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Everything posted by porgie66

  1. Recent upload. Getting ready to do some collboration with Virtual Zeppelin on a series of new cover videos.
  2. I just talked to drummer Stanton Moore and he said the New Orleans bassist James Singleton was on this gig and told him about it. It was supposedly a Mardi Gras time gig , and Singleton was playing bass with Clarence Gatemouth Brown, who was leading the band. He said Bonzo was pretty tanked and he walked up in the gorilla suit and said he wanted to sit in. Gatemouth didn't know him, but the guys in the band persuaded him the let him sit in, saying he was a great drummer, with LZ etc. Gatemouth called a shuffle. Bonzo said " I don't want to play a shuffle , I want to play some funk!". So Gatemouth said "OK, you all play some funk"...and he left the bandstand. So they jammed on a funk tune. 😏
  3. Nice!! Was your tape used for any boot releases? There are two known tape sources for that show.
  4. TDOLZ's It's Warm , Not Hot is excellent as far as being complete but I think there is a channel issue. I really like Cold Sweat (Live Remains, but it's EQd a bit bright but it's clear and balanced.
  5. Some of this is worthwhile but I find this to be full of errors. He says Bonham played a Ludwig green sparkle 4 piece kit on the debut album, but they show the Slingerland kit which was possibly green sparkle (that photo was tinted.) First of all no one really knows for sure what kit he played on Zep 1, except for someone who was there, like maybe Glyn Johns , or of course the band members. There are no photos from the recording session that have surfaced yet so...??? It could have been a Ludwig kit that he owned , or it could have likely been the kit seen in that photo from Gladsaxe Teen Club gig , which was a Slingerland kit ( not Ludwig ) that supposedly belonged to Peter Grant ( Yardbirds kit ?) and was used for the first Scandinavian dates and possibly for UK dates in fall of 1968. Also, he didn't use sound edge hi-hats on the early tours! He didn't get those til 1970. Also, he got the large green sparkle kit in 1970, just before the Iceland gig...not 1971! Also, the drums were not "super high tuned" , they weren't tuned as low as rock drummers stereotypically tuned but " super high " is an exaggeration. Also, he did not use a felt strip on the front bass drum head...incorrect ! 😕
  6. Thanks for this, I really appreciate the insight. I didn't make the association with Ariadne though I am familiar with Theseus' story. I really thought the proud Aryan (Arianne) may have been a reference to Maureen Plant who was of Indian descent, and the will to sustain was a reference to them as a couple being able to weather the loss and heal, or just himself to be able to reweave the cloth (go on with life anew after the loss). This theme of the thread running through all things - the tapestry of life- is similar to the Norns in Norse mythology, who weave the destiny of the Gods and men as well. The metaphors amd symbolism in the lyric make for a beautiful ode to trying to cope with the grief of his loss. I really think this was his most substantive lyric , more so than Stairway or That's The Way which are often cited as his best.
  7. Yes!! Maybe he's saying something else but it sounds like my boot! Also, after happy Birthday is sung, a guy says "fucking cookin' man....whooooaaaaaa!!!!" Then Bonzo goes into the drum intro to Heartbreaker. I love that moment!
  8. Me playing along to the rough mix All My Love alternate from That's the Way Through the Out Door. I love the extended version with Page's solo and Bonzo's beautiful fills.
  9. I just did a drum cover for my YouTube channel on All My Love. I listened to it a lot the last few days to nail down the drum part and it got me thinking about the depth of the song, lyrically. I know that it's supposed to be about Robert's feelings in the aftermath of his son Karac's death, but has Robert ever really talked about the song? I find it to be one of his most poignant and best written lyrics. The line "proud Aryan, one word my will to sustain" was always interesting to me, but mainly because I was ignorant to what an Aryan was. I thought it referred to him being a blond European but I later learned that the Aryans were a nomadic Indian people who settled in what is now Northern India, Pakistan and Iran. I read Robert's mother is actually of Roma ( Gypsy) descent, not sure if she is Eastern Roma or European. So I wondered if that's what he is referring to in that line. If anyone has more specific info on this song and some of the metaphors in the lyrics I'd love to hear your thoughts/interpretation. I also have read that Jimmy in particular didn't care for the song and there was some contention about recording and playing it. I think many fans have wrongly maligned it as "soft rock", but I really think it's a standout song , on several counts. Robert's vocal is excellent all around. The guitar parts are really beautifully nuanced , with great layering and Bonzo's playing was outstanding ( he always was anyway). He plays the drum part with a deep, heavy feeling that perfectly compliments the longing and sadness of the lyric. It's a prime example of how Bonzo was so much more than just a timekeeper, he really was a consummate musician, who could create such a soulful feeling with his drumming. Lastly, the extended version with the guitar solo and Bonzo's epic fills is so much better than the fade out of the actual album version. It's pure gold for those last couple minutes.
  10. Absolutely. You also need the original for the better edit of WLL. This new release will pretty much be worthless unless it's a remaster of the original soundtrack album, with all of the extra songs that weren't on the original.
  11. Possibly. I think many in this generation already don't know, unless they sought out the original LP or CD issue, or read this forum. C'est la vie.
  12. Even though the old LP mix isn't the greatest, I prefer it to the overly processed sound of the 2007 remaster. That was such a missed opportunity, sonically and content wise. It's been said way too many times here , but the real fans want the original LP version, remastered, and with the addition of Black Dog, OTHAFA, Misty, SIBLY, Heartbreaker and The Ocean. Which is basically, the Heywood version. Too bad, another disappoinment. Hope come fall the good shit will start to appear.
  13. Is there any way you could show a close up of those images? I'm dying to see what kit Bonzo is playing in that photo! That looks like it could be from '68.
  14. Is it politically correct to call an Irish man a Paddy??
  15. This guy is killing it, he's done a whole slew of videos playing bass along with my drum cover videos. Check it out! He's got a great feel, it's correct.
  16. This is one of the best Page transcriptions/memorization performances I've heard. He gets the feel and phrasing right, which is not small feat considering how the phrasing is so over the bar. Excellent!!
  17. Dazed - movie version, first half. I don't own Vistalites but I prefer the sound of these old vintage Ludwig Thermogloss 3 ply drums ala 1970
  18. Thanks ! I will try to do The Rover soon...it's such a great tune.
  19. Thank you, I appreciate that! I'm in the process of doing a complete 1973 tour style covers. I just uploaded Dazed and Confused . 😓
  20. Thanks , appreciate that! I'm posting a lot more. I'll be doing a 73 tour style run of songs.
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