nurse or certified emergency technician. Wish the officer a nice day, thank him for his patience and kind assistance or just be quiet. Then talk to your lawyer.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yiAqclnq3JA Rest in peace, Mary.
  7. I read somewhere that Capricorn people value opulent living. They view the finer things in life as being part of the rewards brought by the achievement earned as a result of their hard work, although recognition by others is still the main interest for them.
  8. Some tour announcements from the sixties; tickets were $5.50 in 1965 :-)
  9. The stock market rallied closer to the 10,000 mark than it has been in months and the recession appears to be coming to a close, according to Mr. Bernanke at the U.S. Treasury.
  10. Instant elements of romance include: The scent of jasmine on a warm night Moonlight A starlit night sky Watching the film, Dr. Zhivago Soft lights Soft music Fanciful or passionate mythological stories Brilliant sunsets Swans floating on a lake
  11. Mistakes in the lab, contamination of evidence...this law is an open invitation to the overzealous to go on a fishing expedition. Sooner or later they are going to mess up the evidence and someone will end up filing a complaint alleging wrongful search and seizure. There are people who can't give blood for medical reasons. Someone will demand blood anyway and there will be a complaint over damage to health or life if someone dies from giving blood. This law will not be good for those who suffer from anemia.
  12. The feds appear to be right on time for Halloween with their version of vampirical overload.
  13. Because those songs continue to inspire him and take on a life of their own. Music comes from the soul. Also, because he is teaching these songs to others.
  14. answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090224093659AARP7Iw
  15. I loved Ghost. I'll miss him. washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/gallery/2009/09/14/GA2009091403019
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