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Everything posted by Walter

  1. Here's a link to a Patti LaBelle/Gaga impromptu performance at a party recently. http://blog.music.aol.com/2011/06/08/lady-gaga-sings-with-patti-labelle-video/ Amazing voice!
  2. Saw them in concert back in '98. Very enjoyable show.
  3. I mean seriously, do you have to continue with these types of comments every thread you enter? I used to find your comments amusing, but you go too far. We know that you would fall into the "hate her" category of this thread. Please go start another one based on WOW to hash this sh!t out. Some people actually want to have a reasonable discussion about the biggest pop star in the world and not have every comment they make attacked by you and your view on things. Everyone has an opinion, yours has been shared - move on....unless you have something constructive to add to this thread concerning LADY GAGA. Sam, some help here please??? Peace.
  4. Last day of school and my students place 2nd in the county for their test scores.
  5. That's why you dislike her, really? If that is your criteria for listening and enjoying an artist, and I have no reason to doubt you, then I guess that is going to cut out a lot of them from your play list. To each his own....
  6. SnS, you are too much!!
  7. Yes, it would! I bet they would do something together, being in such close proximity to each other. They appear to be on friendly terms.
  8. Happy Birthday!!

  9. I never realised that "When I Paint My Masterpiece" was a Bob Dylan song. I have heard the Dead/Bob Weir cover it many times, but have never looked at who wrote it - until reading an article about Dylan recently. Great song rendition by Grateful Dead - love them/it!! Especially in the summer when cooking out! :thumbsup;
  10. Wendy O.? Oh yeah she is the one who I saw shooting marshmallows out of her vajay-jay - a real class act that one! I think you are on the record that you don't care for Gaga or her music.
  11. ^ That made a lot of sense! Funny auto correct post, Jahfin!
  12. So, since he played in a style reminiscent to "The Lemon Song", but never played anything off Zep II - then he must hate it then! Otherwise he would have played something, such as TLS, during the show. Oh yeah, Zep II is light years better than ITTOD according to you so he must have checked with you on what to play. What a stupid arguement that is!
  13. Coda was released as a contractual obligation to the record company (Atlantic), or at least that is what I have read. I am glad it was an official release and not just found on bootlegs without the final mix. Ozone Baby would have cooked live, IMO.
  14. Then I guess, by your definition, Robert Plant is not a real recording artist either. He never wrote any Zeppelin song by himself either, only with Pagey, JPJ and/or Bonzo. If you hate her music, that is fine - but as an artist she has much of the control of where her music goes and the producers say that as well. She usually comes up with the basic melody and the lyrics herself and then works with the producer or co-writer to finalize the product. It is no really a collaboration with her and someone else, until she brings it into the studio to be recorded. At least that is what I read in the articles that are out there. RedOne said that she wrote most of the hits from The Fame in a matter of 5 days, when they began working together. Anyways, not trying to convince of anything - just trying to give another side to your post. Peace.
  15. Satisfaction Guarenteed - The Firm
  16. In those solo set lists posted earlier, I never saw anything from Zep I or II. So does that mean he "hates" those as well? I believe the explanation of instruments used is the best evidence of why the set list was what it was. As for the O2 set list, again it was a band choice and the show was supposed to be 2 hours long. Choices had to be made and an hour of it was pre-decided by songs that had to be played. So, again, don't think there is any evidence to this. I would also like to hear JPJ speak about ITTOD in further detail, since he had such a major influence on it.
  17. I guess ole RC still has some "fight" left in him after all!! Go 29!
  18. Can't Get Enough - Bad Co.
  19. Still don't see any reason to think JPJ "hates" ITTOD.
  20. Another week, another concert, right Wolfman! Boy are you living the musical life!! Peace.
  21. Love this song. It, along with Darlene, South Bound and Fool... sound so fresh to me - like they could have been recorded recently. As was said before though, I've never met a Zeppelin song that I didn't like and I can't say that for any other group!
  22. ^ Which is funny because I thought she was a favorite with the gays!
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