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Everything posted by Strider

  1. While CBS was the first TV network to broadcast bulletins to the nation on Kennedy's shooting, ABC and NBC were slower to appear with their coverage...apparently they weren't even on the air yet in the Central Time Zone. Here is how they eventually did break in with their JFK coverage. ABC TV: NBC TV...yes, that is SNL's Don Pardo's voice you hear in the beginning:
  2. ^^^ I've been to Dallas...I've been to the Texas Book Depository building. It wasn't that impossible a shot. Contrary to your statement, people have been successful recreating Oswald's shots. Hell, when I was in the military, whenever we would go out to the shooting range, some of us would try to recreate shooting the three shots in the allotted time at a moving target and at least half of us were successful. Life is random and often brutal. That can be scary for some people. Conspiracy theories are a way for some people to make sense of the senseless and bring order to chaos. It is the same reason so many people believe in religion or whatever. I mentioned Gerald Posner's "Case Closed" as a great book to read regarding all the conspiracies surrounding JFK's assasination. Another is Vincent Bugliosi's book "Reclaiming History: The Assasination of President John F. Kennedy". Bugliosi is the man who prosecuted Charles Manson.
  3. The two movies that were playing at the Texas Theater, where Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested for the murder of President Kennedy and Dallas Police Officer J.D. Tippit, were "Cry of Battle" and "War is Hell"
  4. 1:00 p.m. CST...Walter Cronkite announces on CBS the official confirmation that President Kennedy has died. http://youtu.be/RE-TCzIHrLI
  5. At 12:45 p.m. CST, Dallas TV WFAA (ABC affiliate) interrupted its Julie Benell Show for one of the first TV news bulletins on the Kennedy shooting:
  6. Very cool, indeed, chase. It'd be even cooler if JFK was still alive to feel honoured by your niece's choice of her baby's name.
  7. Exactly 50 years ago...it was 11:40 a.m. Central (Texas) Standard Time when the Kennedy's arrived at Love Field, Dallas, TX. That's 9:40 a.m. PST. I'll be back with bulletins as they happened.
  8. Way to twist his words around, SAJ. cryingbluerain is right. JFK was not talking about the government. He was saying stop waiting around for a handout and pull yourself up by your own bootstraps and help make this country great through your own initiative and determination. When JFK took office, there was a youth movement progressing around the country...the foreward edge of the post-war Baby-Boomer generation was just getting ready to enter college and this was one of the running themes of Kennedy's campaign: calling forth the best and the brightest minds of this new generation.
  9. Love your name. Love your avatar. Welcome aboard the good ship Zeppelin!
  10. ^^^ You pass on Mott and go to old punk geezers GBH? Since we can't count on Johnny, it's up to you ledded1 to provide us with a blow-by-blow account of the Mott the Hoople concert!
  11. Her "Royals" song has been #1 on the charts for some time now, so somebody's kids must know who she is and buying her music. I don't have her album but from what I have heard, she's at least better than that fraud Lana del Rey.
  12. Closer than maybe they would like but still the Who Dats prevailed. Now circle December 1 on your calendar...THE GAME OF THE WEEK: New Orleans @ Seattle. Number one seed for the playoffs will be in the balance.
  13. There's a Monty Python joke in here somewhere, but I'm neither clever or funny enough to find it.
  14. About three more years? Gettysburg is a mandatory place to visit and pay respects for all Americans.
  15. Thanks for your post, and I agree with letting the science speak as evidence over wild conjecture. But alas, it will always be human nature to doubt. The Dallas police and other authorities were incompetent and negligent in many aspects of the case, but incompetence doesn't mean there was a conspiracy. Unfortunately, nature abhors a vacuum, and with the botched handling of the assasination, that has allowed conspiracy theorists to run amok. Supposedly the Nova Cold Case special on PBS last week was a good look at the science of the JFK assasination. Did anybody see it? Then there is new movie that has been released, "Parkland"...Parkland being the Dallas hospital JFK was taken to after he was shot. http://youtu.be/SgPjt_BRLvY
  16. Finally got time to listen to that clip. Wonderful...and not a Beats by Dr. Dre headphone in sight. Thanks, Sam, for the continued flow of information regarding JPJ and Supersilent.
  17. Week 12 picks: Who Dats! Pittsburgh Detroit Green Bay Kansas City St. Louis Carolina Baltimore Houston Oakland Indianapolis NY Giants Denver San Francisco
  18. There were 27 words in my post. The words 'expert', 'anodizingstatic', and 'don't post' were not among them, so congratulations for making a mountain out of a molehill. Sue asked a question, and I was answering her question. At the time, this thread was in the Master Section and I see it was henceforth moved here. I have never claimed to be an expert. Sam is the expert here and he has worked long and hard to put together this site, going back to the electric-magic days. I would hope that all his effort isn't in vain and that people take the time to avail themselves of the information he's collected here. All of the known setlists are listed in the timeline, for all to see. It's not that difficult a concept, unless you want it to be, and judging by your words and tone of your post, you seem to be one of those holding some sort of grudge or looking to stir up a fight...possibly a former banned member. This is the "Official" website for Led Zeppelin. Don't you think Sam and his crew would make sure and double check the setlists for 100% accuracy before listing them? Why would you doubt them? Yes, the "gardentapes" site is essential for wanting to know how TSRTS was pieced together (as well as the Live DVD and HTWWW releases), but the answer to your question about the order of the setlist has been known for eons and is hiding in plain sight on this website. Two clicks of the mouse is all it takes. Good luck with your project.
  19. ^^^ I see your town is ready for Christmas already, clw!
  20. http://youtu.be/3-Vy4VRRO30 Perfect music for a cold, grey, rainy November day. And no, I am not listening to this 'ironically'. As an early acolyte of the "beauty in noise" ethos, I was fascinated by this album from the very first time I heard it in the '70s. Though I never got to realize my dream of seeing the Velvet Underground in concert, I did see Lou Reed many times, and had another of my wishes fulfilled in 2008 when Lou Reed put together the Metal Machine Trio (with Ulrich Krieger and Sarth Calhoun) and played the REDCAT Theatre at Walt Disney Concert Hall. How funny that two of the LOUDEST concerts I have ever heard (Metal Machine Trio in 2008, Glenn Branca's Symphony for 100 Guitars in 2006) took place in a venue normally reserved for classical music. Missing Lou.
  21. A medium? You seem a bit of a large to me...a large nut. You're not a fan of Metallica yet spend a lot of time on their message board. You're not a fan of Led Zeppelin yet come here, as well. Any other bands that you don't like whose message boards you haunt? You must have loads of time on your hands. As for your John Bonham story, oy vey!
  22. Actually, the "accidentally shot by Hickey" theory isn't that current...it's been around since at least the 80s and Bonar Menninger wrote a book about it in 1992 called "MORTAL ERROR: The Shot That Killed JFK". The theory didn't hold much water and was fairly easy to debunk, which is one reason the book never gained much traction. But, like Dracula, conspiracy theories are hard to kill and it's only because people have been bringing it up lately here on the forum that I mentioned it and the accompanying article. I highly suggest people, conspiracy minded or not, read Gerald Posner's "Case Closed". By the way, did anyone watch Nova's Cold Case special on JFK that aired on PBS? http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/tech/cold-case-jfk.html
  23. Shooting holes in the George Hickey theory... http://mobile.philly.com/news/?wss=/philly/news&id=231744821
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