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Everything posted by Strider

  1. ^^^ There's a Viagra jingle? I concur 100% Patrycja. Absolute bollocks...almost as bad as the Twilight films. I had the good fortune of seeing "The Hunger Games" at Doug Benson's monthly Movie Interruption at the Cinefamily. But there were parts of the movie that were so awful that even Doug and his friends were speechless and several minutes would go by before someone could say anything. It really says something dire about today's culture that drips like Katniss and Twilight's Bella are posited as role models for today's tween-teen girls. Ok, ok Knebby, I finally saw this and you're right..."Searching for Sugar Man" is fantastic. One of the better music docs I've seen this year...and I've seen a ton. Just in the last month I have seen new documentaries on the Clash, the Bad Brains, Circle Jerks, LCD Soundsystem, and "Music from the Big House", where Canadian blues singer Rita Chiarelli visits Louisiana's infamous Angola State Penitentiary.
  2. ^^^ Beauty and brains! Yeah, the 'frequency hopping' thing is fascinating...and George Antheil is an interesting person in his own right; an early avant-garde industrial music pioneer. As good as "Hedy's Folly" is when it sticks to her and George's scientific collaboration, for a better overall biography, I suggest Stephen Michael Shearer's "Beautiful: The Life of Hedy Lamarr". http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/0312550987/ref=mp_sim_s_2?pi=SL500_SY125
  3. Oh well, at least I finished above. 500 for the week.
  4. If you're ever in Hollywood, stop by my friend's store Larry Edmunds Bookshop. They got 8x10s, 11x14s, Lobby Cards, posters, scripts, old movie magazines, autographed photos, tons of stuff on old, classic film stars...and new.
  5. God! What must have they SOUNDED like in that tiny room?!? Thanks Mr. Norman for at last sharing these priceless pics with the world. It looks like you had a ptime spot, too. Sam, have you asked Mr. Norman his impressions of the gig? A lot of these photos look to be from "Dazed and Confused"...this one for instance: I'd bet my bottom dollar that this photo is from D & C.
  6. If we ever meet, Knebby, the drinks are on me. Fantastic thread, fantastic job...and since it seems we both have the same magazines in our collection, you've saved me the trouble of having to scan and photograph mine to post.
  7. No shit! What, did Nosferatu and his merry band of whiners come back for 'world peace'? Fuck off, Billy!
  8. Like you said, he's still relatively young, but have you seen "127 Hours"? He's very good in that. Then there's the thing that started it all: "Freaks and Geeks", one of the best TV shows ever.
  9. ^^^ Then that picture cannot have been from Dallas. It must be from some warmup gig or rehearsal. Printing and photographic technologies were not as quick in 1977 as they are today. I find it unlikely a photo could be snapped on April 1 and then reproduced and rights haggled over and thousands of concert programs layed out and printed in time for them to be sold in Chicago mere days later. Highly unlikely.
  10. No, "The Testament of Dr. Mabuse" is the second film of Fritz Lang's Dr. Mabuse trilogy, and it came out in 1933. When Hitler assumed power, Goebbels had it banned. Redrum was watching Fritz Lang's first Dr. Mabuse film, "Dr. Mabuse der Spieler"(the Gambler), which was released in 1922 with a running time of around 270 minutes. Being 1922, it was a silent movie, whereas "The Testament..." is sound.
  11. It's been blazing hot in Southern California lately. Record highs in parts of LA. In fact, a friend related an amusing anecdote from The Hives concert last Friday(I had a date at the Fiona Apple show the same night): During the show, Pelle Almqvist, the hilarious frontman of The Hives, rhetorically asked the crowd, "Record setting heat in LA while the Hives are in town...Coincidence? I think not!"
  12. So the question is did you eat those with imitation milk?
  13. ^^^ As someone who has spent years in Europe, traveling around, I totally believe you, Julia. Breakfast almost became a rumour during my time in Europe. Café au lait or espresso and a croissant was usually the standard fare. In Germany, all my german friends turned me on to Nutella on toast; it seemed to be a national obsession. One german friend I had started every day with a bier grabbed from the crates of bier stacked in his bedroom...just drank it room temperature. It was only in the UK that I found breakfast as I remembered from the States: eggs, sausages or bacon, toast. The main difference was that instead of hash browns or cottage potatoes, the Brits would serve a side of Heinz baked beans and/ or tomatoes on the side. Oh, and it was hard in the 80s to get a good cup of coffee. It's only in the last 10-15 years that good coffee has made inroads in the tea-mad UK. TypeO: I definitely had some real Vermont Maple syrup for my french toast...heated, too.
  14. A belated Happy Anniversary to you and your Romeo, Juliet! Sounds like you've finally hit the jackpot in love. Hooray for you, LZG! Great for you to get away from work and immerse yourself in the calming roar of engines and smell of burning rubber. Whoa! We have another winner...that's quite a score! Need any help sorting them?
  15. Since the last thread was purged, I am resurrecting it for all of us 'foodies'. Post a description and/or photo of what you are eating now or what was your most recent meal. Since breakfast kicks off the day, I'll begin this thread with my breakfast that I'm about to tuck into: eggs sunny side up, bacon, French toast, orange juice.
  16. ^^^ No, he meant the 2003 Led Zeppelin dvd, simply titled "DVD". I sent a birthday greeting to a friend earlier today and I included the song "Happy Birthday" by Altered Images. Now that song has been running in my head all day...which isn't necessarily a bad thing, because it has been accompanied by images of Clare romping through my head, too!
  17. 9-6. A Denver win puts me in double-digits!
  18. That rules out the Raiders. Naw, that was too easy...it's too early to give up on the team. I just wish my head coach didn't look 9-years old on the sideline...he looks even younger and more flustered than Lane Kiffin. Whatever happened to Jason Campbell? Was that really a career-ending injury? He was playing well for the Raiders until he got hurt.
  19. How about our old buddies, Joseph Ferrante and Samo Matjaz?
  20. Before this thread gets hijacked(and now that the rumour is officially fact, this thread doesn't really serve any purpose anymore), go over to the Hillsborough thread in the Ramble On section, Taro.
  21. Damn Philly! I was looking pretty decent there until Baltimore folded. Now instead of being 7-3 after the morning games, I'm 6-4...and Dallas is already stinking up the joint in Seattle.
  22. I hear ya' Paul. What an effin' bloodbath in the morning games...Carolina dumping the Saints, Arizona, ARIZONA!?!, SHOCKING the Patriots on the road! Oakland sucking as usual on an early East Coast road game. But that's what I like about the NFL...nobody knows nothing. Not ESPN. Not Vegas. Not even Rick. What a dismal 0-2 start for the Raiders. A measly 13 pts. against the Fins. Bah! Humbug! It's gonna be a long season.
  23. No. As it says in the original post and the photo credit, the photo was taken by Mark Bowman. He was at the O2 show but I don't think he was an official cameraman for the DVD. Check out his photo archive posted elsewhere featuring Jimmy and Led Zeppelin.
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