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Everything posted by Pagefan55

  1. I've visited parts of eastern Canada -- Toronto and points east -- and it's a great place to visit and explore.
  2. Maryland put up a good fight, ebk. How about the South Carolina-Georgia and BC-USC games? Wow.
  3. For dinner, I had a filet mignon steak, a baked potato, fresh corn on the cobb, fresh cut-up oranges for dessert, and lots of water.
  4. Hello Mack. Welcome to the forum. You have indeed found like-minded souls here, and I agree with your "Renaissance men" statement.
  5. Funny. The dreaded "friend zone."
  6. I'm a big college football fan, but I agree with some of your reservations, Strider. I'm a fan of the SEC and the ACC. I'm a fan because I and many of my relatives and friends graduated from those schools: Florida, LSU, Ole Miss, Vandy, Auburn, Georgia, Virginia, Virginia Tech, Maryland, North Carolina, North Carolina State, Duke, etc. So I root for both conferences.
  7. The fact it's college football Saturday.
  8. I love the above print/engraving.
  9. Interesting. I wasn't aware that this type of thing might have been going-on during the '77 tour. (nepotism-related work issues, etc)
  10. Last week, a Russian satellite fell from orbit and burned up over the United States. The Russian government denies it lost a satellite.
  11. Another good author is Henry James. I liked "Portrait of a Lady." I once tried to read Proust's 4000 page long "Remembrance of Things Past" but I quit after the first 300 pages.
  12. I don't own any pets, but I'm thinking about getting either a Collie or an Alaskan Huskie.
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