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Everything posted by Mook

  1. That's a mad choice, it's one of my favourite songs by any band.
  2. Zeppelin are my favourite band but Abbey Road pisses all over ITTOD as a 'greatest last album' I have to say & that's without me really trying to think of any other examples.
  3. I have to turn the telly off whenever I see him on it, his face makes steam come out of my ears. I was describing how I felt about him to someone once & came up with the phrase, 'The Musical Antichrist', which I think fits him perfectly.
  4. Good, hopefully he loses access to oxygen next.
  5. I would put good money on Robert Plant doing very little or nothing in relation to the 50th Anniversary of Led Zeppelin.
  6. I don't know about you but if I was a young bloke in my early 20s, World at my feet, young girls throwing themselves at me, cocaine falling from the sky, I would be making the fucking most of it rather than getting tucked up in my bed with a cup of lemon tea & worrying about what somebody on the internet would think about it 40 odd years down the line. It's a shame he didn't look after his voice a little better but I don't think there's any need to be quite so sanctimonious about it.
  7. A live 'best of' triple LP covering 1968 to 1980 would absolutely floor me, I wouldn't need anything else after that. Unfortunately I don't think anything like it will see the light of day at this stage. I reckon next year we'll get loads of magazine covers, a handful of books & maybe a programme or two on the telly if we're lucky.
  8. 37 years ago today the decision was made for them. Gone but not forgotten.
  9. I hardly think Plant could accuse Rodgers of imitating him when Free were touring months before Zeppelin formed.
  10. Mook


    Yes, I can confirm that Mourinho generally plays a billionaire version of alehouse Football.
  11. Mook


    Yes, the 2-2 draw with Stoke was frightening stuff, I hear Real Madrid are thinking of pulling out of the Champions League after seeing that.
  12. Mook


    Such a poor team that Man Utd haven't beaten them in their last four attempts & managed to finish seven points behind them in May?
  13. Mook


    Can't see Spurs winning the league & Leicester are more likely to get relegated.
  14. Mook


    It's four games into the season, I would give it until December before we start looking at who is going to win the league, Man Utd started at a canter last season & finished 6th.
  15. I'd love a dvd/blu ray of their California Jam performance, I'll maybe ask for the CD for Christmas (as it's out in December). Just as an aside, I'd always been told Technical Ecstasy was really poor but I picked up the CD a couple of weeks back & it's much better than I thought it would be, I think it's as good as Sabotage.
  16. Mook


    Spoken like a man who has never seen an Everton game in his life.
  17. Thanks for the tip, I'll give The Nightfly a go. It has come up on my Amazon recommendations but I'm always a bit scared to dip my toe in the water with 80s stuff because the production tends to be so bad (generally speaking).
  18. Gutted, I had to listen to The Royal Scam last night, there is so much going on in those songs. Pretty much everything they did in the 70s was pure class, I've not really listened to the stuff from Goucho onwards.
  19. I have to say I find them to be absolutely awful. I'm not surprised there are only about 7 or 8 people like them on a Led Zeppelin forum, one band of geniuses, another who sound like a group of teenagers picking up musical instruments for the first time. I usually have to leave the pub when Blitzkrieg Bop comes on the Jukebox, what a fucking racket.
  20. Just to add that I wasn't having a go at anyone, it's just something that you see in the tabloid papers here, a picture of someone getting out of a car & the caption will say, "insert name looking miserable.", do these journalists do a star jump out of their car with a giant smile on their faces? People don't go around smiling all the time & still photographs tends to reflect this. I'm sure John Bonham had some nice moments with his family and with the band in 1980 whatever else was going on in his head. Such a terrible loss really, I never fail to break down a wee bit when I read about his death.
  21. I always laugh when I see people drawing so much information from a still picture, you can take a picture of the happiest person at the wrong moment & they can look fraught with worry. I'm not saying Bonham didn't have his problems or demons, he clearly did and he did look older than his years (the drink does that to people), however, I don't see the point in studying a picture to the nth degree to attempt to ascertain what was going on at that point in time. We all know he was having trouble getting round his kit towards the end, it's more than likely that he was trying pretty hard to lose weight in order to remedy that. John Bonham had his ups and downs like a lot of people and died as a result of an accident. The remaining members of the band have kept a lid on things out of respect for his family and themselves I would guess and hats off to them.
  22. Mook


    Football Focus is still on. I see Jose 'other clubs are spending too much money' Mourinho is going to spunk another £40m on Matic this week.
  23. Mook


    He had those Adidas trainers on in Milan (picture below) so it could very well be.
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