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Everything posted by porgie66

  1. Absolutely agree, Southampton is a good show, not bad, not great. The fidelity fluctuates all over the place too I presume because it was a work in progress when it got out to Empress Valley or whoever put it out first. I really think the biggest challenge with preparing any show after 72 for release is Plants erratic vocal performances. Europe 73 has some of the most inspired interactive playing ever , but Plant is cracking all over the place on every show. Seems like a lot of surgery would have to be done to the vocal tracks. I'll take Japan 71 over Southampton in a NY second. No contest.
  2. Is it safe to assume the RAH '69 concert was pro filmed based on the big camera seen in this pic? If so, who would've filmed it and where might the footage be?
  3. Old thread here...just brought back a memory of standing in the back of the hall watching the video montage and feeling almost euphoric, until Kid Rock became the turd in the punch bowl. Thankfully Stairway cleansed that stench away. That was a magic night for me.
  4. Thanks Willie!! This guy has been doing some companion videos playing bass along with my solo covers of songs. He's excellent!! His name is Pete.
  5. My recent demo of Bonzo's drumming on Celebration Day from the original soundtrack album, from my new channel Bonzology with Terry and George. Check out our other demos. Dave Lewis gave us a nice write up in the most recent Tight But Loose blog! Thanks Dave!
  6. Boy am I a sucker! Ha....very cool story though!
  7. Incredible! Can you share your memories of that experience? Maybe in a new thread?
  8. Check out my new YouTube collaboration channel with Terry Keating from Bonzoleum.  The new channel is called BONZOLOGY and it's dedicated to analyzing and discussing Bonzo's drumming.


  9. Yes, I played it without music. Thanks for subscribing, there will be a lot more to come.
  10. Terry from Bonzoleum and I have teamed up to create a YouTube channel dedicated to discussing and breaking down John Bonham's drumming. BONZOLOGY. Give it a look !! In our debut videos we discuss Bonzo's drumming on The Song Remains The Same in the style of the legendary June 21 1977 ( LISTEN TO THIS EDDIE BOOT) . We will be posting new videos on a regular basis and are taking requests, suggestions for topics. The video below is me playing the end of TSRTS , leading into the Rover intro, and a complete Sick Again, ala 1977 style. This is not meant to be a literal transcription, it is in the style of his 77 performances. Hope you all enjoy it.
  11. Huh??🤤 At 28 Pagey was lighting up stages all over the US and banging groupies left and right, hardly a crisis in his life. WTF is she on about? Maybe she read somewhere that Page had felt at at a dead end with his session work in the mid 60s but that's hardly a crisis. I dunno....this whole bit is just weird. Midlife ain't 28!
  12. Other people in the audience can be seen holding up cameras. There must be more pics from this night out there somewhere. There only a few mics on the drums. I would have loved to hear Bonzo with very little miking , about as naturally as can be. This gig must've been just astonishing.
  13. Incredible! Thank you so much for sharing these. This was supposed to be a legendary performance by Bonham of Moby Dick. Any recollection of his playing on the drum solo? He was supposed to have been extraordinary that night . I thought I read somewhere that Eddie Kramer was at this show.
  14. I have a memory of reading that too. Whole Lotta hairspray!
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