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Everything posted by 1975NQ

  1. Listening to NQ today from this show today and noticed something new that I love. At the beginning of JPJ solo, someone in the crowd gets chatty. A loud "SHHH!!" can be heard - and the chatting instantly stops haha. Gotta love a polite crowd. Some things *are* sacred. 😛
  2. Apologies, it's not remastered it's speed-corrected. The speed correction makes for a hugely more enjoyable listen to my ears. Here's the link to the upload on YT from LedZepBoots channel from December of last year : https://youtu.be/41H0dJTFl8g
  3. Yeah, you hit the nail on the head with everything you've said here. I remember when Spacemen 3 got big on college radio in the late 80s. A friend of mine was into them and turned me onto them. We were late teens/early 20s and you're in such a different place in your life at that time. How you think, the choices you make, the music you listen to, all of it. It's cool that Spiritualized is still around, but yeah I wouldn't pay $1000 and drive that far to see anyone in the desert, including Jimmy Page lol (sorry Jimmy). I was kinda hoping forum members would pick up on your post as a reason to clown on the silly names, look up different bands and see which ones we like/hate/whatever .. but instead it's a lot of political stuff. I think if you posted that exact same post on reddit, with all the names on the poster getting tinier and tinier, showing where they were on the totem pole, you'd get dozens of responses. Some clowning, some serious as heart attacks because their fav "I know them before they get big" bands are on there, some to see which one has the coolest name. I vote for Dom Dolla because it has that stupid/smart "we're too cool" thing going for it. Sounds very Gen X.
  4. If you like the Stoke 73 version, check out Bradford from that tour, played a few nights later 1/18/73. It's their best night of the tour imho. Robert struggles a bit in the beginning but then warms up really nicely. It's not an easy listen in terms of audio, but with decent headphones it's worth the investment!
  5. Happens to us all lol. I don't recognize most of them either,. I'm sure every gen says this about the music to the one that comes later, but .... I'm not seeing anyone on the list that makes me go "yeah!!" I am happy for Fatboy Slim, I suppose. And I am googling Giselle Woo and the Night Owls because their name makes me happy. Listening to them now, and they're music is chill and suits my current mood perfectly. So that's kinda cool. 🙂
  6. Yeah, I like his drumming here too. He's playing with an incredible amount of restraint, like on much of this tour, but you can feel a palpable sense of intensity behind it, like at any minute he could just go off lol. Pagey is playing somewhat restrained on this version too, giving the whole thing a very martial ("The Campaign") feel, but it works well and he opens up towards the end and really lets the fingers fly. This is actually a really nice show and would be one of the best of the tour if it weren't for Plant. Maybe it's my imagination, but I think I hear his voice warming up a bit through this version of SRTS, and he opens up a bit more on the following "Rain Song", strategizing on those chances he takes so they pay off. A very English performance (this is meant as a compliment, this tour and the 71 UK tour are two of my favs).
  7. That one is just pure Jimmy Page magic. I typically am not crazy about Plant's vocals on the 73 Euro tour, but thankfully he manages to keep it together for this song and not wreck it with a lot of cracks and squeaks. The thing just flys by and is the closest thing we have to my ears that recaptures the magic of the studio version. Some other top versions: Bradford 73 - requires serious bootleg ears Pittsburgh 73 - if a soundboard of this one ever surfaces, it could be revealed as GOAT as Plant sounds amazing and Page is at the "peak of the July peak" imo MSG July 28 - nostalgia bias? lol maybe, I don't care MSG July 29 - my pick for 3rd best live version ever, behind Offenberg and PIttsburgh Honorable mentions: Milwaukee 73 - energy level through the roof, Page is going nuts but I think I hear some slop here and there; Plant is also sounding good, this is a hugely enjoyable listen MSG 2-7-75 - a nice combo of fast tempo and killer atmosphere, Page on this one is as fluid as he gets in 75; Robert is not in great voice as per usual for this year but thankfully isn't cracking or squeaking; for some reason I find him bearable here; this one has that "it" quality, a personal favorite Earl's Court 5/25 - fast n furious, Plant's vocal botches are kept to a minimum , as good as this song gets in 75
  8. 7-29 is the best of the 3, start to finish, absolutely. If a full version of the 27th ever surfaces, that could change my opinion. But the run of RR through SIBLY is the most fun from this night to my ears. @Strider is bang on about CD. It's killer here and maybe best version of the year. Additionally, SRTS from the 29th is one of the best I've ever heard. I love the version from the soundtrack, but the one from the 29th is just smokin! It helps that the version of the boot available has Bonzo and Jonesy way up in the mix. The are killin it! NQ from this night is fantastic and gives the classic soundtrack version a run for it's money imho. Same with STH. And of course we have a really great performance of TY.
  9. Yeah it's possibly a confirmation bias thing, which is something I've been thinking about a lot with these low fidelity bootlegs. You get an idea in your head that something sounds better than it really is, and your imagination fills in the gaps. And then you hear your opinion echoed back to you in comment sections on YouTube or wherever else, and it confirms your opinion (talking about myself here). I think Plant sounds pretty decent at Philly once he's warmed up (by 75 standards) but a soundboard could reverse that opinion for sure. .
  10. I was as well. I love the NQ from this night
  11. Well, that was kind of my point in the post. Most Zep fans think Robert's having a great night at Philly, one of his best of the year (going off of YouTube comments, this forum, and some reddit posts). But the shitty sound quality may be masking the reality. So when you say "you are mistaken", you're making it sound like I was asserting something that I wasn't. I was saying that is ^supposedly^ a killer night in reference to my original point about sound quality. Capiche?
