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Everything posted by Walter

  1. 8-6, sh!t week for me. 1st week is always the toughest....for me at least! Glad my dipsh!t Cowboys pulled it out last night - after creating 6 turnovers! Still had to sweat it out though, fuckin' offense still sucks ass! A lot of yards, but not a lot of points. Another day in paradise as a Cowboys fan....
  2. It's Friday, big NASCAR weekend, and opening weekend of the NFL season....time for a drink!!!
  3. Sending good vibes to you too, SozoZoso! Keep your chin up, good things just might be around the corner for you! LZG, sorry to hear you're having relationship problems. When you don't expect it, you'll find the one who'll be true to you!
  4. Just bustin' your balls, Sean! I hope more will join us during the season. Maybe some of these idiots with multiple personalities around here will!
  5. Walter

    Reality TV

    C'mon bud, you know who these two are - right? When that bell rang "Sue" certainly came running.....
  6. Walter

    Reality TV

    Disagree. These shows wouldn't continue without advertisement supported by viewership, even at the cheap rate of producing them. If you can't find anything to watch with your thousand channels - then a person of intellect, as you classify yourself, would not be wasting their money on your subscription. Yes, I agree you and "Sue" are definitely in a league of your own.......
  7. Little Ray Ray gets the TD!
  8. You're gonna lump my Cowboys in with the Jets and YOUR Raiders?!? That's alright we'll fly under the radar, if that's possible!
  9. I know reading comprehension is not always a common thing on this forum, but Paul said before his game listing that he needed time to chew over his picks so I didn't think there would've been any confusion. I'll be more careful in the future. I'm with you guys though.....where the hell is everyone with their picks???
  10. They've had no pitching depth all year and yet here they are - actually no depth at all. No right-handed power, inexperience all over the field and yet here they are. It really is remarkable, like them or not.
  11. I hope they do! Hate him and would love to see him get dotted again!
  12. It's a toss-up game to me - Cleveland v. Miami. I'm not sold on the Dolphins, but I do know they're getting better in some aspects. Their o-line is a concern. I love the Browns RB, Richardson. When it's that close I go with home field, running game, and defense - which I feel gives the Browns the edge. It's the first week though, so some crazy sh!t could happen. Like tonight.
  13. On top of the AL East? That's mighty nice of you, Rick!
  14. Walter

    Reality TV

    LOVE Survivor! Starts back on September 18.... Thought about starting a thread to discuss the competitors, strategy, and predictions of possible winners. If people weren't watching these shows, they wouldn't be on anymore - so I don't see it as a "reality show problem" as much as supply v. demand. Plus there are so many other channels to watch, reality t.v. shouldn't even be a blip on your radar, if it's not your thing. Never have seen Duck Dynasty, Honey Boo-Boo, and just about every other "redneck" show out there. Don't plan to either.
  15. AFC East: New England AFC North: Cincinnati AFC South: Houston AFC West: Denver Wild Cards: Baltimore, Pittsburgh NFC East: Dallas NFC North: Green Bay NFC South: Atlanta NFC West: San Francisco Wild Cards: Seattle, Tampa Bay Super Bowl: San Francisco v. Denver Champs: San Francisco
  16. Pull out the brooms, Yankees sweep the ChiSox and are now only 2 out of the 2nd WC spot! Still don't think they'll make it, but everyone was throwing dirt on them back in July - right Paul?!?
  17. Orlando - August 31, 1971 Immigrant Song is an assault on the audience!
  18. Very nice IMetLZ!!! Thanks for sharing!
  19. I cannot believe, heading into September, the Yankees are in 3rd place in the AL East, 3rd place in the Wild Card - only 4 games out of making the initial playoffs - with a run differential of -1! Girardi for Manager of the Year! The next team with a negative run differential is 14 games out of the Wild Card.
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