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Everything posted by badgeholder

  1. I'm getting a kick out of all the artist renderings. No drawing of Jones?
  2. This is very reassuring to me, that's it, keep pissing off the judge...
  3. the latest http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/thr-esq/late-filings-seek-exclude-led-902134
  4. The part about taping the mics to his hat, I'm not buying that at all, there were no mics that tiny in the seventies, that sounds like some youngster assuming that was what he did. From the sound quality he used good mics which were big back then. I'm thinking maybe they were taped to the handles of his wheelchair. I also think he stayed seated, a guy getting up from his wheelchair would cause a lot of unwanted attention. Just my two cents, I don't know for sure how he did it of course. From some of the chatter we know he had an assistant...
  5. Man, if this jerk wins can you imagine? On every magazine cover "GIant KIller!!" David and Goliath, etc... He'll be on every fucking TV show...OMG, just...NO
  6. The jury will only go by sheet music? Not actually playing the songs? That seems crazy in a case like this.
  7. I'm a giant fan of both guitarists, and I'm not going to get into who's better, they are both brilliant, imaginative and influential. The one big difference, to me, is how utterly professional Jimmy Page is compared to Hendrix. Jimi would get moody, have no set list, just see what happens at gigs, whereas Jimmy had a plan and brought it big time every night. Zeppelin practically invented the two hour show, and everyone else had to keep up, Jimi included
  8. Donny Hathaway Live! Haha! Now THIS was the album you'd play when you wanted to get lucky with the ladies, oh yes sir
  9. Well if this ( below) is true, they're not money-grubbing, it says they'll settle for one dollar and "writing credit" http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-04-26/led-zeppelin-can-exit-stairway-suit-for-just-1?cmpid=yhoo.headline
  10. I agree. Ol' Led Wallet is not going to give them one dime, he's going to win this
  11. Still waiting to hear what the fuck happened?
  12. Unbelievable! I'm in shock. This sucks RIP Prince
  13. Wow, this is interesting. Of all the places to find such info, a sticker on the album? No other confirmation anywhere I take it?
  14. Wouldn't you know, I fall asleep before the last nine holes. "Well, Speith's got a five shot lead, it's a done deal" right? I wake up to see he's now two shots back! I'm sure my neighbors heard me saying "What the fuck happened!" lol
  15. Cassandra Peterson is actually a redhead, I've met her before, very cool person
  16. Tampa '77! also agree that Bonzo's birthday is a good one. A sleeper is Chicago 1-20-75
  17. Yes, professor Chokesondick's work is beyond reproach
  18. "Leading Bonhamologist Nigel Foreskin" right
  19. Black Star, the new Bowie album - it's great. Anyone else get this?
  20. I was there and to my surprise it was still available
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