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Everything posted by Roxie

  1. Oh man... there's no way I would have been able to watch the movie if I had known where he was sitting. I'd be too busy watching him uh... watching him. OT - just read about what happened to Noel Gallagher. Pisses me right off. There are some true idiots out there. I'm supposed to see their show in London tomorrow, but haven't heard if it's been cancelled or not.
  2. I just hope it doesn't have the word Led in it.
  3. I'm not really a big wine drinker. But if I had to choose it would be white. I've tried to like red wine... but I just can't do it. I actually feel a bit nauseous if I drink red wine.
  4. When I went to see Robert Plant in Detroit a few months ago I had a bit of a hassle crossing the border. I had my Passport with me, but my friend only had his drivers license. I guess apparently he was told that the newer versions work as I.D when crossing. But the guy at the border gave him a hard time saying that wasn't enough. You may ok with just a birth certificate, but I would bring 2 pieces of I.D with you if you don't have a Passport. The Detroit border has always been more strict than the Buffalo border.
  5. I would have to go with JPJ. Quiet, but gets into trouble without anyone finding out about it.
  6. So many.... but the first that comes to mind is "Babe I'm Gonna Leave You". Especially the part "Baby, baby baby baby". He just sounds incredible.
  7. I heard it last night. It was really cool to hear those demo versions of "Babe I'm Gonna Leave You", and the live stuff from 1969.
  8. Nope, didn't know them, so it made it extra cool. You're right, it's nice to have that common bond.
  9. No problem! Luckily there was only 22 pages on this thread to go thru.
  10. Seems like most "classic rock" stations are doing something in tribute to the 40th anniversary. Right now Q107 in Toronto is playing Side one of Led Zeppelin 1.
  11. Well you did well Z4L... great videos from the past few days!
  12. Yeah, I was disappointed that the Jennings Farm Blues version I have has the Plantations omitted from it.
  13. Let's just hope that something amazing happens out of the jam so that they have to record and tour it.
  14. I'm re-reading (I tend to re-read alot) Carole Pope's autobiography called Anti-Diva. She used to be the singer in a band from Canada called Rough Trade. There are a few Zeppelin mentions in the book like how she saw them at the early shows they played in Toronto. She also mentions a meeting she had with Eddie Kramer at Electric Lady Studios and Jimmy Page happened to be there at the same time. This is what she said: "I had a meeting with Eddie Kramer at his Electric Lady studio in the East Village. He was standing there with guitarist Jimmy Page who was dresssed entirely in black. I must say that everything paled next to Page in that room. I'd heard that he was into the cult of Aleister Crowley, an English satanist from the thirties. I found him intimidating."
  15. Thanks for the info on the CD. I'm going to have to check this one out.
  16. Roxie

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    Those suits he's been wearing look SO good on him. His whole look lately is completely age appropriate, yet he somehow looks kind of youthful too!
  17. I'm guessing Jimmy's security team over the years has done a pretty good job. He looks happy and healthy, and there's been nothing reported about any crazy fan episodes thank god. Obviously we don't know everything, but I'm sure something would have made the news over the years. Maybe it's Jimmy who doesn't want to be surrounded by bodyguards everytime he leaves his house like the pictures you see of Britney or the Olsen Twins. I'm sure he (and Robert and JPJ) want to stay as "normal" as possible.
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