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Everything posted by porgie66

  1. I suppose, but I'd love to see those stick marks on the cymbals. I understand, it's not for everyone but that would have some mojo for me. Seeing the battle axes up close.
  2. Ha! I always thought they looked more like Christmas ornaments, though Plant did call them onions. Maybe not enough for a large scale exhibit although I would love to see Jimmy's guitars and Bonzo's drum equipment on display. I think a display at RRHOF of instruments, costumes and some memorabilia would be worthwhile. I'd especially love to see the Les Paul's, Double Neck, Marshall cabs, the jazz bass, ( 5 string too) , the Becvar, Jonesey's Rhodes , the Green Sparkles and Giant Beats up close! Fuck yeah! The stuff of legends. Set it up! A lot of true Zep fans wanna see it!
  3. This is funny. Reminds me of this classic scene....
  4. For me , it doesn't get any better than Jimmy's Birthday Party - Royal Albert Hall Jan 9 1970. That's the perfect mix of sound quality, and performance as a whole bootleg .
  5. Charlotte 72 is excellent sounding as is the tape from 6/18 Seattle which is sadly incomplete. The above mentioned shows are all very good audience tapes as well. All of the Australian shows are very listenable except for Brisbane. To me , that's Zep firing on all cylinders. Baltimore is another killer show and a very good sounding tape. Oct 3 has a few sources , one of which is quite good. Oct 9 as well.
  6. I would agree with the above noted shows. I like the Europe March 70 shows, th playing is really inspired...though the source quality varies. Düsseldorf is a great one. Milwaukee is an excellent sounding , great show . Boston is a killer. Wish there were more board tapes from the early years.
  7. Great photo but I'm not a fan of that fucking hat. I think he only wore it for part of the show and never again on stage , far as I know. Wonder if someone said, lose the Nazi cap. Or if he just realized , maybe this outfit isn't in such good taste.
  8. With all the admiration for the 77 tour shows on these boards, and the rose colored ears...this is the most cogent assessment of the 77 performances IMO.
  9. When Robert says..."St Peter, at the gates of heaven, I'm beggin ya baybeee!!!" LOL...ridiculous
  10. porgie66

    Any time now.....

    When was the last time Page played in public? I seem to remember a performance with Roy Harper? Or was it at the O2 concert?
  11. Another angle, better to see the tymp stuff.
  12. Wouldn't Royal Albert Hall '70 be considered as most recent boots come from Shirley's multis?
  13. That's a great shot. Looks like that's Mick Hinton dressed as a droogie. There are several pics of Bonzo on the plane with the Hawks sweater too. He must've been testing out the tuning or a new head.
  14. Epic! He's playing a beat similar to the one he plays in the theramin jam of WLL on the TSRTS soundtrack. Love that shit!!
  15. This is an absolutely burning version, although the pitch is way too fast here. It's a half step sharp!! Plant's screams at the end are blistering. I can't recall another version where he goes so apeshit! No wonder he shredded his vocal chords.
  16. This is a very good point. Seems like they had the utmost respect for each other musically and while they seem to have had very different personalities and interests , they were very accepting of each other and totally about the music when together. I could be wrong, there are always squabbles about musical choices, tempos etc. but I never heard about serious disputes or ego bullshit.
  17. I think neither. Bonzo plays the first downbeat crash with Jones , then Jones plays a whole note 2 bars later which Bonzo doesn't play on purpose... (hence the head shake and Jones hand gesture). Then two bars later Bonzo plays another crash with Jones walk up bass line , which it appears Jonesy says " good, or ok" . I think its a great microcosm of how well they communicated ... improvised and had fun doing it. One of my all time fav moments of them on film.
  18. Plant is able to contort his face the goofiest!
  19. I would love to get a copy of this . If anybody is willing to share the North Bridge remaster files , I would greatly appreciate it. I'm happy to return the favor with another show if wanted. Thanks in advance.
  20. I'd love to hear your magic formula version. I am listening to this 4 Eyed Freak version and it's still pretty dry and flat sounding. Part of the issue I have with these 77 boards is the drum kit sounds very flat and dry compared to Bonzo's other kits. Its my least favorite live sound of his. There's not much resonance with the stainless kit, don't know if that's just the nature of those drums or if it's the way they come off on the board mix. Also, the snare sounds like it's mostly being picked up by the underside mic rather than the batter side so it has that crispy, dry sound. Looking forward to your samples.
  21. I wonder how it compares to the one I have which was a "4 Eyed Freak" remaster of the Empress Valley title? I had downloaded the Beelzebub ages ago and discarded it. Way too much EQ , a lot of their stuff was shite...a few good ones though. Most were over EQ'd and distorted. I'd love to hear your remasters sometime , Stairway Remains . Keep us informed if your sharing them someplace.
  22. I imagine its pre- encore goofing about. Kinda looks like the Richfield Coliseum show. Destroyer.
  23. As I said, I really started to feel like I was focusing on negative shit, and decided to try to focus on the positive. There is so much to appreciate in their history. As LP Man just commented...I discover new things in the boots all the time, improvisatory bits of brilliance that most bands never achieved because they stuck to a script, and played the 'show'.
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