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Everything posted by porgie66

  1. Crying shame. Frankly I'm good with all the multitude of 75 boards for a while. Does anyone know definitely if the 73 boards were all from Sean the bootlegger? How they came to be distributed? We're they taken from Page or copied ? Wondering what the origins of those tapes are and if there are hoarded tapes out there, endings of shows etc. ??
  2. This is absolutely a great idea, I've been saying and hoping this for a while too. Pie in the sky. Shame, because it would be relatively easy and it would sell.
  3. That's amazing! You and I are about the same age, and I grew up in Chicago. I wish I had a hip cousin or family member that would have taken me to the Stadium that April of 77! At that time I was 10 , I was in the KISS Army, still had yet to discover Zeppelin. That happened in late '78 when my dad took me to see TSRTS. We went way off topic here but I enjoyed the tangent. As far as the speculations about Jimmy's drug and alcohol impacting his playing...to my ears there is no question it had a significant impact on his articulation. He always retained the fire and creativity, and there are definitely some brilliant solos on that tour , but I can't agree that his playing post 75 was ever as fluid and lucid as 73 and earlier.
  4. Indeed!! Yes, I read that too. You can see the spare snare on the stage in some photos. There's a show , Leicester 71 , where Bonzo breaks his bass drum head on Celebration Day.
  5. Reasonable guess! Looks like a right hot and uncomfortable outfit!
  6. Hmm, that looks like a clear head on the snare in the pic with the goofy mask. Is that Newcastle 72?? It's a different color and texture than the tom head and it looks like you can see the bottom edge of the drum though it, even part of the snare wires.
  7. porgie66


    Never saw this pic before. Wonder where and when taken?
  8. Yes, the floor toms...but I think there is another shot where you can clearly see the snare and possibly tom head are clear. Also, this was taken in Australia, over a year before the other pic from Paris. If I find that pic I will post it.
  9. Looks like Halloween judging from the gorilla suit. LOL.
  10. Haha, we are really getting into geeked out minutiae here but ...look at the gloss on that 14 inch tom head, its too shiny to be a coated head IMO. It has a different texture look than the snare head. I wish there were more pics of the kit from back or above. Maybe he was experimenting at this time, just before the loud Vistalites arrived. The clear heads offer more in terms of projection, less warmth. Could be?!
  11. Very cool shot! A revelation to see a black dot batter side head on the bass drum with the steel kit. Also, like earlier green sparkle kit, surprised to see a clear head on the back. I always assumed coated heads all around. Love these pics from behind his kit.
  12. I have to disagree with you there. That bass drum head is definitely clear. No way you'd see that much detail through a coated head. You can also clearly see the felt strip at the bottom. The tom also looks too smooth and reflective to be white coated. That looks like a reflection of the mic, not a shadow. Wondering about those floor toms.
  13. The bass is still a bit distorted on the mono mix and Plant's vocals break up at times. This new release has boosted highs and sounds brighter though than any other I have heard. I have Flagge's Dead Battery and that sounds dull compared to this mono release. I have a master>open reel>dat version that sounds good but less clear , high freqs. This is clearer and may be the most enjoyable this show will get. The stereo mix is a joke. It's all bass on the left channel. Awful.
  14. Sonic Boom set has been liberated on a trading site. Will download and listen asap. Report to follow.
  15. This is totally true. That's why many including myself way prefer a decent audience tape to a shitty dry board tape from 77.
  16. porgie66


    This is a GREAT photo. Totally with you on the palpable feeling in this shot. Who knows what tune he's playing but Since I've Been Loving You feels right.
  17. Mine is: The complete board tape from Toronto Sep 4 1971 Anything from Australia 72 Nassau Coliseum June 72 shows Baltimore 72 Second half of 73 ( Boston, Providence, Detroit, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Pittsburgh) Chicago '75 for Levee and Wanton Song
  18. LOL. I think he's in Europe so English is a second language.
  19. I'm curious to know this too. A certain seller was offering the Sonic Boom set for free with the purchase of another box set. I was tempted to get the Destroyer set just to get the Hampton 4CD but $ are tight right now and Cleveland '77 doesn't do much for me. I'm fine with my downloads of Dr Who ( Winston) of 4/27 and the Jason Peterson version of 4/28. Hoping someone shares the new Hampton soon. Huge upgrade!!! Hmm??
  20. I agree with this. 77 is so well regarded around this forum but I rarely listen to those shows anymore. Although, I recently listened to 6/25/77 and really enjoyed that show. It's one of the few 77 tour shows that builds. It doesn't fizzle down like many did from that tour. I'd love to hear a board tape of that one. Most of the 77 boards highlight the blemishes too much, mainly Jimmy's erratic playing. In addition to his sloppy fragmented execution, he often sounds to me like he isn't as in sync with the rhythm section as on earlier tours. I think all the drugs really affected his time. From '73 I'd love to hear Minneapolis , Detroit, and Milwaukee in addition to the ones you noted. 6/3/73 would be a mutha to have in a SBD! I would be happy with any '73 show. The complete Denver or Houston shows! How about Pittsburgh? I've got enough '75 boards and this new release will be paramount to all the others IMO. Just a great show all around. So, drop some '73 SBDs pleeze!
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