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Everything posted by porgie66

  1. Hmm, that looks like a clear head on the snare in the pic with the goofy mask. Is that Newcastle 72?? It's a different color and texture than the tom head and it looks like you can see the bottom edge of the drum though it, even part of the snare wires.
  2. I remember reading some place that Page wanted to hear how the Dazed jam and WLL medleys were sounding post gig so that's why he had those sections recorded off the board. I've never heard of any complete March 73 Europe tapes existing. Some of their best played shows ever IMO, although Plant is in very rough voice for that tour.
  3. Yes, but possible they're in the hands of hoarders. BTW, the soundboard fragment for Long Beach 72 is one of the best I've ever heard. Much better than any 75 or 77 board. It's a multi track, not a board feed. That would be the money, to get that whole show!
  4. porgie66


    Never saw this pic before. Wonder where and when taken?
  5. Yes, the floor toms...but I think there is another shot where you can clearly see the snare and possibly tom head are clear. Also, this was taken in Australia, over a year before the other pic from Paris. If I find that pic I will post it.
  6. Looks like Halloween judging from the gorilla suit. LOL.
  7. I wholeheartedly agree with all of this. Too many inconsistencies with Page's sloppy and sometimes meandering playing and Plant's croaking to have a complete show from 75 or 77 without major doctoring and I don't think Plant especially would ok a warts and all performance. Perhaps a cherry picked assortment of material from '73 ( if there's any in the can) , 75 Earls Court, any good 77 video and Kneb shows.
  8. Haha, we are really getting into geeked out minutiae here but ...look at the gloss on that 14 inch tom head, its too shiny to be a coated head IMO. It has a different texture look than the snare head. I wish there were more pics of the kit from back or above. Maybe he was experimenting at this time, just before the loud Vistalites arrived. The clear heads offer more in terms of projection, less warmth. Could be?!
  9. No one yet have a comment on the forum?? 73 partial Soundboards?? Why so many? Where are the rest of those shows? How did they come about?
  10. Very cool shot! A revelation to see a black dot batter side head on the bass drum with the steel kit. Also, like earlier green sparkle kit, surprised to see a clear head on the back. I always assumed coated heads all around. Love these pics from behind his kit.
  11. I have to disagree with you there. That bass drum head is definitely clear. No way you'd see that much detail through a coated head. You can also clearly see the felt strip at the bottom. The tom also looks too smooth and reflective to be white coated. That looks like a reflection of the mic, not a shadow. Wondering about those floor toms.
  12. Because they're skanks. A sampler CD with one teaser track, everything else already available. It's just pure opportunism. I'm curious to hear this but the board sounds dry, needs some EQ and space. I'm sure someone will share a decent remaster. How about a full sbd of Kezar 73? Now that would be amazing. The soundboard fragment sounds really good and it would be amazing to have the whole show in that quality. .
  13. With the latest release coming soon of another '75 board tape ( Seattle 3/21/75) , I have been wondering if anyone here knows why so many '73 board tapes are incomplete and if there is a chance that the complete tapes may be released or escape from their hiding places? I'm specifically referring to the tapes that only have the last few songs of the concert, like Houston, Denver, San Francisco, Detroit has a couple tunes. As exciting as it is to have the Seattle 3/21 SBD , I would really be stoked about one of the aforementioned shows coming out. Also, what's up with all the incomplete tapes that don't contains the last third of the show?? Mobile, Salt Lake, Seattle, Bonzo's Bday.
  14. Well, I'm looking forward to hearing the whole show... but damn, sometimes Pagey sounds like one of those YouTube shred videos when he plays alone on Heartbreaker. ?
  15. Jazz recording engineers had been doing that for years. Jimmy had enough sense to employ similar methods to get a drumset sound as a whole instrument , perhaps intuition or his studio session experience. Listen to any Blue Note album recorded by Rudy Van Gelder and you'll hear a drumset as it should sound. The trend to control ring and bleed killed the drumset sound in the 70's. Jimmy had it down in '68.
  16. The bass is still a bit distorted on the mono mix and Plant's vocals break up at times. This new release has boosted highs and sounds brighter though than any other I have heard. I have Flagge's Dead Battery and that sounds dull compared to this mono release. I have a master>open reel>dat version that sounds good but less clear , high freqs. This is clearer and may be the most enjoyable this show will get. The stereo mix is a joke. It's all bass on the left channel. Awful.
  17. Sonic Boom set has been liberated on a trading site. Will download and listen asap. Report to follow.
  18. Covers are one thing, that's cool with me. A cover band plays an interpretation of the material. TRIBUTES are weird! They actually try to play the part, mimicking the look and gestures. Mr Jimmy is a good player , but he is indeed creepy. Often times these guys are twice the age our beloved heroes were at the time of their reign. That's bizarre to me, a 45 year old playing a 22 year old. ?
  19. Absolutely. I think its totally cool to play covers, but to actually dress up and posture in mimicry is not interesting to me, especially musically. It's like bad theater, there is an air of pathos for the players. Playing Zeppelin tunes is so much fun, I love doing it ...but I would look totally ridiculous in a wig and moustache.
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