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Everything posted by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87

  1. That looks so scrumptious, Debbie! I'm mighty glad that you managed to upload the photo! Pardon my ignorance, but I've never heard of edamame. I googled it and it's boiled green soy beans? Sounds yummy! MTR's Pav-Bhaji masala happens to be my mom's secret weapon to nail that gorgeous spicy flavour! I know that the masala took a long time to ship, but I get the feeling that it was worth the wait!
  2. The pleasure was all mine, Debbie! I will be conveying the news to my mom! She will be thrilled! Also, I apologize for not responding to your PM sooner. I will be getting down to that today!
  3. Of course not! Why on earth would I? I'll be acting like a narrow-minded snobbish jerk, if I thought you were a rat bastard, just because we happen to have a difference in opinion! Like I said before, we are all entitled to our opinions. Besides, if we all liked the same stuff, in the same way, the world will be such a boring place! The Necromancer and The Fountain of Lamneth are my go-to prog epics! In fact, Caress of Steel and Queen II are my two favourite albums of all time!
  4. Absolutely! And she just belts it out, in such a wonderful and sensible way, without being overbearing or annoying to listen to! After listening to a snippet of Bang The Lid, I knew that this lady's vocal abilities were something mighty special! The entire album is incredible, especially Burnt Sally!
  5. Two World War II documentaries (back to back) Did We Have To Fight? Finest Hour
  6. Well, lpMan, I guess from my posts, you can see how passionate I am about Rush! I am one of those fans who loves those inaccessible. out of this world, prog type epics like Cygnus X-1, La Villa Strangiato, etc. I was pretty surprised to know that the band doesn't think very much of albums like Caress of Steel and Hemispheres. These albums are works of art, in my opinion, but with that being said, I also really love albums like Grace Under Pressure, Signals, Presto, Roll The Bones, Counterparts, Test For Echo, Vapor Trails and Clockwork Angels! To me, each era of Rush and each album, has something special to offer! It's great that you got to see this incredible band in concert, many times!
  7. First, maybe I am too young or way too naive for my own good, but honestly, I have never heard of any of these groups. I am not going to pretend that I have. Second, what is wrong if I regard Rush so highly as one of the greatest bands on earth? I mean, this is just my opinion and I think I am allowed to have it. Third, I am not trying to split hairs, but I happen to love Hemispheres, even though I love albums like Fly By Night, Caress of Steel, 2112 and A Farewell To Kings, just a tiny bit more. To regard an album such as Hemispheres, as a serious misstep, is such a bold statement to make, if you ask me, but hey, that's your opinion and you have every right. You don't see me questioning you about your opinion, do you? So, please be fair and respect my opinions too, no matter how bold (or absurd) they might seem, to you.
  8. Yes, it is and I will stand by this statement, for as long as I live! As for Anne Murray, well, my mom is a big fan.
  9. Mine too, followed by Caress of Steel!
  10. I know it's late but....Happy 40th Birthday, 2112! I took a peak at Rush's Vevo channel today and there have certainly been some incredibly exciting developments to mark the occasion! Take a look!
  11. Seconded! I had the pleasure of listening to her soul-filled vocal range, for the first time, thanks to Delta Deep's amazing debut album! One of my favourite albums from 2015, for sure!
  12. Happy 40th Birthday to one of the greatest albums of all time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Ah, yes! We both know a lovely man who epitomizes that meme perfectly, don't we, Sath?
  14. Thank you so much for all the laughs, Mr. Corbett! You will be missed! ♥ ♥
  15. Yep, it's April Fools' Day and being the goofball that I am, I really do feel like celebrating! Here's me being silly and politically incorrect! This meme really got me! Excuse my weird humour folks! It's all in good fun!
  16. Absolutely gutted by this news! Though 85 is a 'great innings', his death has really hit me as hard as David Bowie's and Martin Crowe's deaths! Such talent! We seem to be losing so many legends this year! Here is one of my favourite clips:
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