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Everything posted by Roxie

  1. Roxie

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    ^ That's hilarious! I'll take one of those shirts now. Their daughters must have loved Daddy's hand-me-downs.
  2. Roxie

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    Jimmy with the Prodigy
  3. Rock And Roll All Night - KISS
  4. It should show up on Canadian bookshelves soon. I was at Chapters the the other day looking for it, but it wasn't out yet. They had the Doors CR special on the stands. It will probably be a few more weeks for the LZ one to come out here.
  5. Looks like Little Robert Anthony is right in your face in this one too.
  6. Angel With The Scabbed Wings - Marilyn Manson
  7. <---- I enjoy him. 4 brothers make the mother(ship)
  8. I think his "plantations" are one of the reasons he's quite possibly the greatest frontman of all time.
  9. I got emotional reading the reviews from the 02 show, understanding what it must have been like for most of the fans there. I'm a Cancer though - we cry over everything. I'm crying right now.
  10. Neither - but if I had to choose it would be rap. Since one of my favorite bands is Prodigy who incorporate elements of it in their music.
  11. Oh how I love basset hounds. Must get one.
  12. Yes, now would be a good time for the official DVD to come out. As Jimmy is blatantly aware of the bootleg issue, I'm sure he realizes a few people have not-so-official versions. It's been almost a year... just in time for the holiday season! now's the time, the time is now!
  13. Thanks Lizzy! Must be a different Roxie on YouTube - I don't have an account there.
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