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Everything posted by Strider

  1. Ady, you've been watching a lot of movies lately, which suggests lots of free time. Are you okay? How's the back?
  2. Don't know where you've been but they still are producing vinyl today...every week I go to the record store there's more new vinyl records for sale. The latest from Neil Young, Flying Lotus, Grimes, Jack White, Fiona Apple, Beach House. Vinyl is not dead.
  3. Nice job of taking the piss zepguy. Considering you have Bob Dylan as your avatar and most Dylan fans I meet have no love for Led Zeppelin, there's a good chance you're a troll sent here to sabotage the forum. We're watching you. The 'genius' of "Coda" is that it ends...and that it is Led Zeppelin's shortest album.
  4. On the plus side, you've earned valuable points in the "Who's the #1 Led Zeppelin Fan?" contest. Regarding my earlier take in this thread, it's got nothing to do with being petty or holding a grudge against Rolling Stone. It's about aesthetics, quality, and why buy articles I already have? I have the original 1975 RS issue with Cameron Crowe's cover story on Zeppelin. I have the Led Zeppelin Is the Heaviest Band of All Time issue. I have the issue with Lenny Kaye's review of Led Zeppelin IV, the first positive review Led Zeppelin received from RS. The fact is I consider Rolling Stone's coverage of Led Zeppelin bland...as bland and milquetoast as Jann Wenner himself. Other magazines had negative things to say about the band, but at least they did so in an interesting or funny manner. Creem, especially. Even the long overdue 1975 RS cover proved anti-climactic in a way. It's not a great piece...I've read better from Cameron...and it's not as fun to read as Lisa Robinson's or Jaan Ulheski's tour coverage in Creem. Even the later RS pieces by Mikal Gilmore and others, where the RS seems to finally acknowledge the band's place in the rock pantheon, come off as damning with faint praise. They still emphasize the trashing of hotels and groupies over the music to a certain extent. I think it is revealing of RS myopia that Jann Wenner has never interviewed Robert Plant or Jimmy Page, yet whenever RS does an interview with Mick Jagger, Jann Wenner has to come along as if they were interviewing the Pope. Jagger hasn't given an interesting interview in years while Plant has given some far-ranging, interesting, and quirky interviews for the last 20 years or so. The best current writing on Led Zeppelin is being done by the good folk at Mojo and Uncut, and people like Chuck Klosterman, Pete Delorean, ZosofanCMR, and others here or on blogs. So, no...I'm not going to put $10 or $12 down for bland writing that I already own in the original format. Oh, and don't be suckered by the "Collectors Edition" tag...they won't be worth the paper they're printed on...too many copies printed for it to be truly 'collectible'. Now, if someone should ever come out with a new and expanded Creem Led Zeppelin edition, like the one they did in 1980-81, I'll gladly fork over the dough for multiple copies of that! Somebody...Susan Whitall, Dave Marsh, Lisa Robinson, Dave DiMartino...needs to get on the ball and excavate the fabulous Creem archives for today's generation! NME and Melody Maker, too!
  5. Sorry I cannot offer any discussion on the games yesterday...I saw exactly one half of football on Sunday: the first half of the Dallas @ Atlanta game. Oakland losing at home to tepid Tampa pretty much seals the deal on the Raiders playoff chances. Another year of 'wait 'til next year'. Bah!
  6. Missed all the day games...just watching Dallas @ Atlanta now...but I think I sucked today.
  7. I can second planted's recommendation on "Argo". One of the best movies I've seen this year and I have to tip my hat to Ben Affleck. After writing him off as an actor lately(Daredevil anyone? Gigli?), he has really shown himself to be an effective director. "Argo" illuminates a little known slice of the Iranian Hostage Crisis...and the entire cast knocks it out of the park. Affleck, Alan Arkin, John Goodman, everybody. And unlike some of the other movies I recommend..."Seven Psychopaths", "The Skin I Live In", "Lawless"...there's nothing that would offend anybody with sensitive natures regarding violence. In other words, you can take the kids if they're 12 or over.
  8. I keep waiting for the weather to cool down so I can make some soup...I LOVE A GOOD SOUP!...but it's been in the 80s lately, so instead I made a nice salad tonight. Grilled skinless chicken breast atop some mixed salad greens, dried cranberries, fresh strawberries, feta cheese, sliced almonds, tossed in a raspberry vinaigrette. Big glass of water...like our friend CJW.
  9. My godson killing it as Humphrey Bogart in his school's performance of "Play It Again, Sam" this afternoon. Now I'm having dinner while watching Cowboys @ Falcons game before heading out to AFI Festival tonight.
  10. Breakfast was chorizo scrambled with eggs, jalapeño peppers, tomatoes, onions, mushrooms and red and yellow peppers. Half a honeydew melon. Blackberry tea. Orange juice.
  11. Extra hour of sleep and finding these at the swap meet this morning. Did some shopping for myself and a little early Christmas shopping.
  12. jb, look for the Led Zeppelin YouTube thread in this section and I believe you'll find many of these same clips plus many more outtakes that have been out there for years. Happy hunting.
  13. Sounds like he needs more cowbell!
  14. Damn...USC would be closer or maybe even ahead if they didn't keep shooting themselves in the foot with turnovers. 34-24 at halftime. Crazy up and down the field action. Erin Andrews. Yes.
  15. My sympathies Virginia! The Oregon onslaught has begun. 27-10 Oregon...and we're only in the 2nd quarter.
  16. I like walking too. Did a nice two-hour hike this morning up in the canyons. I also try to use the stairs instead of the escalator or elevator. I commute by bus and subway, but also do a lot of walking in the course of my workday. Try to fit in swimming, tennis or hiking on my days off.
  17. Rick, do you realize I was kidding around? It's November...relax! There's still a long way to go before the playoffs...and it's one thing for the Clippers to win in November, but nobody's going to take them seriously until they show they can do it in April-May-June. The Clippers have decades of baggage and futility in Los Angeles around their necks. They have the onus of Donald Sterling, one of the worst owners in the history of sports.
  18. Well, USC is only a few hours away from getting destroyed by the Oregon Ducks. The two worst coaching hires in Los Angeles recently have been Mike Brown for the Lakers and Lame Kiffin for USC. The losses to Stanford and Arizona this season were preposterous...and much of the blame rests with Lane Kiffin's play-calling and the inability to instill any sort of discipline with the team. Too many penalties every week, especially of the personal-foul variety. Lane can recruit. But he cannot coach. He needs to go...and take his old man with him. I shudder to think how many points Oregon is going to score on us.
  19. Donald Sterling and the Clippers themselves, natch!
  20. Welcome back Super Dave! Good to hear you're okay.
  21. Bet the Clippers. Nash is hurt and 'doubtful' for tonight's game. If you hate the Lakers, you're gonna love this season.
  22. Here's another mark of futility that the Chiefs have set: They have yet to lead at any point in the game since the season began. We are nine weeks into the season and Kansas City has NEVER been ahead!
  23. Hahaha that was pretty fun...and they brought back the Disembodied Voice for today's episode! Some cool clips from the past, too. Paul Carruthers, you usually watch ESPN...did you catch Around the Horn today? Now watching PTI.
  24. "Around the Horn" on ESPN. It's the 10th anniversary show. Oh where are you now Max Kellerman and 'Disembodied Voice'?
  25. ^^^ Robert pretty much did that the entire 1977 tour during "Nobody's Fault But Mine". It was a riff/spoof from the Steve Martin catch-phrase "Welllll, excuuuuuse me!" that was popular at that time.
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