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Everything posted by Hotplant

  1. Thank You Warby! That's what I was wondering.
  2. I didn't gooo anywhere, but watched A Beautiful Mind last night. I cannot wait for the new JOHNNY DEPP movie............ He seems to be eternally HOT!
  3. Hi Janine...

    From: Janine!

    Not too many Janine's around, and who spell it the same!

    See ya.

  4. I am AMERICAN. And yes it is Lines here. Not everyone speaks the same.
  5. I still can't stand him. Maybe if he shaved his f'n head I could look at the copycat.
  6. I was wondering if anyone around London knows. How are the lines into the arena going to be handled? Like, there are some who are invited to the " Dress rehearsal " where will they enter? Where will the thousands of stars invites enter? And, will the "standing" ticket holders have to just wait and wait and scramble to the front? Anyone know the back story......the backstage story... I'm just trying to invision it.
  7. My puter is taking forever for that to load. So, what is it a animation??
  8. ANY mention of that poor excuse of a clone-Coverdale would have me vomitting for a week. At least! GAG>>>>>>>> It would be a disgrace.
  9. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TZW!!!!!! And many more.... Can I spank you?
  10. You crack me up LLM. When I went to Tulsa to see my honey, I took a camping chair and didn't care if I had to chuck it at the door or not. It helped immensely STANDING in line foreva! Umbrellas would be the last of my worries... Hey ! Just get one of those disposable raincovers!
  11. Chill Manders, it is a terrible testament to SPELLING though, I agree. Just that inner teacher in you! :D
  12. Gawd, could you imagine not being able to get there because of snow out here in the states.
  13. Bad Queen..lolol good one! I heard somewhere they were going to tour. Rodgers actually played in a venue on our state line, Wendover. I have no clue who was his band, I wasn't really hot on going. I can't stand it when someone who was in a famous band finds a bunch of backups and bills themselves as the ORIGINAL band. It is misleading and a ripoff. At least some of them are honest and say on the bill: formerly of.............. I think that is the honest thing to do. I also heard that new song's profits will partly go to an AIDS foundation.
  14. None on my bod. I'm a "virgin" that way.... I really dig the work they do on the Show LA Ink. Some of the chicks that work there are amazing artists. "Kat" is kookie but good at what she does.
  15. Those are beautiful pics Leddy, and Tinkerbell! I would sooo love to visit Bavaria, my ancestors on my Mothers side came form that region. Bayrueth??(sp?) Crossen? Those mountains.....and BEER....oh yeah, some day!
  16. Hotplant


    I agree with all of the above and thanks Kneb. The first one indeed is super hot Robert on the hood.............................
  17. ASK NOT what Led Zeppelin can do for you, ask what YOU can do for Led Zeppelin!
  18. I didn't know where to put this interview I ran across, with Bonzo and Robert. and I couldn't see the entire link, But if you go to www.crackle.com and look in Music, "ryantv" Led Zeppelin Robert Plant And John Bonham Rare 1 An Oldie for sure.
  19. Ok you guys. Just a question...? What's the difference from a smaller sig size to your posting styles ...like this: Everyone Still has to scroll.
  20. I too love this one. Except the fact that except for his nose, he looks so much like my last companion. It almost......Almost makes me miss the guy.
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