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Everything posted by reswati

  1. She's indeed a very good blushificatress.
  2. Just wanted to cheer you up by telling you that you really write good lyrics, man.

  3. Well, I thought you liked a controversial answer, since you like sensationalism. P.S. there is a cookbook written by a Japanese murderer who ate some tourists, that's what cannibalist recipes are. As far as the Ian Dury and the Blockheads cliche goes: What matters to most of us here is that Zeppelin were talented musicians, whether they had a lot of drugs and sex or not (when I listen to one of their records I won't be going off like.....wooow, did you hear how good that heroin was after they recorded that song after having sex with some groupie). No one here can exactly tell you how good their sexual qualities are, neither has anyone here ever shared coke with Zeppelin as far as I know, haha..... Since I don't know your age I won't tell you to get some drugs yourself and experience what it is like, instead of discussing other peoples drug consumption. And if you really want to know what goes on inside the mind of a psycho killer I would recommend you to talk to one personally (don't get eaten, btw, he might have read the cannibalist cookbook as well, lol)
  4. Well, you might have forgotten to discuss anal sex, spanking, ritual mutilation and cannibalist recipes then (that's a bit more controversial according to my taste.....the typical sex drugs and murder cliches are a bit tiresome at times)
  5. Worst of them all: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Hitler Btw, cant you ever conjure up a happy topic instead of all this morbid mumbo jumbo, lzzoso?
  6. He stole your image Ronnie, he should pay you for that
  7. The article must be written after 1977 since it claims that the death of his son made Robert retreat into the Welsh countryside, and that this could have been the end of Led Zeppelin. But it also stated that Jimmy is listening to live concerts to make a live album and that Jonesy and Jimmy are writing new material, and that Robert needs time to find balance in his life again.
  8. Where exactly is the complete article, I can translate it....
  9. It's almost sadistic to choose since there are so many good things he recorded. anyway: Colours of a shade Another tribe Tie Dye on the Highway Song to the siren The way I feel
  10. Cool post, Lzzoso........ The first boot I ever heard of Zep was For Badgeholders Only, a friend of mine had borrowed it from someone he knew. the next day I taped that one onto cassette and played it mercilessly until the tape died some months later. Since my friend knew the store that sold it I had to visit that store asap. It turned out to be just over the border and was run by a complete asshole who had no prices attached to his records. Once he knew what you were looking for the prices for those records went up drastically. I decided to fuck him back next time for beeing a rip off and sent two friends pretending to be Aerosmith fans that by cosmic accident just bought the Zeppelin records that I wanted in the end without having to pay twice the price. The store one day closed down and thanks to internet there were still many records which I could buy for fair prices.....other ones I traded etc etc. Greatest item that I have is still the O2 triple vinyl album, since one of the voices going yeeeeeeaaaahhh was me, and some few thousands of people more.....a great souvenir for a great day.
  11. Thanks for all the nice replies....peace to you all Zosodragon and Bonnie, you rock!!!! Great pictures ladies.
  12. Tried that, was even born among the Krauts, but I would be more like Klaus Meine if I still lived there. I prefer smoking pot instead of smoking Sauerkraut with Knödels. (And I can't stand woman moaning "Jawohl fick mich hart im Arsch du geiles Luder" while making love to them......German B-porn-lingo is possibly the worst turn-off on the planet, haha) I'll have a beer on you (though I personally prefer Brand, though Grolsch ain't bad either)
  13. Happy summertime to all of you, on behalf of all the crazy Vikings........... on this sunny side of the ocean Valhalla....holidays are coming!!!!
  14. I don't know which movie you base your opinion on, but what you write there is absolute kaka! We do have welfare programs here in the Netherlands, in case you might lose your job.....and it is getting more and more difficult to get that welfare, lots of paper work. Also once you get welfare here, you have to try to find a job a.s.a.p.else you will get less and less money. As far to drugs: it is still illegal to have more than 5 grams of softdrugs, it is also illegal to transport drugs, harddrugs are completely bad stuff to have. It is illegal to grow more than 3 plants. And as far as beeing subsidized as beeing a pot smoker: bollocks......most smokers I know, including myself do work. With sober regards from the Netherlands (yes, I am not always high) (and also yes....the Netherlands are not Holland, Holland is just one province in the Netherlands) Reswati.
  15. Lol, Fan S......nothing alarming but nice to know that my garden attracts these kinda animals. Hope you are doing fine, I have a work-free day right now so I am gonna soak up the sun.
  16. Meeting a nocturnal visitor in my garden around 2 at night. Yeah, what I first thought to be the slowest rat ever turned out to be a hedgehog.
  17. Well, we missed you too, glad to have you back here again. How are you doing lately?
  18. (Story behind this.....we tried to make an exact replica of a scene from Lord of the Rings, since we actually had no real pipe I am sucking on a paintbrush. Lots of photoshopping and time later this was the result) Looking mysterious and smoking a pipe.
  19. A big fat thunderstorm is heading here.....guess hell will break loose in 10 mins, so I will shut down the computer for a while.
  20. More than unhappy.....in fact I am pissed off. Just got an extremely overpriced dvd player as a gift with lots of IMO useless features (like watching usb sticks, divx and more formats I never even heard of) Worst is that I hardly ever watch dvd's at all, possibly 5 a year. I hope I can still return this gizmo to the store and buy something more useful instead.
  21. Deep Purple, Bilzen 69....Wring that neck, and since I wanna that trip with whomever reads this....yeah exactly YOU, YOU THERE, here it is:
  22. welcome to your 285th view

  23. Happy birthday from another July 2nd person.

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