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Everything posted by lzfan715

  1. Freeebay, if it's as good as it sounds I'm there.
  2. It's terrible. She throws fits and everything. And I will have lots of fun.
  3. If it's the same place Robert came from, let me in maybe I can get a personal supply of musicians.
  4. If you have so many Jimmys why give them away? I'd keep them all until I knew eveything I wanted too.
  5. She has one picked out, but the poor kid doesn't even know it. The prices of everything, the urls of each thing she picks out. She's a bridezilla. and I wonder who told Bonham to give me Robert.
  6. How many Robert's did you give?
  7. I"m okay. a friend of mine is planning her wedding (she's 15 and isn't even close to getting married) she put me in charge of keeping track of her stuff and it's driving me nuts. Thank God, I have this place while I talk to her. Anyway, how are you?
  8. I hope so. So many people here are obcessed with Him, I can't stand them.
  9. Bonham you scared me. I though you were going her the band him for a minute. I was like WHAT?!. Then I realized you were just helping a Pagette.
  10. I am not 37 but I've been listening since the same age.
  11. Hi Angi and Ev, great to see you guys again. Angi, you should check out the Santa thread, I "got" you and Ev something, and I think a few others may have.
  12. Well, the someone with the white beard must know a lot about me to have picked Robert. They make good choices.
  13. I love the bandana I got you! Very Bonham. And how'd you know? The best Christmas present ever.
  14. I don't think we've met, but have a happy Christmas anyway.
  15. First off, I didn't see that part and simply said when it was realesed. No reason to get uptight. Second of all, the way your post sounds you aren't really all that "awesome", and who said I was going to say sorry?
  16. Bonham, your gonna give Rabia a nervous breakdown. Not a good idea. And I give you more vintage clothes, Bonham.
  17. At my mom's (just opened 3 hours ago), red chucks, an ipod, a bunch of shirts, a purse, perfume, a nail thing, and a tube of teal mascara.
  18. ^ No way! You want to get me that number? Just kidding, unless of course your serious. And yes Scarlett, they are. They have threads about hating Robert. I couldn't do that, I asked someone on there why they made fun of Robert and he told me to shut up and it was for the same reason they were about to make fun of me. They weren't nice like the people here.
  19. I was just looking for this thread yesterday. I bought Alice's Restaurant.
  20. Rabia, your welcome. Your the first person I thought of when I saw this. And thanks for the jewlery, I love it. How'd you know? I'd like to give Ev and Angi something, um, I have it, a vacation with Jimmy. So they can get to know to him.
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