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Everything posted by Walter

  1. Two 3rd down conversions is a good start....but now it's 3rd and 13, lets see what kind of nerves Smith has now.
  2. Whatcha think about that Strider? KC pick not lookin so good now... KC playing from behind takes them out of their ball control comfort zone.
  3. The only chance Pittsburgh has, IMO, is if the defense goes out and completely shuts down Peyton and holds Denver to 10 points or less. Which could happen. But I'm not betting on it. Denver's defense alone should contribute enough to cover the points needed. If Deangelo, Antonio, and Ben were all playing - I'd pick 'em. Throw in a healthy Bell and I'd pick them for the Super Bowl.
  4. Yes, I spoke with Kate not too long ago. She checks in from time to time, Strider. Happy Birthday, Kate! Happy Birthday to Otto Mason and Led Zep Girl as well!
  5. New England Arizona Seattle Denver Mrs. Walter: New England Arizona Carolina Denver Walter Jr: New England Arizona Seattle Denver
  6. Some would say he had an off (key) night, every night they performed The Battle of Evermore with him singing.
  7. Exactly, Kelly Girl. Yes, listen to some of the No Quarter piano solos. There are fudged notes, just like Jimmy would on guitar. JPJ is human after all. His part just isn't always as obvious as Jimmy or Bonzo. There are a number of Kashmir's where the band gets lost, whose mix up was it? Different times, different person....
  8. Cosmo Jones who is known for us as a member of the band Miss Galaxie/Big Blue Missile posted the following message on his Facebook:David Bowie and Scott Weiland. The sky is bereft of some bright stars. Not to forget Lemmy, but this story is not about him. This story is simply a coincidence I am compelled to share. Draw from it what you will. I already mentioned when Scott passed how much we all were influenced by Bowie. Especially Scott and James. That's why BBM did the Ashes to Ashes cover and I would guess Scott would credit Bowie with a huge percentage of his music education, both in performance and writing. Yet as people they were probably polar opposites (I wish I could say I knew the thin white duke, but only what I read), thus the story of these images is something I find very personal as well as oddly coincidental. When we were playing with Scott, he was still working with Stone Temple Pilots. He knew I was also a designer and asked for help with an album cover. This was their 4th studio album, and Scott wanted a cover that was a nod to Led Zep's Zoso or AC/DC Back in Black. He wanted to title it "Black Album, White Star" so I did a first draft mock-up. Then everything went pear shaped with Scott again and we didn't get to the next round. The record ended up being called "No. 4", and they used the design and just changed the title. Fast forward to today and I am gutted to hear about the passing of Bowie, and then I see the cover for Blackstar and think wow, that is some serious yin and yang action hitting me like a ton of bricks. I can think of very very few artists who had as much influence as David Bowie, on not just music, but style and class. I loved the way he could reinvent himself, I loved his side project Tin Machine, and the vast magnitude of art he created over so many genres makes for a true legend. I'm glad I got the opportunity to play on such a cool Bowie cover with Scott and I wish they were both still here. I'm vigorously extending both middle fingers to cancer and drug addiction. I hope someone smarter than I am figures out a cure for both. And also a cure for tinnitus because I am going to blast Bowie's Earthling in my car today and save Blackstar for just a bit longer.
  9. I completely agree! How antiquated is that when they play on the A's dirt infield until November? This is the kingpin NFL after all.
  10. Rams approved to move to LA by a 30-2 vote. Raiders staying in Oakland, which has to be music to Striders ears.
  11. Came across these various VR performances from different tv shows (mainly the Tonight Show). Memories of Scott....
  12. Happy Birthday, Kelly Girl! You've been a great addition to the forum! Hope you have a fantastic day!
  13. Yes, and we love the Ampitheatre there - smallish, with great site lines. So pissed these two events are on the same day! I love St. Augustine too - we vacation there at least once a year at Hammock Beach, just south of the city. Love to visit St George street and the old fort, etc.
  14. This is unreal. The night he's playing in St Augustine is the home opener for the Orlando City SC here and we just bought tickets for it last week. Some things just don't work sometimes....
  15. This is one of many Bowie moments I will never forget....
  16. I wouldn't call what happened in the Seattle game as pure luck. Sherman had just about blocked the last kick coming from the right side of the line of scrimmage and he had to kick towards the right due to the placement of the ball after the last play. The kicker had to have that in mind when standing over that kick - plus with it being so cold and the end of a long duration in that cold, it's easy to snap hook it given all of those circumstances. Tough pill to swallow, yes, but I wouldn't call it pure luck at all. Humans are playing the game, not computers like on Madden. Sets up for the match-up that everyone wants: Seattle vs. Carolina. Arizona/Green Bay is not going to be that tough for the home team, IMO. On the AFC side, the KC/NE game should be a good one. Can NE's o-line give Brady enough time to find his now much healthier and productive offensive weapons? Plus Smith lost his top weapon with Maclin going down with a high ankle sprain. Very interesting match up. Pitt/Denver, if Denver can't win that one with an injured Big Ben (sprained shoulder), injured Williams at rb (injured foot), and an injured Brown (concussion) at wr - then I don't know what to say. We shall see....
  17. Me either. Don't know what to say. He was such a huge influence on so many levels of the arts and fashion. He was without a doubt an icon for decades. Sad that cancer took another one from us. Hope you are resting well now in the stars where you belong, David. So sad, so very sad. RIP David Bowie
  18. Walter

    20 Days

    So glad to read this, Red! Man, 2016 is starting right! Thank you for the update..
  19. As a Cowboys fan, all I can say is -
  20. Here we go...Redskins get the ball, down 6, to start the 2nd half.
  21. Lost 4 of them, apparently. This has to be demoralizing to the skins. They've completely outplayed GB, but look to be falling behind as the first half is running down.
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