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Everything posted by Hotplant

  1. This isn't exactly what I've seen but... This summer I was at the library sitting in a big comfy chair in a reading room and my cell phone went off....my ringtone is Kashmir. I had no time to find it and turn it off and just sat there while everyone looked around for the culprit. Then this school teacher looking woman got up and started questioning people...OMG I thought I was going to be sent to the principle's office. I heard her asking someone if it was their phone. Finally I sort of looked at her like....yeah it was mine so she came over and to my delight she asked " What was that song, I'm collecting some songs and I really like that?" So...very relieved I wasn't going to be scolded, I told her and she wrote it down. Hope she is in Kashmir heaven now.
  2. OR....a new guitar stand maybe.... I was thinking....someone could design a stand in the shape and likeness of Jimmy....holding a guitar. Hey, it could sell. I do hope SAM is involved in developing the site, he has certainly earned that right here!
  3. Thanks for posting that, and when I have those 40 minutes I will check it out, as Neil is in my top five...or so. I really am dismayed with rock concerts these days but I SO SO would have LOVED to see Buffalo Springfield. *sigh* Some of my favorite songs of his were with Springfield. I really need to move to California, for many reasons.
  4. I watched that too, I love Keith, and I love how he said he likes to garden. Nice pad. LEMONS! Can't wait for the book.
  5. Yes, and she has a job I wouldn't mind.
  6. I'm waiting for LOGAN'S LED ZEP EXPERIENCE. Actually I admire him for NOT riding on Zeppelin's wagon. :bravo:
  7. Coast-To-Coast/George Noory....................It's my "going to hit the hay station."
  8. I HAD to log in to see that one BongMan. Pretty waves!
  9. nerd girl ~~ Rocks Paradise City Anne Thomas Soffee
  10. Never seen him do this much promo for anything.
  11. I can't wait for this book. He was THERE. Some writers take info out of other books, the internet, rags, etc. Personally I like the first person accounts best. Even if small parts aren't entirely 100% (Virgoish ) accurate, it is from someone there and I give them far more credence. This one I will get. Along with Keith Richards book.
  12. If you could go back in time what year and why? also....wanna take MSG and I for a ride?
  13. Has anyone ever told you- you look a bit like David McCullem (sp?). The Man From U.N.C.L.E.
  14. Hotplant

    Roberts Jeans

    Ladies: On a related note... I found this sooooo funny. As I was looking for that pic of Robert and the washboard I googled what I thought could bring it up. WELL....under related searches it had......Robert's Bulge as a related search. Now who do you think helped with that on Google?! hahahahahaha..... AND...while I was "out" I found a mug at our local thrift store that had lemons all over it and the words "Squeeze me" allll over it. WoW too funny, I had to get it. I'll try to post a pic of it. Now That is something I'd love him to autograph...or give him. It cracks me up and holds a spot near a framed photo of him I have.
  15. Heyo MAD!!!!! Thanks honey! Saved me searching through thousands of wonderful Robert. Oh, and I finally found where you turn back on PM's...so my box is open again, I only closed it because i didn't want people to think I was being rude if I didn't answer. Again, thank you, and lovely to "see" you again.
  16. Hey Deb! Happy Belated...lovely Libra.

    Just got back today. Hope you had a great one!

  17. I've been gone for ages, but if you can help me I'd appreaciate it. Looking for hte pic of him playing that small washboard in Austin, I saw it here a long time ago....but where oh where can he be? Want to send it along to our old BigBlues, as he was our original washboard player
  18. Usually an insomniac, I sat up bleary eyed through the whole dang show, just to fall asleep just before he came on. His answer about writing songs....sad....I WISH he would do something besides covers. Just sayin'.
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