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Was there truly a committment or was it a ploy?


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He'll probably say what he always says in these interviews--I've got something in the works, there are several projects brewing, all new music, etc. etc.

Then we all die of old age waiting for it.

Nobody would be happier to be wrong than me!

That would be my guess too and I hope I am wrong as well!!!

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That would be my guess too and I hope I am wrong as well!!!

Me too. I just wish he'd get the motivation and inspiration for a project of some sort to be involved with musically.

From the clips I've seen of It Might Get Loud, it looks like he was having a great time with Jack White and The Edge. Well, at least we have that to look forward to in August. Although, my guess it will be in limited release as most documentaries are. Definitely, in the major cities at least.

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Me too. I just wish he'd get the motivation and inspiration for a project of some sort to be involved with musically.

From the clips I've seen of It Might Get Loud, it looks like he was having a great time with Jack White and The Edge. Well, at least we have that to look forward to in August. Although, my guess it will be in limited release as most documentaries are. Definitely, in the major cities at least.

Also possible it'll be on cable and hopefully come out in dvd :D

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Also possible it'll be on cable and hopefully come out in dvd :D

I'm sure, but can we wait that long? Definitely no!. I will find the closest venue on its' opening weekend and take whatever means neccessary to get there. It's a must!

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I would give my left nut to hear Page say he is returning this year with a whatever new project material and selective tour (dates).

I'm sure Page would love to move forward with new material, but like the lady waiting for her prince to return from battle, Page continues to wait for Plant to call him up. And since none of us are getting any younger, each passing day lessens the chances of this happening.

I don't remember which Zeppelin book I read this quote from but Grant said "Plant has always wanted to let it be known who the real boss is". AND I AM NOT BASHING PLANT HERE. Going out on the very top with an electric magic show like the O2 concert, maybe this is the best way to leave the legacy behind.

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I would give my left nut to hear Page say he is returning this year with a whatever new project material and selective tour (dates).

I'm sure Page would love to move forward with new material, but like the lady waiting for her prince to return from battle, Page continues to wait for Plant to call him up. And since none of us are getting any younger, each passing day lessens the chances of this happening.

I don't remember which Zeppelin book I read this quote from but Grant said "Plant has always wanted to let it be known who the real boss is". AND I AM NOT BASHING PLANT HERE. Going out on the very top with an electric magic show like the O2 concert, maybe this is the best way to leave the legacy behind.

I'm not sure Page has been waiting for Robert to phone him since all accounts have made it pretty clear that Robert stated the 02 was a one time occurrence and there was no intention of doing anything more (on Robert's end of things).

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Allright here goes my vent from replys from my earlier post.

To answer one of the questions that was asked i would have to say that i would rather see the members of Zeppelin do nothing at all and rest on the laurels of there past sucess then play with "most" of the bands of today (Exception: The Answer).Zeppelin came threw the ranks at a time when record deals were hard to come by, and competition fierce. Yet after the smoke cleared they sat as kings of there time. I mean how many bands of the last 20 years have or will have such a rich legacy after all that time? Now on the flip side of that you have the bands of today; they form, get a deal, get a studio produced hit and disappear within a year. Overated acts and musicians whos careers will last as long as their only hit did on the charts. Yet for that moment they are the flavor of the month. Someone in the above posts stated that it was a way for the musicians to pay mutual respect to each other. My belief is mutual respect is not needed in this case but should be given to the band that has earned its sucess and not to the band that has had it given to them. In my opinion Jimmy needs to protect his fine craft the same way the members have protected the value of there music. By that i mean not whoreing it out to every top 40 hitmaker. Zeppelin has always stood apart and alone from the "in" crowd and should remain so either in whole or separate parts. I mean don't get me wrong i was as excited as anyone when i heard and saw Jimmy play at the Olympics, but Leona Lewis trashing "Whole Lotta Love" like some R&B song, pure blasphemy. If you disagree think of it this way, could you see Jimmy backing up Frank Sinatra on the same song in 1971??? I dont think so. When Page does his thing with the Foo Fighters, Leona Lewis, or with P Diddy for that matter we all go " Well it was not great but atleast hes getting out there". As soon as he plays with someone more suited to his style like David Coverdale we bash him for playing with a Plant clone. To sum this up i fall back on my previous statement and feel that all the members need to make the right choices with who they play with to preserve the legacy of themselves and the music. I would never want them to be "that" old guy, or guys who played with "so and so" as we have seen with the Stones.

Waiting for the Barrage



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I dont believe in the above post, or any previous post i stated anything about being attacked. That said while others supported there opinion i felt i should support mine "At Length".



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I dont believe in the above post, or any previous post i stated anything about being attacked. That said while others supported there opinion i felt i should support mine "At Length".



Fair enough, then. You said the replies to your previous post made you feel the need to "vent" and that you were expecting a "barrage" in response, so I drew what seemed the logical conclusion.

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  • 4 weeks later...
...This is good question. There is quite bit news/discussions about Jimmy Page approaching musicians for new project, BUT from the opposite, which artists (new or past) have approached Jimmy Page/John Paul Jones for new possibilities....?

Has Jimmy turned down any offers?

Going through some old stuff and find this,

In a joint interview with Mojo magazine a while back, Beck and fellow

Yardbirds guitarist/Led Zeppelin founder Jimmy Page talked of doing a

project together, but since then Page has balked.

"I'd like to know how many times I've asked him. It's getting rude now.

I keep suggesting it and he goes 'Yeah' and nothing ever happens. How

many times can you bang on someone's door?" he says.

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Going through some old stuff and find this,

tks. lot, for the interesting find...Now, only if "HIS" answer was as interesting...and this brings right up to date with the "possible" next round of magazine interviews....Both Jimmy and Robert...I think I see a pattern here...(looks like Jimmy's magic wand is even under HIS SPELL)...

....in the meantime, I shall post ancient scanned yardbirds articles... :rolleyes::D :D

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From what I gather Page, Jones and Bonham were doing rehearsals with a singer or two in London along about the time Jones and Page played on stage with The Foo Fighters with Grohl...

As far as an actual commitment I never heard anything about anything being "inked." Because they had no voice ;)

Vid and short article


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