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Everything posted by Walter

  1. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, that is a fact. But people, don't feed the troll. Less than two months in here and how many never ending arguements started by one poster?
  2. This so-called Rock n Roll HOF is supposed to give credit to influential artists. Who has been more influential than Alice Cooper and KISS on glam rock, hair metal, marketing, stage shows, etc. than those two? The fact Rush isn't in there is also an outrage. Who or what did ABBA really influence? They were a bi-product of what was popular at that time and never opened any new avenues in the world of music. Plus, their success was relatively short lived as well. For me the biggest thing they were involved in was renting out their recording studio to Zep to record In Through The Outdoor. Just my opinion. This HOF really has become nothing more than a politcal joke.
  3. My favorite song off Momentary Lapse... Anyway - "One Way Road" by John Butler Trio
  4. Agreed. Just glad he is getting back into music and seems enthused about it.
  5. I was hoping that JPJ having such a great time with TCV would make Jimmy want to play live again. Whatever the reason, it will be great to hear something new from The Master, Mr. Page.
  6. I enjoy those songs as well as his work with Jeff Beck on the Truth album. Underrated for sure!
  7. Just listening to this disc for the 1,001-st time. If you haven't cranked up the end of Spinning In Daffodils, you must. JPJ lays down some bad ass bass just as the Gilmouresque guitar ends the song. It is, again, in the left speaker and sounds amazing!! Just thought I would throw that out there for those who haven't picked up on it yet.
  8. Wolfman, I am usually with you on most of your posts. But, not this one. His show is better then ever on Sirius and Beetlejuice doesn't even come on the the show very often, anymore. Of course, this is my opinion. However, he is the ONLY radio personality to EVER get millions of people to shell out a Benjamin each year to listen to them. That is fact, like him or not. As far as the topic of this thread, I was turned off by that bozo who came on the show with all of that sh!t.
  9. The version from Destroyer, at about the 5:25 mark of the BCW/BYS duo on my disc, is where I have heard (what I thought is) the beginning portion of the "Shake My Tree" acoustic riff. Again I do not hear the entire riff, but since the first time I heard the Coverdale/Page song, I have always thought that is where I had heard it before the song was released. It may be a loose interpretation by me. Let me know what you think. Cheers.
  10. Pick up a copy of Songs For The Deaf. It is a GREAT disc! Grohl drums on that as well.
  11. I remade a copy of the disc with the song list order to match the shows' set list they did on the west coast the week it was released. I think it flows better in that order than on the original disc. This is the best album, top to bottom, I have heard in a looooong time!! Really love Scumbag Blues (with that funky keyboard sound in the left speaker, similar to Custard Pie or Trampled Underfoot), also Dead End Friends, Bandoliers and Elephant. Much like Zep, depending on the mood, every song is great!
  12. During the acoustic soloing Jimmy did during Bron-Yr-Aur Stomp ('77 acoustic set) you can hear that Shake My Tree riff developing. I never heard the complete riff, but in some versions the riffling style soloing sounded very close to it. That is the first time I have read where he developed that riff. Interesting, thanks Steve.
  13. ^ That's gonna piss off all of the QOTSA and Foo fans as they all seem to think Josh and Dave are running back to those bands early to mid 2010! Rock on TCV!
  14. Absolutely! I thought that the first time I heard it - just don't have the musical background to prove it. But, my ears completly agree with that assessment.
  15. The "Zeppelin Vibe" begins. Jimmy Page's opus for what he would become and where he took the band. Genius, no matter the originator.
  16. The song, and type of song, that Zeppelin was built on. Bluesy, long and whailing. Plant and Page are one on this.
  17. This song is purely the epitome of Zeppelin. Robert's powerful voice, Bonzo and Jonesy laying down incredible driving beat and Pagey the virtuoso.
  18. What I like most about this song is it showcases Bonzo perfectly. Starts with power, then finesse and then kicks into another one of his trademark tricky rhythms. Great stuff!
  19. I think Counterparts is their most underrated disc. Love it! Cold Fire, Animate, Nobody's Hero, Stick It Out, etc. Actually that 3 disc run Presto, Roll The Bones and Counterparts was a great series of discs. I saw them on each of those tours (plus 2 other times) - AMAZING!
  20. As soon as he said the film had Misty Mountain Hop in it, I stopped reading. Did he even watch the f-ing thing???
  21. Watching those clips and the other songs from the Wiltern show are just f-in' amazing!! I may have to buy plane tickets to go see them, if they don't come to FL soon!
  22. Great article Steve. I really hope, in some way, TCV and the way JPJ has been received will allow for Jimmy to want to do something with other musicians. I am sure there are many top notch musicians who would jump at a chance to work with him and create with him, within the framework of a band. I just hope he wants to do something, anything, in the future.
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