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Everything posted by kipper

  1. I get the flu shot every season. Doesn't mean you won't get influenza; not all of the vaccines developed each season end up specifically preventing whichever strain ends up going around. But they try to narrow down the strain they think will be spreading. MOST of the influenza strains originate in China/Asia. Influenza can have mild symptoms, but as people get older it can be devastating for especially older people or people with other health issues. So, I don't see why you would not get it? What does your doctor recommend? I am certain that given your history of having pneumonia he would teling you to get the annual flu shots. Most insurance covers them for free. You don't even need to go to a doctors office, I get mine at the local grocery store that has a pharmacist on staff-- only takes a few minutes. Here it the thing: LAST thing you want to happen to you this winter is end up with bad case of influenza which causes you to need to go to the hospital. At present they expect an uptick in covid infections come this winter cold and flu season, so why risk being in a hosptial waiting room for a possible case of the flu among people who may have covid infection. And if this fall ends up like last spring and you do end up in a hospital FOR ANY REASON (broken leg, infection, car accident) your family WILL NOT be allowed to come and visit you--- or be there to assist in managing or advocating for your care. On one hand the flu season may not be as bad this year with people all wearing masks, social distancing, working from home, and hand washing. If you are holed up at home anyway, then maybe no reason to worry. But I have never had a problem from a flu shot in over 20 plus years. Sore arm for a day is the worst thing, so if you plan on being the starting pitcher at your weekend baseball game... ask them to not to the shot in your pitching arm. In addition: Have you had the pneumonia vaccine? You said you had pneumonia once. Ask your doctor about it. I believe the pneumonia vaccine is a series of 3 shots over a couple of years. Like the shingles vaccine, well worth it in my opinion.
  2. Coors Banquet Beer aka: "Rocky Mountain Kool-Aid"-- aka" "Yellow Bellies".
  3. We wore these in the '70s here in SoCal. They were called "Jap" Flaps. Not kidding, that was what they were called.
  4. Awesome! Jason looking down on us from above I figure! Got it fixed.
  5. Scary stuff. My problem with modern cars are the extra wide posts that hold the airbags, and the confounded placement of the rear view mirror. There are so many more fucking blind spots right out the front window and in the peripheral view today. I was making a left turn and didn't even see the person in the crosswalk to my left because the fucking car window pillar had them completely blocked from my view. The person looked at me like I was crazy, which for a moment I thought I was too. Wasn't distracted, totally blocked. And the rear view mirrors are right in front of my face. I'm pretty tall, but I assume the rear view mirrors in Japanese cars are placed so that people under 5 foot 2 can see under them.
  6. A very 'random' sports event today. Never saw a 3-2-8 double play before. How cool is that? https://www.mlb.com/news/cardinals-turn-rare-double-play
  7. I'll take California wild fires and earthquakes any day over hurricanes and tornadoes. Worst thing that happens in California is when it rains people have to look all over for where they last put their umbrella.
  8. I hate it when a commercial comes on the TV and it is in Spanish. I think like WTF??????? The show I was watching is in English, I only speak English. there aren't any Spanish speaking people in my living room. But suddenly, between the 2nd act and the finally of the TV show like I give a damn about some product being advertised in Spanish. Who makes a decision like that to broadcast that shit? If anyone was watching the TV show in English, then clearly the fucking commercial selling dish soap, or lady part napkins could be in English too.
  9. Every time I hear the song 'Celebration Day' I think of hippie hill. Not that I was ever there then.... just the photos. I remember reading a story about Ft Point (the actual Fort) being a place were satanists used to go to do rituals. Not sure if true, but you know SF.... anything goes. Wish they still made films like Dirty Harry (the first one). Some great films were done in SF in that era. Dirty Harry, Bullet, Point Blank, Once a Thief. Not sure if you could do a film there like those again with all the homeless and poop everywhere. I remember seeing an interview with one of the Manson girls (not one who was ever charged with murder), and according to her Charlie wanted to leave SF because it was too messed up with too many problems. Imagine the irony in that? Did you hear about the Haight-Ashbury free clininic closing after 50+ years? That was where Charles Manson's parole officer worked out of. Someone recently wrote a book saying that the government was doing experiments with LSD and mind control and using the clinic (back in the '60s) as a place to find subjects to experiment on. Some big CIA thing about trying to see if LSD could be used to alter people's memories, especially soldiers, and use them as operatives. The U.S. Russia, and China were big into that during the Korean war and after. So some guy writes a book about the CIA Mason connection and suddenly they close that clinic. Coincidence? Who knows?
  10. the greatest guitar player since...
  11. Very cool info Red! 1965 puts you there before the so called "summer of love"... or about the time old Charlie Manson was paroled and came to SF. LOL! Why couldn't you guys keep him up there, he caused a lot of problem down here in my area. The Mount Davidson cross (originally I believe to memorialize soldiers killed in WW1) was transferred from public property to an Armenian group who changed it to a comemartion of the Armenian genocide in Turkey. I know plenty of Armenians, and last thing some "peaceful protestors" would want to do is assault their property and get into a fight with some angry Armenians ... especially the grandmothers. Last time I was on Haight Street the biggest attraction was a Ben & Jerry's---- so a far cry from what the place used to be I suppose. Lots of head shops and tie dyed t shirt stores with French and German tourists taking a lot of photos. I guess everything changes.
  12. Wow, that is a lot of ammonium nitrate... basically fertilizer but can be used to make explosives. Kind of what was used by the Oklahoma City bomber. Either somebody screwed up... or maybe something else?
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