  12. I feel the need to stick up for this version of Dazed. 😂 This is easily one of Page's most fluid nights for 75, Robert sounds great here, and as you mention the whole thing is uber dynamic. I personally think it flows really well. Most DAC from 75 bore me to tears, but this one is a really fun listen even with some slop here and there. I agree with your nitpicks about 90% of the time, 5% soft disagree and occasionally I think "what is he talking about" lol. This is one of those times. If you're going to give Seattle 75 an 'A', where Page is less fluid to my ears and your original nitpick picked out loads of errors, this one deserves at least an 'A' as well. Normally, I wouldn't care .. one person's opinion is just as valid as anothers when it comes to music. But people who are unfamiliar/new to Zep boots might read these nitpicks as gospel - which they are not - and I wouldn't want them to skip this one based on the low grade.
  13. I think the shitty recording quality that masks flubs you seem to able to catch (your headphones must be much better than mine), Robert being in great voice, and the "high highs" of this show have given it mythic status - for myself included. I've noticed a pattern with some Zep boots that get mythic status, particularly for Robert's voice - they all have abominable sound quality. Manchester 71, Baltimore 73, Philly 75 are all supposedly killer nights for Plant. I find all of them rough listens, and I have some serious bootleg ears. Philly is the easiest to stomach of the 3. Anyway, just a thought. In the 80s, I had a horrible quality boot of 10-2-72 and thought for years it was a magic show. When a much clearer boot surfaced, it was a rude awakening. I'd still put Baltimore in the top 3 for the July shows until a soundboard comes out to prove me wrong lol. Curious what your thoughts are on Pittsburgh, as I think that show is killer and hugely underrated.
  14. After listening to the July shows for the past 3 months (with breaks to avoid burnout), I'm gonna take a crack at this. I decided to follow @JohnOsbourne's lead and just rank July. It was a lot harder than I thought it would be, mainly because each show from July has a lot to offer. One key consideration I should mention is Plant's voice. The better shape his voice is in, the more likely I ranked the show higher. He's a big part of their sound for me. I don't like hearing croaks and squeals, I don't care how hot the band is. This is a big part of why I have Detroit 7-12 as low as it is (still a great show). I'm sure a year from now this list will be different, but for now here's my ranking: 1. Providence 2. Pittsburgh 3. Baltimore - these top 3 are all so close for me that they're interchangeable 4. Milwaukee 5. Boston - this is an incredible show. I actually think Vancouver below is a better performance, but there's such a fascinating dynamic with Boston - the ugly crowd and Zep feeding off each other, especially towards the end. I really think Page and the band took their rowdy energy and channeled it into a shit-kicking, face-melting show. The raucous WLL finale gives the thing a sense of much-needed closure (for the listener anyway, maybe not so much the Boston fans lol) which for me puts it above the abbreviated Vancouver. 6. Vancouver - I really love this show. My new fav OTH solo, incredible SIBLY, a unique and top tier NQ, unbelievable DAC, one of the top STH solos of the year 7. The MSG shows - yep, lumping them all together. we all already know the highlights 8. Seattle - I really like this show and was surprised it didn't rank higher, but that just shows how insanely hot Zep was at this time. Also, the slower tempo holds less of an appeal for me personally - which doesn't mean the show is inferior at all. I have a feeling as time goes on I'll get a deeper appreciation of this one and it will rise in the ranking. 9. St. Paul - love the loose vibe of this one, as mentioned by @Bonzo_fan and @JohnOsbourne. Bonzo is "on one" lol. Absolutely killer SIBLY, DAC and HB/WLL 10.Detroit 7-12 11. Chicago 7-7 12. Detroit 7-13 13. Buffalo 14. Chicago 7-6
  15. Nicely said. My own sweet spot for the band is similar - March 71 through July 73. I've always viewed 72 as a transitional year for them, particularly with Robert's voice. 73 feels to me like a culmination of the development you mention, particularly with WLL in the UK 72-73 tour and Dazed with the Euro and US tours in 73. I've been on a July 73 kick the past several months so my post here might be a little biased from that lol. But the undeniable power and this-can-go-anywhere vibe of those 69 performances are really unique and a "must listen" for sure.
  16. Great question and +1 to @SteveZ98 comments. If I were to introduce someone to live Zep boots, and wanted to limit it to just a few shows, 4/27/69 would be one of them.
  17. ^^ This person did a great job, lots of killer pics from 71 here
  18. Been listening to 73 shows all weekend, mainly Vienna and Essen so I could compare,, and yeah gotta agree - Essen DAC for the win. 😀 Unbelievable performance.
  19. I think this is a fair assessment. I go back and forth between Essen and Vienna for all-time fav DAC.
  20. Gosh, German kids look a lot alike. 😜 Great post! I've always loved this song, and watching this put a big smile on my face. They NAILED it.
  21. Life is unfair. Be a nice boy again. You'll thank me later, I promise. Honestly, not trying to be flippant or anything here. I'm sorry you went through some tough times as a kid. And yes, there are lots of backstabbers out there, it's true. But attitude and how you perceive yourself and the relationship you have with yourself will make a huge impact on your life. I absolutely promise that's real. Just be a good guy, and don't worry about the rest. If someone fucks you over - cut them out of your life, real easy. Also - nasty people are usually miserable but fantastic at hiding it. I've seen this with my own two eyes over and over again throughout my life. You'd be surprised what people hide from the world, including the ones who seem to have it all on the surface.
  22. Ah, the 90s. I liked both PJ and STP. I actually liked Vs a lot more than Ten and played it a bunch when it came out, Went and saw STP at some music festival in 2001, and they were great. Scott Weiland was doing the Bowie thing to perfection. Never listen to either band anymore tbh, but I think both of them were all-time great vocalists. Eddie Vedder has made me tear up on some songs here and there, that guy is just a flat out amazing singer.
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