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Everything posted by lzfan715

  1. lzfan715

    Most Beautiful

    I thought she was. She was conventionally pretty, but I think she was pretty. I agree about the smile though. It really did light up her face.
  2. lzfan715

    Pet Peeves

    I have homework to do and I don't want to. I also have to go to school tomorrow and I don't want too. Everyone has things like that. I personally hate them.
  3. I never saw the Coke commercial, seeing as I wasn't here when it was on but I did see it on youtube.
  4. Babe I'm Gonna Leave you is good when he's in it. I think Poor Tom is really good too. It's just too hard to pick.
  5. In some parts you can tell because there are mirrors behind the band but no audience in the mirrors.
  6. That's a really good point. ITTOD isn't really their style, but that doesn't make it bad, imo.
  7. I need record protectors. But some Zep memorbilia sounds good too right now. Or more vinyl depends when I get there, if I can go. I have to go.
  8. I bought a peace sign phone charm, and 4 pairs of peace sign earrings. (They're all different) I might have my dad take me to a music store later today though because I feel a need to purchase something musicial.
  9. I'm good thanks. I've had a pretty good weekend. I went shopping and couldn't find any good music deals, but otherwise it was good. There was even a store that just dealt with lp's and my mom wouldn't take me. How are you?
  10. I love it. And you have my old avatar.
  11. It's okay. Not everyone likes the same music. I looked it up on the internet and didn't find that he had been arrested. I could be wrong though. My understanding was that Jim went to Janis' house with his girlfriend. The girlfriend left alone that night and Jim left the next morning. Sometime before he left he told her she was bad at singing, or something. So she hit him over the head with a bottle of Jack Daniels.
  12. I love all these new pictures. thanks everyone.
  13. Welcome to both newbies! ( I say that in a nice way. I'm not throwing insults.) and Inga May I love the cupcakes.
  14. I love ITTOD. Hot Dog is one of my favourites. I know most people don't like it but it's so different for them. There isn't a song on ITTOD that I don't love.
  15. I'm sorry about the wait. My mum got on. What's wrong? You can pm if you need to.
  16. That picture is in my world history book. I opened up to it and yelled Viking Bob. People stared.
  17. I love the part about riding upfront. I'd do that too for the same reason. I want to know what's going on. I also love the water skiing part.
  18. lzfan715

    Most Beautiful

    I think that Janis had a beautiful smile. I'm a chick, so I don't mean it that way. I just think she had a pretty smile.
  19. I'd imagine that they had a fun. I mean she and Jim Morrison hated each other but from what I hear they more than got along. So it isn't like she wouldn't talk to anyone.
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