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Everything posted by Pagefan55

  1. Here's a good one. As a young child I would sometimes accompany my parents on trips to my grandfather's farm, where huge piles of dried-out horse and cow manure would be piled up high to be used as fertilizer in the fields. I liked the smell of the manure, although I didn't realize what it was I was smelling until I got a bit older. Even today the smell of dried manure brings back happy memories from childhood. Other smells I like include the ocean breeze, freshly cut grass, rain/rain storms, gasoline, and cigarette smoke. (even though I don't smoke cigarettes.)
  2. I'm a casual Bond fan -- I've seen most of the Bond films. My favorite Bond is Roger Moore. Daniel Craig is a close second. My favorite soundtracks are from Octopussy and Live and Let Die.
  3. Pagefan55


    I'm a casual Bond fan -- I've seen almost every movie. My favorite Bond is Roger Moore, but Daniel Craig is a close second. (In the past I've known some huge Connery fans, so I've taken some heat for preferring Moore.) I don't have a favorite movie, but my favorite soundtrack might be Octopussy's.
  4. I think many Zep fans have a wide variety of musical tastes and interests, and hail from a wide variety of musical genres/backgrounds. Many Zep fans are big into classic rock -- others are into arena rock, prog-rock, or acoustic/folk -- and some are into heavy metal. Many heavy metal fans view Zep's music as being too non-aggressive, mellow and soft. As you know, Zep was never a heavy metal band. (The term "heavy art" would be a more apt description for Zep's "heavy" music.) Jimjam, have you listened to Janis Joplin, Joni Mitchell, or Jimi Hendrix?
  5. Oasis did have some good tunes. Funny story: I remember back in '96 or '97 I was in a London pub when I got into a friendly debate with three local girls who were absolutely convinced that Oasis would become bigger than the Beatles. They were all saying "You just watch! Oasis will be more popular than the Beatles ever were, and more respected too!" Lol.
  6. Hello Jimjam, welcome to the forum.
  7. I know a lot of people who don't like rock music -- particularly "heavy" rock music -- and many people view Zep as being too heavy. (or too loud, vulgar, raunchy, "dark", etc) Also, the plagiarism allegations seem to have recently gained much wider acceptance. In just the past 4 or 5 years, I've noticed that whenever I'm together with a group of people in a social or professional setting, and the subject of Zep is casually mentioned, someone in the group will always invariably say something like, "Didn't Led Zeppelin steal a lot of their music?" Then, a few other people in the group will invariably murmur, "Yes, I've heard that too." etc, etc.
  8. Hahaha -- it's true. My favorite name on this thread is Harmony Rain -- that would be a cool name for a daughter. Lol.
  9. Cool video -- I'm glad you shared it.
  10. I agree -- I don't think Taurus sounds like Stairway It's interesting how (British) elves are typically thought of today as being rather short, odd-looking beings with misshapen ears, etc. This image stands in sharp contrast to the depiction of elves in much of Scandinavian folklore and mythology, where Nordic elves look almost exactly like humans and are often drop-dead gorgeous to boot: Numerous stories of Viking warriors hooking-up with beautiful elf-maidens, etc. Also, Scandinavian elfin mythology dates back at least 2,000 years.
  11. Hi lipslikecherries, If you're convinced you witnessed a truly bizarre and inexplicable event - and if you're friends and family have seen the video and agree -then you might indeed want to consider posting it on youtube.
  12. Thanks for posting this interview. These days, it's easy to forget how controversial and "scandalous" men like Blake and Byron sometimes were back in their time. Also, I don't think you'll have any problems "getting through" Nietzsche's books or understanding the basics of his philosophy. Just be deeply thankful that you aren't reading something like Kant's "Critique Of Pure Reason." Lol.
  13. What an interesting thread. I don't have much to add, but I will mention a few things. Blake was well known for his mystical and spiritual visions, which he experienced his whole life. (Even as a toddler, he saw an angel's face peering in at him through his nursery room window.) It's obvious that many people in the 60's and 70's were using music and hallucinogens to experience and explore the same mystical visions -- and alternate/astral realities -- which Blake seemed to experience naturally. The romantic poets were the rock stars of their era: They were exploring the worlds of nature and experience, the worlds of feeling and sensation, and most of them died young. Lord Byron, in particular, seems to have embodied the rock n roll spirit and lifestyle: He was famously expressive, sensual, fearless, hedonistic, etc. Another towering figure of the romantic age whose art, I believe, is similar in some respects to Led Zeppelin's, is Richard Wagner. Plant once called Page the "Wagner of rock."
  14. Similar experience for me as well - we couldn't wait for the headliner to come on either.
  15. The majority of UFO sightings are easy to explain. Most/all of the "difficult to explain" sightings are probably top secret government aircraft. There's excellent reason to believe that the U.S./U.K./Russian militaries are all highly interested in--and may possibly have perfected--such things as anti-gravity technology, etc. Despite this, I still don't think anybody can completely deny the possibility that extraterrestrial aliens/saucers might in fact exist and be visiting earth.
  16. Hi Janneke. Welcome to the forum. I know everyone here highly respects "gentleman Jonesy."
  17. Vincent Price was unique--a true original. Price was a highly talented actor, possessed an unforgettable one-of-a-kind "scary" voice, and was a true gentleman: Cultivated, erudite and well-bred.
  18. Hi slave to zep, I understand what you're saying, too--you're clearly well intentioned and have a good heart. It's easy to forget that some people--either through ignorance or lack of money--are not in a good position to make healthy food and lifestyle decisions.
  19. Hi Andy, How fortunate you were to see two of the Earls Court shows. I know that many English critics/fans walked out of those 5 shows feeling awestruck: It was their first exposure to the full-blown "American" Zep concert experience. The critic Tony Palmer, after seeing Zep at Earl's Court, famously wrote, "There is no theater like it, no action painting which compares to the constantly fluctuating patterns of light and sound...Led Zeppelin has propelled rock n roll into the forefront of artistic achievement in the mid-1970's."
  20. I think the great majority of obese people are just too lazy and undisciplined to exercise and eat right. (I understand that some obese people suffer from serious medical conditions and/or possess super-slow metabolisms, etc.) I strongly agree with Strider regarding the importance of personal responsibility. The government should not be involved in regulating or legislating these matters.
  21. I think this topic--Jones becoming an Anglican Church music director or choirmaster--has been covered extensively in another thread.
  22. Two other great actors who haven't been mentioned are Daniel Day Lewis and Marcello Mastroianni.
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