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Everything posted by kipper

  1. potato sorry, I couldn't resist. what a stupid thread
  2. kipper

    new fargo

    Just finished watching the last show of the season and it was really good. In my opinion this is the best show since Breaking Bad.
  3. Look-up someone in the phone book with the last name of Apple. You: Hello, is Mrs. Orange there? Lady: No, you must have the wrong number. You: Sorry, wrong fruit.
  4. Today I am reseasoning my cast iron skillet.
  5. No because I would win a bet. I'm almost positive that dinosaurs sounded like crying babies and that is why they obviously had to go. LOL
  6. I was at a wedding last fall and one stupid mother had a crying baby that basically destroyed the ceremony even after guests were asked to not bring small children. Some parents are just selfish that way. If I brought my yapping dog to a movie theater, who would approve of that?
  7. Parents who bring crying babies anywhere in public.
  8. I'd go back to the time of the dinosaurs just to see if they really sounded like they do in the movies.
  9. kipper

    Your hippie name

    Doobie Sundown--- really!
  10. I love the smell of napalm in the morning.
  11. kipper

    Been MIA

    Yes, there's a lot of it about. Probably a virus. Uh, keep warm, plenty of rest, and if you're playing football or anything, try and favour the other leg. Sorry I couldn't resist trying to cheer you up with a bit of Python. Hope you heal quickly.
  12. People who interupt you when you are talking to someone else.
  13. kipper

    Thanks England

    Yes, sorry I spelt it wrong. Also thanks England for Benny Hill I forget to say before.
  14. To me Led Zep 1 is more about the blues. It remindes me alot of stuff from the 50s like Muddy Waters and Howlin Wolf.
  15. The Simpsons Bugs Bunny Rocky and Bullwinkle (fractured fairy tales) Johnnny Quest
  16. Steve McQueen Edward G. Robinson Spencer Tracy Jimmy Stewart
  17. if it doesn't play on your phone you wont have it is where the trend is going
  18. kipper

    Thanks England

    Thanks England for: making gay marriage legal making fox hunting illegal Dianna Monty Python
  19. I really dislike people who allow their dogs to jump up on you and sniff about. Like I really want their damn filthy dog even touching me. And if you give the dog a push with your foot they act like you are at fault.
  20. kipper

    Jimmy Fallon

    Im not 70 and i dont think fallon is funny. Letterman used to be funny, so was Conan. But fallon is just too rude to be funny. At least carson and leno treated their guests better. I think they got rid of leno because they were afraid that fallon would go to another network. which was the same thing they did with conan when they moved him up. I just thin nbc is afraid of competition in the future, because they were winning with leno. but who says nbc always makes good decisions? they dumped norm macdonold and he was the funniest guy they ever had on snl.
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