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Everything posted by Roxie

  1. I seriously think I had a shirt similar to that way back when. Gotta love the 80's!
  2. With Robert it could definitely play in stadiums (even if tickets were going for $500 each). But without him, I'm not sure if it will fill stadiums... arenas no problem.
  3. Ahh ok... I was curious why Robert would look right into the camera at certain points. That explains it.
  4. Really? That's good to know. I would think (hopefully) that would tie in with some sort of official news when it comes out.
  5. Sort of like that Seinfeld episode. "The other guy!".
  6. ^ That's absolutely horrible. You're right, I couldn't even imagine what that family is going through right now. I haven't read about any new updates to this.
  7. I agree with a lot of this. I think the LZ camp just let the press run wild with the assumption that there may be a full blown reunion tour without confirming or denying anything. The last thing I want is for this new singer to be a Robert clone. I just hope he does his own thing, and doesn't try to emulate him.
  8. Watching him sing "Nothin" and even "Black Country Woman" since it was a bit heavier, on the Raising Sand tour was a good example of him proving he's still a rock singer. Not that he needs to prove anything to anyone. He seems to be able to do it when he wants. But to sing that way for an entire tour at 60 years old, when so much is expected of you is another thing. His voice wasn't perfect live for an entire tour in his 20's either. Why strain his voice when he doesn't have to?
  9. Angel - I was thinking the exact same thing!
  10. I can definitely see your point. At home is a different situation for sure. But I prefer to listen to internet radio at work for the variety. Sometimes a song will play that I completely forgot about that's not on my iPod or whatever. Someone posted about 100.7 in Boston. I've been listening to that one quite a bit lately.
  11. ^ Cheryl Cole from Girls Aloud? She's my favorite out of the lot. Thanks a lot everyone.
  12. A couple of teeny tiny ones:
  13. They also did a version of "Going To California" during their set on that tour.
  14. I would bet those are already up for sale on Ebay right about..... now.
  15. Ok I'll play after 183 pages. Photoshopped up but I'm in there somewhere!
  16. Love these! Especially Jimmy's in the first one!
  17. I suppose they were looking at the fact that The Spice Girls did a full tour, and not just a one-off show. That I can understand, although that one Zep show is equivalent to an entire Spice Girls tour... and then some.
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